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Neverforget84.com - Sikhs want own stat.

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The majority in India has decimated the Sikh population in Panjab. Tens of thousands of young Sikhs went missing possibly killed or tortured by the Indian Govt. There is also the drug addiction among Sikhs. Perhaps the silent victims whose souls were crushed by the menacing apparatuses of the said Govt.

Punjab teeters on edge of crisis as 70% fall into drug addiction

Drugs are seen by many as a bigger threat here than the Sikh insurgency, during which more than 60,000 people died, writes Rahul Bedi.

AFTER YEARS of alternating between ingesting opium and heroin, Joginder Singh (25), from Ferozepur district in India’s northern Punjab province, is an emaciated wreck.

All this once athletic and handsome young Sikh waits for is his next fix as he stares sightlessly across his diminishing ancestral land holdings in Fattuwala village – a large proportion of them periodically disposed of to feed his habit.

In occasional lucid moments the 25-year old vows to kick his debilitating habit, but within hours is back on the drugs.

Efforts to engage him in conversation are futile as he babbles incomprehensibly.

Fellow villagers say the debilitating narcotics had not only ruined Singh but also “estranged” him from his surroundings.

“He does not know night from day. He’s like the walking dead,” Fattuwala resident Rajbir Kaur says.
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Punjab’s grievous drug problem was revealed recently in a report by Guru Nanak University in Punjab’s largest city, Amritsar, which declared that some 73.5 per cent of the state’s youth between 16 and 35 years were confirmed drug addicts.

The study said young people in villages were more prone to drug abuse, and attributed this to high unemployment, social tensions and easily available narcotics.

Shrinking land holdings and limited educational facilities exacerbated the problem by spawning a generation of disenchanted youth who felt inadequate and lacked self-esteem.

Punjab teeters on edge of crisis as 70% fall into drug addiction | SikhNet

The Irish Times - Mon, Jun 28, 2010 - Punjab teeters on edge of crisis as 70% fall into drug addiction

Punjab the most drug addict state in India - YouTube

Youtube comment,

A survey conducted at Amritsar jail recently showed that 80% of jail inmates were being given drugs.

Such a thing in a high security jail can not take place without the connivance and assistance of senior govt officials.Same thing is happening in other jails all over Punjab.

SikhRevolution 8 months ago

Some day Sikhs will have their free land devoid of the high caste of you know who.
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The majority in India has decimated the Sikh population in Panjab. Tens of thousands of young Sikhs went missing possibly killed or tortured by the Indian Govt. There is also the drug addiction among Sikhs. Perhaps the silent victims whose souls were crushed by the menacing apparatuses of the said Govt.

Some day Sikhs will have their free land devoid of the high caste of you know who.

drug problem is correct
Some day Sikhs will have their free land devoid of the high caste of you know who

yes this is a big problem in punjab.... punjab govt. and sikh religious institution are working very hard to sort out this problem.....this problem has nothing to do with 84 or khalistan ....khalistan is a dead issue now
The majority in India has decimated the Sikh population in Panjab. Tens of thousands of young Sikhs went missing possibly killed or tortured by the Indian Govt. There is also the drug addiction among Sikhs. Perhaps the silent victims whose souls were crushed by the menacing apparatuses of the said Govt.

Some day Sikhs will have their free land devoid of the high caste of you know who.
80% among dalit sikh
40% among jat sikh
30% among obc sikh and around 10% among khatari sikh.....not a real census but my personal observation
The majority in India has decimated the Sikh population in Panjab. Tens of thousands of young Sikhs went missing possibly killed or tortured by the Indian Govt. There is also the drug addiction among Sikhs. Perhaps the silent victims whose souls were crushed by the menacing apparatuses of the said Govt.

Some day Sikhs will have their free land devoid of the high caste of you know who.

you obviously dont know that 40 % of Indian Punjab's population is also hindu so these problems are there among Punjabi hindus as well.

You obviously dont know that there is a caste system among indian sikhs as well in which there are high caste sikhs and low caste sikhs .

You also obviously dont know that Punjab is also economically one of the most prosperous states in India.

About your dream of dismembering India , be very careful what you wish for . Last time when Pakistani tried to do that with Kashmir they ended losing what became your country . They didnt learn their lesson so now they are facing the music in Balochistan .

Still countries like India and Pakistan can lose areas and still survive . If we decide to do the same to your country where will you go Bangladeshi ? The only place comes to mind is the bottom of Bay of Bengal .
I dont know why other people are still arguing when sikhs have themself said that they dont want khalistan and those so called secularists who massacred one of the most patriotic community in india should be punished as a hindu i feel proud to say that various hindu organisations and several of hindu neighbours of sikhs helped in protecting the sikhs from those evil secularists
Indian-Pakistan border is among the most guarded border in the world, yet durgs have no problem coming in from the west of the border. This is BS. How come the drugs are not getting into the other border states ?

Indian Govt is behind this. Manmohon Sing is a traitor to the Sikh people.
Most of those who could, left India, so I don't think there's any popular support left for Khalistan within India.
hahahahaahah...sir what u r talking 30% of punjab population is of jatt sikh 9% khatari sikh and around 17%obc sikh ..Sikh settler in Britain,usa and canada are not more then 3% of total sikh population
Most of those who could, left India, so I don't think there's any popular support left for Khalistan within India.
Indian-Pakistan border is among the most guarded border in the world, yet durgs have no problem coming in from the west of the border. This is BS. How come the drugs are not getting into the other border states ?

Indian Govt is behind this. Manmohon Sing is a traitor to the Sikh people.

When you find a problem for your addiction to the drug called ''religious hatred and prism'' do come and share with us your experience. In the meantime, keep raving and ranting like a mindless zombie.

Pakistani punjabis have a soft corner for khalistan because the ONLY great king to come from what today is pakistan was a Sikh - Maharaja Ranjit Singh, they are tired of naming everything after tipu, ghauri, babur, khalid, abdali, aurangzeb etc etc... all foreigners. What they don't know is - for the sikhs of India, India IS Khalistan.
hahahahaahah...sir what u r talking 30% of punjab population is of jatt sikh 9% khatari sikh and around 17%obc sikh ..Sikh settler in Britain,usa and canada are not more then 3% of total sikh population

Praajee, Bhains ke saamne been bajane ka koi faida nahi hai. :lol: :lol: :lol:
seriously i dont know what to comment.....height of foolishness:blah:
1984? seriously? Its been 30 years since that. India and Indian Punjabis have moved on. I hope one day they get their count of Justice. But Pakistanis, please look into Balochistan movement which is on going. What retards.!
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