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The coming collapse of Gulf monarchies

I think the chance of Singapore getting annexed back to Malaysia is bigger than the chance of the collapse of the Gulf Monarchies.

Actually its not, despite everything, Singapore is doing much better compared to Malaysia, they're not comparable.

You are comparing a resource rich, undereducated, incompetent, religious driven, etc... country, with a rich, industrialized utopia.
Actually its not, despite everything, Singapore is doing much better compared to Malaysia, they're not comparable.

You are comparing a resource rich, undereducated, incompetent, religious driven, etc... country, with a rich, industrialized utopia.

You are comparing a resource rich, undereducated, incompetent, religious driven, etc... country, with a rich, industrialized utopia

Did you pray before posting this :lol:?

When the Mullahs' regime figures out how to feed its people, afford medicine to them, then we might talk about incompetence elsewhere.

And when the Mullahs' regime figures out what kind of an embarrassment did the " time-travel machine " cause to them, then we might need talk about countries with an education under development.

And when the Mullahs' regime figures out how stupid to see someone lashing him/her self, then we might talk about how religions are being driven elsewhere.

And when the Mullahs' regime figures out how to develop its natural-resources industry, then we might talk about other countries industry.
The Persian Gulf states are much like Germany and South Korea, they let America provide security and stability for them.

What would have happened if Saddam occupied Saudi Arabia? The emperor would be naked and the Arabians would rise up against their defeated ruler.

But recent developments indicate that the US is not interested in being the policeman of the Middle East for much longer...
The Persian Gulf states are much like Germany and South Korea, they let America provide security and stability for them.

What would have happened if Saddam occupied Saudi Arabia? The emperor would be naked and the Arabians would rise up against their defeated ruler.

But recent developments indicate that the US is not interested in being the policeman of the Middle East for much longer...

Saddam in his wildest dream could not and would not occupy KSA even their strategic cities and oil fields. One due to Iraq's depleted armored forces would be stretched too thin. Second KSA military machine even at that time was very respectable. Third it would have been pretty much a death warrant for Saddam ( which it kinda did become ) had he actually overstepped the borders to occupy KSA areas with the aforementioned purpose, turning Arabs and the Muslim world against them.

Iranians jumping at each and every chance to put down Arabs, admittedly with their own issues, do you have a complex issue or what? I am pretty much harsh against them but even i dont see the animosity you have coming from? Iran and the green revolution is something more probable. Chill man life is good :D

@Yzd Khalifa Delusions eh? One thing i admire about Arabs is their patriotism, only if we could have half of it.
Did you pray before posting this :lol:?

When the Mullahs' regime figures out how to feed its people, afford medicine to them, then we might talk about incompetence elsewhere.

And when the Mullahs' regime figures out what kind of an embarrassment did the " time-travel machine " cause to them, then we might need talk about countries with an education under development.

And when the Mullahs' regime figures out how stupid to see someone lashing him/her self, then we might talk about how religions are being driven elsewhere.

And when the Mullahs' regime figures out how to develop its natural-resources industry, then we might talk about other countries industry.

No but I learned to pray (Both Hanafi and Shiites style), just to save my life if I ever had to deal with an Osama ;)

Iran has one of the best healthcare systems in the world, unlike Saudi where you have to go beg some Prince to throw some money at you, all Iranians who are covered by insurance (85% of Iranians) don't have to pay anything to receive treatment. Medicine shortage was due to Western sanctions hindering process of import of raw materials used in medicines.

جريدة الرياض : «الرياض» شاهد على مبادرات «سيد الجود» الإنسانية

Why couldn't he do all this privately?

Again, I do speak Arabic :D And I have been to Saudi personally on several occasions, so you might want to boast a little bit less ;)

So you ignore all the Iranian top scientists employed abroad, and you just stick to that one crazy guy? By the way, the news was twisted by WIRED. What can you expect from Spencer Auckerman, the guy who always eventually gets fired.

Iran is under sanctions, YOU ARE NOT. Come back when you had to face .01 of difficulties Iran is facing.

Anyway, I was comparing Malaysia with Singapore, why did you get offended? Are you Malaysian?!

Don't get me wrong, I agree with you, I also believe that Islam doesn't belong in Iran.
this is one long *** article, I fear my reading ability inadequate to read it
Not to panic or anything ...but, mainstream media is essentially like government mouthpiece and what this means is what I've been telling you guys all along brothers.

I believe they also have plan for your countries as they speak with so much confidence via media about such collapses.

This is why I always tell all Muslim members here's to beware of the West. And honestly, even if it's a joke right now, Saudi Arabia should fish for CIA presence in their nation and put them behind bars for life. If they american official CIA members also put them behind bars and make the American audience know you won't tolerate covert activities with purpose of destabilization in your nation.

In Gaza Israel, Egypt and the US have tried their butt off numerous times since 2007 to try get something to work under disguise of 'popular revolution' except that all the employed collaborators were all arrested before hand and their plan utterly failed. Not even a hundred people showed up and the people of Gaza are well aware of foreign conspiracy and they won't allow the resistance to dissolve. People were saying that day Hamas would be going down and it turned out to be joke because people on streets most of the time are paid low life collaborators.

@Arabian Legend @al-Hasani @JUBA
No but I learned to pray (Both Hanafi and Shiites style), just to save my life if I ever had to deal with an Osama ;)

The very same leader of Al-Qaida which Iran's harbors within their country? :lol:

Al Qaeda in Iran, Why Tehran is Accommodating the Terrorist Group?

Terror and savagery became an exclusive trademark to the Mullahs' regime.

Iran has one of the best healthcare systems in the world

You don't have a rat. Spare us from your supremacist Persian ego. This little poor girl sought a treatment in no other country than KSA which has the largest medical research centers in the ME.

Saudi Gazette - Iranian girl in Riyadh for cancer treatment

Health meet to highlight medical advances | Arab News — Saudi Arabia News, Middle East News, Opinion, Economy and more.

unlike Saudi where you have to go beg some Prince to throw some money at you

The link you attached was a tribute to the late Minister of Defense. In most countries, when some political figures pass away, they mention the good things he did. The article you post covered the good thing he did to outsiders more than the things he did to citizens.

Why couldn't he do all this privately?

At the time when the article was written, he was gone for good. Didn't you say you know Arabic? :lol: :laugh: :D Well, if you do then you would understand that the article was written at the time when he died.

Again, I do speak Arabic :D And I have been to Saudi personally on several occasions, so you might want to boast a little bit less ;)

I could care less about what you know and what you don't know or what lanaguge you speak. I too have been in your country, I saw the effect of the sanctions on your people, which is awful.

all Iranians who are covered by insurance

(85% of Iranians) don't have to pay anything to receive treatment. Medicine shortage was due to Western sanctions hindering process of import of raw materials used in medicines.

We don't offer hands-out. Saudis have a free medical care coverage.

What does sanctions have to do with medication, you could easily import? You don't have enough money to do so, that's why your being kept in the outer space of darkness.

So you ignore all the Iranian top scientists employed abroad, and you just stick to that one crazy guy? By the way, the news was twisted by WIRED. What can you expect from Spencer Auckerman, the guy who always eventually gets fire

It isn't the first time we get to hear something stupid popping out of the Mullahs' regime. The stealthy Qaher may represent another example, and the lack of rain, according to Nijad was something evil the US did to Iran :lol:

Iran is under sanctions, YOU ARE NOT. Come back when you had to face .01 of difficulties Iran is facing.

Strict sanctions have been imposed not that long ago, thing started to get worse in 08. Before you didn't do anything better, so put the sanctions card inside your pocket.

Anyway, I was comparing Malaysia with Singapore, why did you get offended? Are you Malaysian?!

I'm not an idiot bro :lol: we read your posts.

Don't get me wrong, I agree with you, I also believe that Islam doesn't belong in Iran.

I didn't get your wrong, but people who live in glass houses shouldn't throw stones.

Maybe we would be better off if Iran reverts back to Zoroastrianism at this point, I guess.

No but I learned to pray (Both Hanafi and Shiites style), just to save my life if I ever had to deal with an Osama ;)

Iran has one of the best healthcare systems in the world, unlike Saudi where you have to go beg some Prince to throw some money at you, all Iranians who are covered by insurance (85% of Iranians) don't have to pay anything to receive treatment. Medicine shortage was due to Western sanctions hindering process of import of raw materials used in medicines.

جريدة الرياض : «الرياض» شاهد على مبادرات «سيد الجود» الإنسانية

Why couldn't he do all this privately?

Again, I do speak Arabic :D And I have been to Saudi personally on several occasions, so you might want to boast a little bit less ;)

So you ignore all the Iranian top scientists employed abroad, and you just stick to that one crazy guy? By the way, the news was twisted by WIRED. What can you expect from Spencer Auckerman, the guy who always eventually gets fired.

Iran is under sanctions, YOU ARE NOT. Come back when you had to face .01 of difficulties Iran is facing.

Anyway, I was comparing Malaysia with Singapore, why did you get offended? Are you Malaysian?!

Don't get me wrong, I agree with you, I also believe that Islam doesn't belong in Iran.
If Gulf Monarchies haven't collapsed yet in the chaotic aftermath of the Arab Spring, I don't see them doing so anytime soon.
America collapse..

China collapse

Pakistan collapse

India collapse....

and now Gulf monarch collapse... people love conspiracies all the time..
@Yzd Khalifa Too long didn't read... :fie:

You must have a lot of time hah? All your posts are like 1Mile long, if you were actually writing about something worth reading I wouldn't mind, but your posts are often filled with ignorance and delusions to the point that a reader might be inclined to think that inferiority complex is far too common of an issue in Saudi, which seems to be the case.
@Yzd Khalifa Too long didn't read... :fie:

You must have a lot of time hah? All your posts are like 1Mile long, if you were actually writing about something worth reading I wouldn't mind, but your posts are often filled with ignorance and delusions to the point that a reader might be inclined to think that inferiority complex is far too common of an issue in Saudi, which seems to be the case.

I didn't being up anything out in the open till you did.

This is what most people say when they're been killed in debates, they ran out of everything, go broke.
Gulf monarchies won't collapse because there is no much charm for democracy or even constitutional monarchy in the Middle East.
I think the chance of Singapore getting annexed back to Malaysia is bigger than the chance of the collapse of the Gulf Monarchies.
Sorry to tell you, the likely of that happening is extremely high. The middle east is being re-arranged by those who created those mini emirates and Kingdom along tribal lines.
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