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NCM has lost legitimacy.

Lol quote me when this joke of a “letter” is actually revealed.

I can’t believe that there sane people out there who think a foreign country, even a hostile one would write a belligerent letter to convey a threat. Lmao
I don’t think any one has claimed that a country wrote a letter. There was a meeting between some officials in an embassy. This communication was drafted into a letter and then forwarded by the embassy.
You can watch this account of the letter by a dunya journalist :
Question isn't about interference but rather foreign interference. Had this been a domestic movement, nobody would have been concerned. In fact, the way PTI had managed things people would have never come out this way.
The army itself has accepted that this is a foreign conspiracy against a sitting government, the question is what are the state institutions doing against these domestic puppets? Nothing from the looks of it. These courts who usually take notice of PM going to the Bathroom, why are they so quiet?
All state organs are displaying a criminal silence which is where the criticism is coming.
This is a good point, no suo moto action has been taken by courts.

However (I'm no legal expert) but the govt has not moved the courts to do anything either has it? I read so where that PM can ask president to impose emergency. If so - why follow through with NCM?

In my opinion he might be waiting to see who votes in which direction before taking action.

Alternatively maybe he doesn't have faith in judiciary and is waiting to be ousted to use it as fuel for re-election.
I don’t think any one has claimed that a country wrote a letter. There was a meeting between some officials in an embassy. This communication was drafted into a letter and then forwarded by the embassy.
You can watch this account of the letter by a dunya journalist :

Yes, that wasn't a transcript. It was a draft created by Ex-US Ambassador Asad Khan regarding his discussion with the US counterpart. Again, the establishment admitted accepted formally that it's an official THREAT to the state.
After all these developments, it is now certain that;

1. Any country can buy 172 National Assembly Lawmakers (majority) in Pakistan, the price tag is $300 million
2. Pakistan National security and sovereignty can be bought, it just depends on how much price you bid.

- Control of Nukes
- Free NRO to corrupt-puppet-politicians on demand
- 24/7 Live Media Propaganda

5 Year Warranty included:
- No state machinery will stop you once the payment is completed.
Yes, that wasn't a transcript. It was a draft created by Ex-US Ambassador Asad Khan regarding his discussion with the US counterpart. Again, the establishment admitted accepted formally that it's an official THREAT to the state.

It was more than a draft, less than a transcript. These were meeting notes as are usually taken by an assistant during any meeting.
I don’t believe all the conspiracies being peddled and the narrative being built around the NCM. Imran is going for a plethora of reasons, the foreign conspiracy thing is a convenient scapegoat and narrative to use for why he is removed. Only problem is that he’s actually damaging our relations with other countries in an attempt to save himself.

It’s why the COAS came out with comments on foreign policy matters directly today, indirectly refuting and challenging the stuff Imran has been peddling.

Imran Khan is a good man that no doubt loves his country and cannot be bought like previous pakistani politicians.

I am not a Pkistani and dont know the cultural intricacy to full extent, but i have had many pakistani friends and know that you guys dont like to hide your opinions or being cowards.

But still i think Imran Khan did some mistakes. He was too direct and should have kept his mouth shut and not criticized America openly. When he went to USA he openly criticized America policies in Afghanistan and Iraq and even praised China, that too on prime television shows.

Americans are a very self centered and proud people. Their existential identity revolves around being the best and world no 1. You cannot criticize and humiliate a powerful nation like that, especially when youre a guest in their country. Not wven China, Russia or any european country dare to do that.

my 2 cents
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If you don't want to believe and shut it with one liner of some "Sanghi" thing that is another thing. But I am sure Russia wouldn't be happy with below words.

"Chief of Army Staff (COAS) Gen Qamar Bajwa on Saturday said that Russia's invasion of Ukraine must be "stopped immediately", terming it a great tragedy.

Speaking at the Islamabad Security Dialogue, Gen Bajwa expressed Pakistan's serious concern over the conflict, adding that "despite legitimate security concerns of Russia, its aggression against a smaller country cannot be condoned."

"Pakistan has consistently called for an immediate ceasefire and cessation of hostilities. We support immediate dialogue between all sides to find a lasting solution to the conflict," he added.

He said the Russian invasion of Ukraine was very unfortunate as thousands of people had been killed, millions made refugees and "half of Ukraine destroyed".

The army chief said the conflict gave hope to smaller countries that they could still defend their territory with smaller but agile forces against aggression by a bigger country by carrying out selective modernatisation of equipment.

There are two very grave insights here...
It is one thing to be a client state under wraps but totally different out in the open.
I mean, it is bound to make people apprehensive about real and perceived... who they're dealing with and who is calling the shots.
What will be the takeaways... let's say for China(the largest single investor and source of military hardware)... on if they can trust Pakistan as a state, no less!
The obvious here being Russia... oil and wheat were the talk last month... I hope they don't expect U.S. to reciprocate except for offering more debt.
Fact is Pakistan could have years ago cornered oil, gas and other fundamentals or bedrock of modern economy by trading with its very immediate neighbors on bilateral terms, it didn't! It chose to market it's wares for west at it's own discretion. It chose to be part of a dollar based global order and purchased rather sank it's national wealth in obtaining the necessities on their terms ... making itself truly subservient to that order... by taking grants, gifts and debts in foreign fiat!!! All the while the elites enjoyed the benefits of this deal, Pakistanis suffered! Their worth and work was sold for cheap ...

Let's see what the fallout is and how some maneuver to wriggle out of this...
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The incompetent federal prosecution team can't even prove corruption against the Sharifs. You think these incompetents will be able to get a treason conviction?
Corruption against Sharifs is not proven? that's a new one for me. He is a convicted felon and his daughter and son in law. The younger one is getting reliefs from Courts. Just like everytime establishement should not be dragged into everything, the Gov should also not be when its the duty of courts to deliver justice, not of Gov.
The no-confidence-motion is null and void as per the constitution of Pakistan.

The National Security committee has confirmed the involvement of foreign puppets and investments behind this No-Confidence-Motion voting.

Since it is a proven conspiracy hatched by foreign puppets to oust of sitting Prime Minister. It can no longer be presented in the National Assembly.

Therefore, Prime Minister Imran Khan must stay PM for 5 years, as per the mandate of people of Pakistan.


If this motion goes through under the supervision of state security institutions and judiciary, then it is treason against Pakistan under Article 6, High Treason.

Article 6: High treason

1. Any person who abrogates or subverts or suspends or holds in abeyance, or attempts or conspires to abrogate or subvert or suspend or hold in abeyance, the Constitution by use of force or show of force or by any other unconstitutional means shall be guilty of high treason.

2. Any person aiding or abetting or collaborating the acts mentioned in clause (1) shall likewise be guilty of high treason.

2A. An act of high treason mentioned in clause (1) or clause (2) shall not be validated by any court including the Supreme Court and a High Court.
3. Majlis-e-Shoora (Parliament) shall by law provide for the punishment of persons found guilty of high treason.
Corruption against Sharifs is not proven? that's a new one for me. He is a convicted felon and his daughter and son in law. The younger one is getting reliefs from Courts. Just like everytime establishement should not be dragged into everything, the Gov should also not be when its the duty of courts to deliver justice, not of Gov.

The elder Sharif is out on a minor technicality; the lion's share of his loot is still untouched. The daughter is running free. The younger brother is still free as is his son.

Courts can only deliver verdict based on the strength of the prosecution's case. Government's prosecution team is a joke.

Since it is a proven conspiracy hatched by foreign puppets to oust of sitting Prime Minister. It can no longer be presented in the National Assembly.

As much as I support IK and loathe the PDM, the fact is that you have to prove each individual person

a) took a bribe from a foreign agent
b) agree to vote against IK in exchange for that bribe
c) carried out the vote against IK

That's very hard to prove.
The elder Sharif is out on a minor technicality; the lion's share of his loot is still untouched. The daughter is running free. The younger brother is still free as is his son.

Courts can only deliver verdict based on the strength of the prosecution's case. Government's prosecution team is a joke.

As much as I support IK and loathe the PDM, the fact is that you have to prove each individual person

a) took a bribe from a foreign agent
b) agree to vote against IK in exchange for that bribe
c) carried out the vote against IK

That's very hard to prove.

The biggest forum National Security Committee has accepted that there is foreign involvement in regime change with the help of local lawmakers.

No other proof is needed.

All other excuses are eye wash, delaying tactics.
I don’t believe all the conspiracies being peddled and the narrative being built around the NCM. Imran is going for a plethora of reasons, the foreign conspiracy thing is a convenient scapegoat and narrative to use for why he is removed. Only problem is that he’s actually damaging our relations with other countries in an attempt to save himself.

It’s why the COAS came out with comments on foreign policy matters directly today, indirectly refuting and challenging the stuff Imran has been peddling.
Shouldnt Pakistan look at what those friendly countries have done for Pakistan in past decade ?
Do more ?
FATF grey list ?
Limiting funds which were promised to Pakistan ?
Sanctioned institutions which building Pakistani defence capabilities ?
Supporting extreme and corrupt elements in Pakistan ?
Simple question if a person who has open case in court regarding murder or corruption case can than run for any state position in Western countries?
Than why these same element are being welcomed in Pakistan ?

At this stage it doesn't matter imran is good or bad, simple fact is this what are the remaining options
Bajwa openly going in uncle sams camp, Other parties openly going in uncle sams while ignoring China who has done actual work and provide funds when others didnt even cared if Pakistan existed, why all this drama started when IK went to russia but why arnt we seeing similar steps being taken in India took similar condition , why no talking about indian position why only focus on Pakistan when neither is Pakistan a major trade partner of russia and have almost no trade
The elder Sharif is out on a minor technicality; the lion's share of his loot is still untouched. The daughter is running free. The younger brother is still free as is his son.

Courts can only deliver verdict based on the strength of the prosecution's case. Government's prosecution team is a joke.

As much as I support IK and loathe the PDM, the fact is that you have to prove each individual person

a) took a bribe from a foreign agent
b) agree to vote against IK in exchange for that bribe
c) carried out the vote against IK

That's very hard to prove.
Pakistani courts are compromised like the one who ordered IK Gov to allow a convicted criminal to travel abroad without even as much as asking for a bond. Where is the fault of Gov in that. I don't think anyone needs to tell anyone that. And if anyone believes otherwise, he's simply fooling himself.
This is a good point, no suo moto action has been taken by courts.

However (I'm no legal expert) but the govt has not moved the courts to do anything either has it? I read so where that PM can ask president to impose emergency. If so - why follow through with NCM?

In my opinion he might be waiting to see who votes in which direction before taking action.

Alternatively maybe he doesn't have faith in judiciary and is waiting to be ousted to use it as fuel for re-election.
IK most probably had realized that game is already all rigged against him. When those parties that are solid establishment puppets started switching side, this should have been a telltale sign that Bajwa and Co. was playing against him. He had the opportunity to sack Bajwa 2 weeks ago.

He failed to make the move, now he pays.

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