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Navy to buy seven submarines

We need to speed up the process to get our new subs.. even if its french what ever happens is out of our control cuz of our courpt gov & mr 10% anyhow this needs to happen asap.
Sorry guys but memory is failing me.Does anyone remember what the cost of the original contract for the 3 Agosta 90 Bs was?
i tried to find it but could nt..but yes if u do find the article where it says that the indian navy has leased the submarine ..it clearly states dat with an option to buy it after the lease ends....that is after 10 years

u cant buy nuke subs, international treaty bans nations from selling nuke subs thats why india leased it because of a loophole

Araz..Pakistan and DCN France signed a contract for 3 Agosta 90-B submarines on 21 September 1994 and was valued at 5.4 billion francs (775 million dollars)
Ocean is so big ppl could not even discover Titanic for 80 Years...where it crashed

So imagine a ordinary sub , if its moving and stopping hidding under water the only change anyone has of discovering it is if it surfaces...

Nuclear subs are ok , but even conventional subs that can launch Surface to Surface missiles are big plus ...

We need to be manufacturing subs , when we got Agosta we shoudl have been building subs in numbers
We need to speed up the process to get our new subs.. even if its french what ever happens is out of our control cuz of our courpt gov & mr 10% anyhow this needs to happen asap.

Does Zardari still has enough leverage to impact our defense procurements? I was hoping that after all the recent power transitions to P.M. he will not be able to do so. If he can still play his dirty tricks then it would be a very sad state :(. He has already ruined/delayed the U214 deal.
Does Zardari still has enough leverage to impact our defense procurements? I was hoping that after all the recent power transitions to P.M. he will not be able to do so. If he can still play his dirty tricks then it would be a very sad state :(. He has already ruined/delayed the U214 deal.

His constitutional powers may have been reduced, but he is still in power of PPP and its ministers, which are running the govt.

So yes he has still the power to manipulate defence deals through his ministers, which he was already doing.

So there is no change.
This isn't just my opinion, but something that may be a little more than the usual from me (if you know what I mean):

Naval acquisitions are a longer-term affair compared to fighter aircraft and tanks, and generally speaking, more expensive. Like its sister organizations, the PN is now diverting most of its funds into new(er)-generation programmes that are currently in the development phase, such as MILGEM & TF-2000 - i.e. Turkish. Similarly, the U-214 SSK may also be tied in to Turkish development (so that PN can get an even more advanced electronics, sensor, & command-control package than current U214). In any case, no Turkish system - except further MRTP, FACs, and OPVs - will be entering PN from 2010-2019...all of these programs are post-2020.

The remaining funds will likely go into Chinese systems such as the Yuan SSK and Type-054A...these alongside Agosta-90B and used-OHPs will form the 'minimum deterrence' capacity necessary. However, after 2020, things will really start to roll in terms of fleet advancement and expansion...by 2030-2035 it is hoped that the PN will be a power. In any case, funding is a major issue of concern for even that period of time...
Seems the OHP part is coming alive. Assuming the OHPs are not armed with systems such as ESSM, the PN will probably acquire a variant of Type-054A with HHQ-16 or HHQ-17. On the other hand, I can't tell if PN would need the Type-054A if 4~6 of the OHPs are equipped with GENESIS, Mk.41 w/ESSM, etc...it might be wiser to save $$$ for TF-2000 and TF-100 to replace the OHPs further down the line.
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Seems the OHP part is coming alive. Assuming the OHPs are not armed with systems such as ESSM, the PN will probably acquire a variant of Type-054A with HHQ-16 or HHQ-17. On the other hand, I can't tell if PN would need the Type-054A if 4~6 of the OHPs are equipped with GENESIS, Mk.41 w/ESSM, etc...it might be wiser to save $$$ for TF-2000 and TF-100 to replace the OHPs further down the line.

What is TF-2000, TF-100 any more info on that ?
Does anybody has information as to why the U-214 submarine deal with Germany is no longer pursued ?

i think the deal with germany is still going through but we will not receive and submarines until 2016.. we need to have atleast 12 subs so i guess PN will buy few subs from france, and china to cover the stop gap
Any Naval Chief Admiral (asian region) would want his hands on the lethal U-boats the name itself gives chills to enemy because of its history. I still believe our govt/Navy had turn down the deal of U-214..
but i hope PN would asked french to get merlins subs to the edge of technology.

sir, Merlin Is still on Drawing Board, PN should Go for U-214 coz Merlin Iz upgrade On Scorpene sub which IN is using.
What is TF-2000, TF-100 any more info on that ?

The TF-2000 class frigate is an anti-air warfare frigate design currently undergoing development by the Turkish Naval Institute for the Turkish Navy. It is the only Turkish Frigate class to utilize Directed Energy Weapons. It is suppose to be around 6,500 tons.


* Harpoon and/or RBS15 Mk.III/IV and/or Naval Strike Missile (SSM)
* RIM-156 SM-2 Block IV (SAM/SSM)
* Turkish naval cruise missile currently being developed by Roketsan

Directed Energy Weapons:

* Laser Directed / Kinetic Energy Weapons
* Directed Infrared Counter Measures


* Mark 32 Surface Vessel Torpedo Tubes


* Sikorsky S-70B Seahawk and/or UAVs

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