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NATO copter downed; Navy SEALs among the 30 U.S. dead

I am willing to be corrected. But I have read that Pashtuns really don't have real power despite Karzai being the President and that the Northern Alliance is essentially the real power and that the security forces are predominately non-Pashtuns. That was not some smart political move by the coalition forces.
BTW, you really can't accuse me personally of wanting the non-Pashtuns to not have power. I have stated that Pashtuns feel deprived after the Fall of the Talibans in 2001 and that's why I think this is essentially a civil war.
You might have read it, but it is not reality, the non pashtun parties or i should say the only main party is in opposition, they are not in gov anyway. Hizbe Islami Gulbudin Hekmatyar who is fighting the gov have probably more administrators, governers and officials than the main tajik party led by Abdullah. Yes, pashtuns are not happy and there is a reason for it, they had 100% controll and power before 2001 while the other groups were having zero share, the same thing is correct during Zahir Shah's time when the gov was purely pashtun and military was purely pashtun, they have lost that dominance and they are not happy.

I hope you Afghans of all shades get your act together and become one nation. I know there are ethnic divisions in Pakistan too but, boy, even in your pre 1979 era you were an extremely tribal society with very little to show for and flirted with communism in a deeply religious, agrarian society. There is so much you can blame Pakistan. Sadly, your country has become a playground for different powers since late 70's and today it is the same. You have a govt. which really can't stand on its own despite almost 10 years of the mightiest military and economic powers propping you up. Why is that?

What we see in Afghanisan is something we need to blame ourselves, but it will be very unjust to blame afghans for thier misary only, how come a poor nation like afghanistan could stand against the might of 2 superpowers and many other regional powers while they had decided to test their might and power in our country? i think we had little chance.
The irony in all of this is incredible. The same Navy Seals Team (Team 6) that carried out the operation to assassinate OBL now gets attacked in Afghanistan in a major strike by the Afghan Taliban, with deadly results.

Taliban, those guys are hardcore...
RIP to the fallen who died in the line of duty.

There will probably be a big investigation into just what the Taliban used. Is this the advent of shoulder launched missiles being used or just an RPG hit?
I am one of those people here who would say that there should not be more weight given to the Pashtuns than their numbers--after all, they are not even 50 of the population. Greed for power is unjust and counter-productive. But it is for you Afghans to settle that. At least, in 10 years, you should have had a viable force for the post-America period. TEN YEARS!
And I am not blaming Afghans for all their problem. I have clearly stated that since late 70's Afghanistan is a playground for other powers. And let me tell you this: You are not helping the situation by NOT speaking as one nation. In the 70s a segment of your society thought that communism was good, while other segments thought otherwise. That allowed two superpowers to play their games. And right now you have one superpower propping up an ineffective, corrupt, and frankly cowardly government while a large part of your society is resisting that.
Speak as one nation! For once resolve your disputes and then no one can take advantage of you.
The Afghan Taliban conducted the deadliest attack on any US Special Forces in US military history.
^^^if we speak as one nation, then much of our problem is solved, sadly this is bitter truth that is haunting us.
I don't want to sound condescending or anything, but the world's strongest powers have invested heavily in Afghanistan; militarily, economically, politically for 10 years now; but there is no change in Afghanistan. The US & international forces have spent their resources to the point of severe depletion to shore up the ANA & the ANF, yet, they are not able to challenge the militants in the region, & are in fact, losing out to them? What is the solution for Afghanistan? The fact of the matter is, the Taliban in Afghanistan are more than just a few extremists, but have more legitimacy that the current present government in Kabul. Whether the Afghans want to deny this fact or not, is up to them.
^^^if we speak as one nation, then much of our problem is solved, sadly this is bitter truth that is haunting us.

You are correct.
You know there is military operation going on in Pakistan's tribal areas. Some people call it Pashtun ethnic cleansing. But, by and large, most Pakistanis, even Pashtuns (ANP is a Pashtun nationalist party) support the Pakistani army crushing the militants. So, to this day, no one has been able to hurt Pakistan beyond acts of terrorism done by the fanatics. You need a similar model.
My advice for our Afghan brothers would be to politely but firmly tell both India, Pakistan, Iran and the NATO elements to get out of Afghan affairs totally, form a grand coalition govt. based upon ethnic population for 10 years, bring back refugees and start building back your nation. You have a beautiful country with enough resources for your population.
No one is blaming Pakistan. That's ridiculous.

My sincere wish for you is that you will one day live under Taliban-style leadership. That is, unless you are one yourself in thought and deed. Whip any women lately? Drop off any poison gas at a girls' school?

Bombed any weddings?
Killed many kids?
The ghost of bin ladin turned the RPG in to the guided missile

As the saying goes, something is crooked in Denmark!!!! (read CIA).

If a dead OBL was GERONIMO!

Would then the 31 dead US SEAL TEAM 6 DEVGRU Members be FLY SWAT!!??

As now its Afghan Talibaan time to announce..............For God & Country, GERONIMO x 31........!!!

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