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NATO & Afghan Forces attack Pakistani Soldiers in North Waziristan

I think the title is a bit misleading............it should be "Northern Alliance & NATO Forces attack Pakistani Soldiers "......the power of language!
This sort of actions won't help NATO. Are they trying to send some sort of message in the back drop of Davis case or just a mistake
I agree with you and Ice but the only thing we have to be careful about it that if we do what we should be doing it will clearly play in the hands of the indians and others who want us and the Afghans as enemies. So it has to be a very calculated response like it is said kay sanp bhi marjaye and lathi bhi na totay. Because remember it is only a few of the @##es and not all. Most of the Afghans neither want to make an enemy or us nor do they want to be our enemy as well.

Yes I agree that our actions should be not just based on emotions and they should kept as secret as possible. But the question is how many more Pakistanis should die to wake up our officials both in civilan and military leadership. We haven't seen any action from Pakistan to avenge the death of those Pakistanis who die regularly in different incidents of terrorism thanks to this so called brotherly country. How many more Pakistani soldiers would have to die so that some one in GHQ might realize that enough is enough. How many more Pakistanis would have to die so that some one in Islamabad might realize that it is time to take some action. Every Anti Pakistan element whether it is TTP or Barahmadagh are enjoying Afghan hospitality and we are here talking about some brotherhood with this pathetic country. I don't give a damn care whether they are muslims or whatever. If someone is involve in terrorism in Pakistan I demand action against that terrorist. And this goes same for even an individual, or a tribe or even a country.

Enough is enough. :angry::angry:
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but mine are..........
both through religion and genetics.
so think before it.
may be some of them too have same feeling for us as you have for them. so rather than giving such cheap remarks try to understand realities.

Afghanistan brother Lolzzz. If I would have the same brother as Afghanistan and he would have done the same to me as Afghanistan has done to Pakistan I would have killed him myself.:lol:
I agree with you and Ice but the only thing we have to be careful about it that if we do what we should be doing it will clearly play in the hands of the indians and others who want us and the Afghans as enemies. So it has to be a very calculated response like it is said kay sanp bhi marjaye and lathi bhi na totay. Because remember it is only a few of the @##es and not all. Most of the Afghans neither want to make an enemy or us nor do they want to be our enemy as well.

I agree with you, but keep in mind, Afghans consider Pakistan to be their biggest enemy.

Most Afghans in general (especially the Afghan Pakhtuns) dislike and in many cases hate Pakistan.
I agree with you, but keep in mind, Afghans consider Pakistan to be their biggest enemy.

Most Afghans in general (especially the Afghan Pakhtuns) dislike and in many cases hate Pakistan.

I second that. In my 5 year experience in Isloo I met countless Afghans who hated us. Not trying to inflame anyone but we dont need to go out of our way to show our love and affection if we are not treated like wise. Be it muslim or neighbour, treat us like u want to be treated.
I second that. In my 5 year experience in Isloo I met countless Afghans who hated us. Not trying to inflame anyone but we dont need to go out of our way to show our love and affection if we are not treated like wise. Be it muslim or neighbour, treat us like u want to be treated.

This is exactly what i mean. If the Afghans hate us to such an extent, then why million's of their refugees are in Pakistan. Even many of the Afghan refugees living in Pakistan openly admit to hating Pakistan.

Bunch of shameless beggars.
afghans hate pakistan because of how we pushed the taliban on them, and before that how we treated their refugees for our war in their country. i have had the chance to meet several afghans in the past 2 years - they have all middle to upper-middle class afghans who lived in peshawar or quetta before emigrating to the US. and only have horrible things to say about how they were treated while living in Pak.
Are you people really expecting that PA would retaliate?:disagree: Kiyani and the rest of the generals lot has been smooched by the Americans and that's what matters to them, they don't even give a rats a** if one soldier dies. Be real people............If Pakistani General had any balls then incidents like that wouldn't have happened at first place
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Looks like there are two accounts being given both considerably different from the other. We should wait for more information on what exactly took place.
afghans hate pakistan because of how we pushed the taliban on them, and before that how we treated their refugees for our war in their country. i have had the chance to meet several afghans in the past 2 years - they have all middle to upper-middle class afghans who lived in peshawar or quetta before emigrating to the US. and only have horrible things to say about how they were treated while living in Pak.

If we are that bad then why not leave us? Already our economy is in dire condition, this will ease some strain. Plus, even us pakistanis are treated horribly in our own contry then how do u expect them be treated any better?!

With regards to the taliban comment, did we have a choice if not tacitly support our national interest? And bro ill put my hand on my heart and say I have come across many Afghans here in the Uk, abd most of them still say Taliban rule was better. Now am not supporting Taliban here, but there are a significant number of Afghans who will still opt for Taliban. Atleast thats what I have come across here.
At the end of the day................... they are our muxlim brothers.
Inshallah they ll come around. Dont take ur frustration out on local refugees pls.
We live in our own country so we cant imagine their emotianal sufferings let alone their material hardships..
Are you people really expecting that PA would retaliate?:disagree: Kiyani and the rest of the generals lot has been smooched by the Americans and that's what matters to them, they don't even give a rats a** if one soldier dies. Be real people............If Pakistani General had any balls then incidents like that wouldn't have happened at first place

And then we are told that our Army is amongst the best! If they cant help themselves, sometime I really begin to wonder if they can actually protect us when we see our soverignty being shattered on a daily basis.
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