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NATO & Afghan Forces attack Pakistani Soldiers in North Waziristan

wo.wo.wo.wo.....hold your horses right there.It was a skirmish between regular Afghanistani soldiers and Pakistani soldiers,why drag India in between, I can understand you guys feel india is sponsoring terrorists but, this is done by regular army of afghanistan,
India is not a party to this

Listen boy go back and read what i had written and what was to be meant by it. Some times when you are slow to understand something its better to not show it. A free advice to you it will come in handy.
I will only say it is different in appearance, the nature is the same. You are under the influence of the US, they pay you and want something in return, they have killed your soldiers, they are attakcing your villages and killing your villagers, what is the difference, i dont know.

They pay us, but they are left disgruntled with Pakistan, always asking Pakistan to do more. They want Pakistan to close to safe havens in North Waziristan, but they are not closing the safe havens in Paktia, Logar, Kunduz, Kunar, Nuristan; where most of the TTP and AQ militants infiltrate from into Pakistan. That is a different issue, but Pakistan will always look after its own interests before the US's. If it feels the US is trying to jeopardize them, they will cut them off (the supply route cut-off for 10 days is an example, and as a result of that, the US officials literally had to plead forgiveness). In contrast to that, your country is being used as a proxy land by Americans and international forces, and they are running your country only, no one else.

Historically militacny have come from paksitan to afghanistan.

Better than our own parties which are nothing but proxies of others, if nato leaves, there will be flow of blood on the streets.

That is because the Pashtun nationalists formed a puppet government that let foreign invaders invade their country, kill hundreds of thousands of their own people, and didn't give a crap about them. They only instigated the situation in Afghanistan. The Pashtun nationalists (Karzai) let the US, India and other countries use Afghanistan for their proxy wars. Pakistan has never been directly involved in Afghanistan, it has only supported the Afghan resistance movement (Afghan Taliban). There is a difference. Pakistan supports certain types of Afghans, the US and other forces themselves are involved in Afghanistan, and causing hurt to the people. No amount of foreign forces can help Afghanistan; only Afghanis can help Afghanistan. If all the Afghans hated Taliban, and only Pakistan supported the Afghan Taliban, the Afghan Taliban would be overthrown in days. But that never happened.
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why do you want me to repeat the same thing over and over. they have support, just like your taliban have support in paksitan.

Taliban dont have support in my country. Dont mix things here, we have rejected them and launched campaign against them. Do you see anyone supporting them in Pakistan? Even our hardcore Mullahs have rejected them so there is no support here. Stop jumping to cheeky conclusions by urself.
So there is NOTHING common in terms of support for talibs between Afghans and Pakistanis. And you agree they have support there in AFghanistan. Its just that u think its much leas then what it really is.

And sorry about the double post, dint realse my first post had been published.
AM, than the question comes to my mind--Why don't we need that air/artillery support near our border? We have not made any assumptions till now. We have not killed NATO soldiers nor Afghan.

If the terrorists can infiltrate their border than the terrorists on that side can infiltrate our border.
Do we have some type of commandos or robots that can analyze the situation within seconds and react? And that is why we don't need air support near our border making the same mistake which others do?
Or--We do not have a significant presence on our border?

What is the deal here bro?
Pakistan has taken an official position that cross-border attacks on insurgents are unacceptable. Pakistan therefore, AFAIK, does not do 'hot pursuit' or attacks across the Afghan-Pakistan border, despite several instances where hundreds of fighters have launched attacks against Pakistani forces in Mohmand and Bajaur out of Kunar.

ISAF obviously does not adhere to that principle, and continues to attack targets across the border, at times without clearance from Pakistani authorities, and on occasion that has resulted in Pakistani soldiers and check-posts being attacked. It is not that they analyze the situation better, ISAF follows a different policy on cross-border attacks on insurgents, and they don't always clear it with Pakistani forces as Pakistan has demanded they do.

However, at this point it is not at all clear whether ISAF was involved in the clashes. Jana and one other report has indicated that they were, but we should wait for official confirmation.
I will only say it is different in appearance, the nature is the same. You are under the influence of the US, they pay you and want something in return, they have killed your soldiers, they are attakcing your villages and killing your villagers, what is the difference, i dont know.

They pay us, but they are left disgruntled with Pakistan, always asking Pakistan to do more. They want Pakistan to close to safe havens in North Waziristan, but they are not closing the safe havens in Paktia, Logar, Kunduz, Kunar, Nuristan; where most of the TTP and AQ militants infiltrate from into Pakistan. That is a different issue, but Pakistan will always look after its own interests before the US's. If it feels the US is trying to jeopardize them, they will cut them off (the supply route cut-off for 10 days is an example, and as a result of that, the US officials literally had to plead forgiveness).

Historically militacny have come from paksitan to afghanistan.

Better than our own parties which are nothing but proxies of others, if nato leaves, there will be flow of blood on the streets.

That is because the Pashtun nationalists formed a puppet government that let foreign invaders invade their country, kill hundreds of thousands of their own people, and didn't give a crap about them. They only instigated the situation in Afghanistan. The Pashtun nationalists let the US, India and other countries use Afghanistan for their proxy wars. Pakistan has never been directly involved in Afghanistan, it has only supported the Afghan resistance movement (Afghan Taliban). There is a difference. Pakistan supports certain types of Afghans, the US and other forces themselves are involved in Afghanistan, and causing hurt to the people. No amount of foreign forces can help Afghanistan; only Afghanis can help Afghanistan. If all the Afghans hated Taliban, and only Pakistan supported the Afghan Taliban, the Afghan Taliban would be overthrown in days. But that never happened.

if i respond to you, then we will completely deratil the topic. private message me if you want i can disscuse it with you over there.
Taliban dont have support in my country. Dont mix things here, we have rejected them and launched campaign against them. Do you see anyone supporting them in Pakistan? Even our hardcore Mullahs have rejected them so there is no support here. Stop jumping to cheeky conclusions by urself.
So there is NOTHING common in terms of support for talibs between Afghans and Pakistanis. And you agree they have support there in AFghanistan. Its just that u think its much leas then what it really is.

And sorry about the double post, dint realse my first post had been published.

and you will be naive to say the TTP and other militants dont have support in your tribal areas and other parts of NWFP. please lets put an end to this off topic discusion.
and you will be naive to say the TTP and other militants dont have support in your tribal areas and other parts of NWFP. please lets put an end to this off topic discusion.

The silent supporters got violent after the 'religious slogan' kicked in.
To eliminate silent support, give education...
Once, people are educated enough, both mentally and literary, problems will decrease.
Taliban more popular than Karzai:

1. Taliban courts more popular than 'corrupt' Karzai government in Afghanistan:

Taliban courts more popular than 'corrupt' Karzai government in Afghanistan - GlobalSecurity.org Forum

2. Taliban Pays Its Troops Better Than Karzai Pays His (we know how much Pashtuns love money):

Taliban Pays Its Troops Better Than Karzai Pays His | Danger Room | Wired.com

3. Karzai Threatened to Join Taliban:

Karzai Threatened to Join Taliban, Sources Say - CBS News

4. In Afghanistan war, government corruption bigger threat than Taliban:

In Afghanistan war, government corruption bigger threat than Taliban - CSMonitor.com

This does not mean I endorse the Taliban. This means that they have a lot of local support, much more than Karzai has, and it is pointless to blame Pakistan for something it is not directly involved in (supporting ethnic Afghans resistance Pashtuns), as compared to the international forces that are actually killing Afghans, and instigating violence and terrorism in Afghanistan and parts of Pakistan.
and you will be naive to say the TTP and other militants dont have support in your tribal areas and other parts of NWFP. please lets put an end to this off topic discusion.

The silent supporters got violent after the 'religious slogan' kicked in.
To eliminate silent support, give education...
Once, people are educated enough, both mentally and literary, problems will decrease.

NO ONE in Pakistan supports the TTP, except the ones that are on a payroll from the other side of the border. There is no religious or ideological support for them, even the Afghan Taliban has come out and publicly stated they have no ideological support from them. There were certain people that 'tolerated' them when they weren't killing Pakistanis in KPK and FATA, but even they have turned against them after all their terrorism.
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If they could have , they would would have finished it till now .

I think action speaks more than words do.coz on the earth the reality is bit ugly and bitter .

I starts all with capturing Alqaeda head Osama Bin Laden or Taliban head Mula Omer ...........and now it all comes down to attacking North waziristan . American media at its best, feeding BS about Pakistan .

I think they should go ahead with their plan and Plz Leave Pakistan .

Long Live :pakistan:
Afghanistan brother Lolzzz. If I would have the same brother as Afghanistan and he would have done the same to me as Afghanistan has done to Pakistan I would have killed him myself.:lol:

look brother same thing is running in minds of common afghans.
they are told PAKISTAN to be responsible for their ills. common afghans are mostly uneducated so can be easily brainwashed.
Blaming the taliban and Afghanis is an easy solution, but as people when have we started to become of such flawed logic and weak? How can we point fingers across the border when our own government is so corrupt, and a puppet of foreign elements? Don't take your frustrations out against Afghans or even the Usa, but rather Zardari and the PPP. We are allowing others to create our destiny for us. As patriots we should participate against the injustice of this soldier's death. How will Afghanistan or US, regret this incident, when our administration allows it to happen?
Taliban more popular than Karzai:

1. Taliban courts more popular than 'corrupt' Karzai government in Afghanistan:

Taliban courts more popular than 'corrupt' Karzai government in Afghanistan - GlobalSecurity.org Forum

2. Taliban Pays Its Troops Better Than Karzai Pays His (we know how much Pashtuns love money):

Taliban Pays Its Troops Better Than Karzai Pays His | Danger Room | Wired.com

3. Karzai Threatened to Join Taliban:

Karzai Threatened to Join Taliban, Sources Say - CBS News

4. In Afghanistan war, government corruption bigger threat than Taliban:

In Afghanistan war, government corruption bigger threat than Taliban - CSMonitor.com

This does not mean I endorse the Taliban. This means that they have a lot of local support, much more than Karzai has, and it is pointless to blame Pakistan for something it is not directly involved in (supporting ethnic Afghans resistance Pashtuns), as compared to the international forces that are actually killing Afghans, and instigating violence and terrorism in Afghanistan and parts of Pakistan.
common not the Pashtoons every one loves money. why there is so much corruption in PAKISTAN, only because of love for money. Pashtoons are mostly backword and so poor, thats why. it is some thing very natural.
i would like moderators to play their role and inform members not to target pashtoons are afghans for these ills. We have suffered more than any whether in PAKISTAN or afghanistan,
Blaming Afghans for our current situation in Pakistan is like seeking comfort in blaming the entire class for high marks, when you scored low marks. You can keep blaming your problems on your pen running out of ink, or your friend borrowing your book, but the truth is that if we want to see change, then we have to take responsibility. Such cheap tactics, such as blaming our neighbors, will not solve our problems.
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