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NATO & Afghan Forces attack Pakistani Soldiers in North Waziristan

How could i disgrace Afghans? Afghans have already disgraced themselves enough... how much more disgrace can possibly be brought upon them.

They are not my brothers and sisters.

Regards brother.

Careful now you'll be called an "indian agent trying to divide Muslims"

prolly thought they where Taliban lol

Taliban, Pakistanstan, afganistan, warizstan, shittystain, all same

u shameless american shitt...............

ooppss talibans are dumping u americans blackwater terrorist to hell oppss

now cry like alligator for them

shame on you a black is ruling now, u are slaves of your own..
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Not sure how long it will take for Pakistanis to realize that this brotherhood thing with Afghans is just bullshit.


Same like that

Not sure how long it will take for Pakistanis to realize that this brotherhood with Afghans is Blood Relations.
As I have made contacts, the causalities on Pakistani side is more than announced but I am really unhappy by what so ever has been done on both sides and the cost has been paid by the civilians lets pray for the unity of both countries.

There is no NA involved and the border police commander of the eastern zone is Gen. Aminullah Amarkhel.

News update



Crossfire disrupts life in NWA border region


By our correspondent
MIRAMSHAH: Schools and bazaars remained closed in various areas of North Waziristan bordering Afghanistan after Thursday’s clashes, officials and local residents said on Friday.
Sporadic exchange of fire took place throughout the night as Afghan border forces fired at the Pakistani troops, an official said while requesting not to be named. Some Afghan and Nato soldiers sustained injuries when Pakistani forces targetted he Tarkhubi Camp with artillery in retaliation.
On Wednesday, a Pakistani soldier had been killed and eight others were injured when the Nato and Afghan forces fired mortar shells at the Bangidar security post in North Waziristan. The Pakistani forces returned the fire with artillery and rocket launchers and targetted the Nato and Afghan forces’ positions in Afghanistan.The Pakistani troops again traded heavy artillery and mortar gunfire with the Nato and Afghan forces after the latter fired mortar shells on Nawab Camp in North Waziristan on Thursday.

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[/COLOR]Believe me there is no brotherhood in international politics.
All self interest,be it between Russia-India or Pakistan-China.

But sometimes i get amazed how Pakistan worships China and gets emotional and sentimental when China comes into discussion.

So do Pakistanis also trust Chinese blindly?PLEASE TELL ME!

There may not be any brotherhood in international politics, but isn't that the reason why humanity is in such a pathetic state? Everyone's looking for their own interest? Isn't that darwinism? What is the difference between humans and animals then? animals kill their own kith n kin for survival, don't they?

Now, tell me one thing. Have you never fought your siblings or cousins? did you abandon them after the fight?

Being brothers doesn't mean that you give up your rights and everything for them. if they're unjust to you then you must fight for your right and defend yourself.

And Afghans no matter what tribe or family they come from are still our brothers. That's what Islam says. But that doesn't mean we should pick and choose out of Islam that favours us. and about this brotherhood thing, if we abandon this concept then we go out of the circle of islam.

Having said this, If the Afghans come on the border to fight us, i'd say whoop their arse really bad like there's no tomorrow. :woot: But do send a letter the next day or so and try to reconcile the differences.
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