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NATO & Afghan Forces attack Pakistani Soldiers in North Waziristan


"It is not that they analyze the situation better, ISAF follows a different policy on cross-border attacks on insurgents, and they don't always clear it with Pakistani forces as Pakistan has demanded they do."

So what should we do to tackle this situation?

Should we allow cross border hot pursuits?
Should we increase the level of communication between two forces and an air support station near the border?

Second options is more like, you watch your dog in your territory and I will watch my dog..And if my dog evaded that territorial line, I'd request you to take action.
It sounds good to me..at least
Blaming Afghans for our current situation in Pakistan is like seeking comfort in blaming the entire class for high marks, when you scored low marks. You can keep blaming your problems on your pen running out of ink, or your ifriend borrowing your book, but the truth is that if we want to see change, then we have to take responsibility.

well said brother we as nation need to accept certain truths and mistakes, even blunders, are needed to be corrected. we need a thorough and quick evolution.
I will only say it is different in appearance, the nature is the same. You are under the influence of the US, they pay you and want something in return, they have killed your soldiers, they are attakcing your villages and killing your villagers, what is the difference, i dont know.

They pay us, but they are left disgruntled with Pakistan, always asking Pakistan to do more. They want Pakistan to close to safe havens in North Waziristan, but they are not closing the safe havens in Paktia, Logar, Kunduz, Kunar, Nuristan; where most of the TTP and AQ militants infiltrate from into Pakistan. That is a different issue, but Pakistan will always look after its own interests before the US's. If it feels the US is trying to jeopardize them, they will cut them off (the supply route cut-off for 10 days is an example, and as a result of that, the US officials literally had to plead forgiveness). In contrast to that, your country is being used as a proxy land by Americans and international forces, and they are running your country only, no one else.

Historically militacny have come from paksitan to afghanistan.

Better than our own parties which are nothing but proxies of others, if nato leaves, there will be flow of blood on the streets.

That is because the Pashtun nationalists formed a puppet government that let foreign invaders invade their country, kill hundreds of thousands of their own people, and didn't give a crap about them. They only instigated the situation in Afghanistan. The Pashtun nationalists (Karzai) let the US, India and other countries use Afghanistan for their proxy wars. Pakistan has never been directly involved in Afghanistan, it has only supported the Afghan resistance movement (Afghan Taliban). There is a difference. Pakistan supports certain types of Afghans, the US and other forces themselves are involved in Afghanistan, and causing hurt to the people. No amount of foreign forces can help Afghanistan; only Afghanis can help Afghanistan. If all the Afghans hated Taliban, and only Pakistan supported the Afghan Taliban, the Afghan Taliban would be overthrown in days. But that never happened.

You are absolutely wrong in many points, if you want then it can be discuss in related thread.

bilalhaider: I'd like to know what wrong you think I've said. Lead me to the related thread, and show me what I've said wrong. You need to stop this fake brotherhood with (some, not all) people who obviously do not reciprocate that feeling, and are ready to break this country up for this fake 'brotherhood'.

Brotherhood can't be fake & if it is fake then can't be brotherhood but something else.
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You are absolutely wrong in many points, if you want then it can be discuss in related thread.

I'd like to know what wrong you think I've said. Lead me to the related thread, and show me what I've said wrong. You need to stop this fake brotherhood with (some, not all) people who obviously do not reciprocate that feeling, and are ready to break this country up for this fake 'brotherhood'.
Blaming Afghans for our current situation in Pakistan is like seeking comfort in blaming the entire class for high marks, when you scored low marks

Ignoring the problems caused by terrorists infiltrated into Pakistan's Mohmand and Bajaur agencies through the safe havens in the Afghan provinces Kunar, Nuristan etc cannot be ignored either. Cross-border infiltration is high through the Afghan side, and unfortunately this is not being addressed. These terrorists (AQ, TTP) are killing Pakistani citizens, yet some people somehow believe they are free of blame. Then there are certain Afghan nationalist Pashtuns that exploit the hospitality of Pakistani Pakhtuns, and corrupt their minds with false ideas of Pashtun nationalism, at the expense of the existence of Pakistan. And even the Afghan forces start firing at Pakistani checkposts, instigating violence. Afghans do not have the same kind of warm feelings we Pakistanis have for them, even though they have tried to harm us in so many ways, and we have treated them like one of us in our country, giving them the opportunity to live normal lives.
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Brotherhood can't be fake & if it is fake then can't be brotherhood but something else.

You think of Afghan Pashtuns as your brothers, I do not consider them as my brothers. I have nothing but admiration for Pakistani Pakhtuns, especially those that love Pakistan more than their ethnicity.


What does the line '3 gheer mulki fauji halak ho gaye' means..

Did Pakistan retaliate my firing mortars at NATO and Afghan camps?
Not sure how long it will take for Pakistanis to realize that this brotherhood thing with Afghans is just bullshit.

Honestly, there is nothing like brotherhood. everything is about interest, even if it's twisted interest.
Honestly, there is nothing like brotherhood. everything is about interest, even if it's twisted interest.

I don't know Ahmad, i have some very good friends in ANPF back in Kabul, 5 of them are my former students. And whenever they come to Pakistan they always pay me a visit.

So it's not all about personal or professional gain, just the intention of your heart.
I don't know Ahmad, i have some very good friends in ANPF back in Kabul, 5 of them are my former students. And whenever they come to Pakistan they always pay me a visit.

So it's not all about personal or professional gain, just the intention of your heart.

on personal level, i will probably have alot more paksitani friends than you might have. we are very good friends, the friendship bond is strong, but when it comes to country-country level, that is a different thing.
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