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Why is it nauseating ? :unsure:

I am guessing you don't observe US politics at all?

How about banning abortion, does that sound sane?

Or fetal masturbation, yup- being cooked up to suggest that fetuses must feel pain if they can feel pleasure, I mean they do feel pleasure otherwise why would they masturbate. And since they feel pain aborting them must be illegal. Take a guess as to whether fetuses actually jerk off or not in real.
I am guessing you don't observe US politics at all?

How about banning abortion, does that sound sane?

Or fetal masturbation, yup- being cooked up to suggest that fetuses must feel pain if they can feel pleasure, I mean they do feel pleasure otherwise why would they masturbate. And since they feel pain aborting them must be illegal. Take a guess as to whether fetuses actually jerk off or not in real.

I'm more into regulating abortion !
I'm more into regulating abortion !

What's that supposed to mean? No government should decide what a woman does with her body, this isn't exactly akin to recreational coke usage that you try and regulate it or anything.

Meh, there is no hope for you.
What's that supposed to mean? No government should decide what a woman does with her body, this isn't exactly akin to recreational coke usage that you try and regulate it or anything.

Meh, there is no hope for you.

Well first off - Why not ? :unsure:

Secondly - This isn't about just her body...its about the body inside her body !
Well first off - Why not ? :unsure:

Secondly - This isn't about just her body...its about the body inside her body !

And what business is that of yours? Will you feed it and take care of it.

You've always been too immersed in the whole societal sensibilities trump individual liberties funda. Truly no hope.

Lets also have a law which forbids all consumption of extra caloric food, since obesity is the number one contributor to heart diseases and costs the exchequer, believe it or not, billions of dollars per year.
And what business is that of yours? Will you feed it and take care of it.

I would expect the State to do what we've decide it to do for others - Providing for the underprivileged & at risk orphans or even otherwise children.

You've always been too immersed in the whole societal sensibilities trump individual liberties funda. Truly no hope.

There is no such thing as either...there are agreements & consensuses...nothing more ! :kiss3:

Lets also have a law which forbids all consumption of extra caloric food, since obesity is the number one contributor to heart diseases and costs the exchequer, believe it or not, billions of dollars per year.

If the Society decides it as such - Fine !

its regulated anyway here.. you cant just abort willy nilly ... beyond 24 weeks you should have a very good reason to abort, in early stage no question should be asked.

I am not the most qualified person to answer when it should or shouldn't be aborted - I leave that to Medical & Reproductive Health Professionals to tell us !

I'm simply looking at it from a rational point of view as a Social Scientific Issue !
I would expect the State to do what we've decide it to do for others - Providing for the underprivileged & at risk orphans or even otherwise children.

There is no such thing as either...there are agreements & consensuses...nothing more ! :kiss3:

If the Society decides it as such - Fine !

I am not the most qualified person to answer when it should or shouldn't be aborted - I leave that to Medical & Reproductive Health Professionals to tell us !

I'm simply looking at it from a rational point of view as a Social Scientific Issue !

Considering that society is composed of brainless sheep its not a very comforting scenario.

I can only imagine what would happen in India or Pakistan if these things were left to the society, the brain-dead religious masses would compose paeans of idiocy out of the matter.

Your laws, which dictate individual freedoms, do not get formed from consensus. Take a look at the laws which form the corpus of Pakistani common law, the masses had no hand in them.
Considering that society is composed of brainless sheep its not a very comforting scenario.

I can only imagine what would happen in India or Pakistan if these things were left to the society, the brain-dead religious masses would compose paeans of idiocy out of the matter.

Whats the alternative then ?

We wait for a Messiah to drop from the sky to steer our boat for us or do we instead facilitate a particular group or a single individual to rise to the occasion & tell us what to do & what not to do because they & they alone epitomize intellect & only their presupposition or conceptualization of 'right & wrong', 'reasonable & unreasonable, 'acceptable & unacceptable' are correct ?

I'd imagine that the democratic process has no alternative & such imperfections & at times grave imperfections are a part & parcel of social evolution & there is no working around that fact !

So place your arguments before the People - those who would be effected by your decisions - & then let them be swayed one way or the other by the logic or the appeal of your arguments !

Does that make it 'right' ? No....simply that there is no other way to decide things at a 'Collective Level' !

Your laws, which dictate individual freedoms, do not get formed from consensus. Take a look at the laws which form the corpus of Pakistani common law, the masses had no hand in them.

Freedoms in every form are 'Qualified' even the most basic & for-granted ones ! Furthermore the Masses, through the Parliament, have the right to change the Common Law as they see fit !

At any rate its not Pakistan that I'm vouching for...its the Principle that I'm trying to understand !
Yoo , whats up dudes, why so serious in Naswarville ? :drag:
@S.U.R.B. Wow! that's a very lot to answer. I give a few answers ....

@TruthSeeker sir, i think you are the senior most member on defence.pk ( if not by membership then at least by age. Am i right sir?

I haven't tried to keep track of which PDF members may be older than me. I am 67, almost 68. I think there was a 70+ year old member. I don't know how old Oldman1 is either. I joined PDF November 2008.

How do you gauge the behavior of youngsters/ young men of your age to that of the present?
I'll like to know the things that you dislike about us and also about the preferences and choices we can take/have to be even better.
By and large, the Americans I meet who are in their late teens and twenties are less serious about preparing for their own futures than my generation was at those ages. Some of it is the military draft. When I was going to college you either did well in college or you were drafted and sent to Vietnam! So,the threat of being drafted made the males more serious about their studies!

Here on PDF my biggest dislike is the mindless repetition of the same old arguments and epitaphs. For example, that the USA is the only nation to ever use a nuclear weapon. Duh! We invented nuclear weapons. We ended a horrendous war that we didn't start (WW II). And, because we demonstrated the power and horror of a nuclear explosion, all of mankind learned a lesson and no one has used the bomb since. In fact our use of the first nuclear weapon has probably been the most important reason that there has not been a war between major powers since.

Which part of the new times was really unexpected back then and what were the things that you couldn't foresee about the present day and age?

The unbroken and steady increase in the cost/performance of electronics is probably the most surprising thing to me, even though my Physics PhD is in semiconductor materials. The college I went to had time-sharing terminals (in 1963) around the campus which acted like a PC to me. And in graduate school I worked in a lab that was funded by DARPA and was connected to the ARPANET. So I used e-mail even as far back as 1971. The other area of surprise is in medical imaging. I would never have expected CAT scans and positron imaging and the like.

Are you satisfied with how things have turned out to be for the world?

As far as the world goes, I am most disappointed in my own nation's need to interfere in other nation's affairs. I guess, at this stage of my life I have become an isolationist. The rest of the world does not appreciate American involvement and suspects our motives. Therefore we should let everyone solve their own problems while we solve ours.
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@TruthSeeker - Classical Jeffersonian Non Interventionism needs a revisit by American Foreign Policy Makers ! :)

I'd want the same to be explored by my own country !
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