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Narendra Modi said teach Muslims a lesson: IPS officer

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How can you even claim that, when almost everyone in Pakistan watches Bollywood movies; & loves Indian Muslim actors such as Shahrukh Khan, Aamir Khan, Saif Ali Khan etc? Get out of this mindset that Pakistan doesn't want Indian Muslims to succeed, it does. It just gets disheartened when Indian Muslims have to prove their loyalty to India time & time again.

Lol i guess i need to copy paste my posts again and again because you keep on repeating the same thing again and again. Let me know i would be more than happy to do that....

Lol people watch Bollywood and in the same tone declare Indian muslim actors are munafiq hindus and call them non muslims..... Irony isint it?
Right or wrong, Modi can never be the Prime Minister of India. He has been tainted beyond repair, even if there is no concrete proof. For a role like Prime minister, just the association with a charge like that makes it impossible. India will never accept a possible Indian version of Zia ul Haq (even without the uniform)

That is your opinion and I respect it. In the elections, however, your opinion will not be the only one to count. India had Rajiv Gandhi as PM after the Delhi riots. India had Atal as PM after Ayodhya. Why do you believe that just the association of a charge of at worst looking the other way in the Gujarat riots should make it impossible for Modi to become PM? Nothing is impossible in life. Nothing is impossible in politics.
Lol people watch Bollywood and in the same tone declare Indian muslim actors are munafiq hindus and call them non muslims..... Irony isint it?

No one says Indian Muslim actors are Indian munafiqs. I believe that Shahrukh Khan is a wonderful person/Muslim, who has done a splendid job as an Indian Muslim to tackle sensitive issues; & even people of his ilk have to prove their loyalty to India time & time again. He understands the essence of Quranic teachings, he preaches good moderate values, I don't see anything wrong in what he does or says.
How can you even claim that, when almost everyone in Pakistan watches Bollywood movies; & the common Pakistani loves Indian Muslim actors such as Shahrukh Khan, Aamir Khan, Saif Ali Khan etc? Get out of this mindset that Pakistan doesn't want Indian Muslims to succeed, it does. It just gets disheartened when Indian Muslims have to prove their loyalty to India time & time again. But of course it can't do anything about it, the Indian Muslims have to solve their own problems.
What is prove your loyalty ?
Any example will help
What is prove your loyalty ?
Any example will help

Proving their loyalty means being asked to condemn the actions of a few fanatics/radicals that no one follows/supports in the form of a public statement. Something Indian actors are asked to do all the time. What was the last time Hindu actors were asked to condemn the Hindutva attacks in Ajmer Sharif, Mecca Masjid, Ayodhya, Bhagalpur, Gujarat massacres amongst a bunch of other ones?
No one says Indian Muslim actors are Indian munafiqs. I believe that Shahrukh Khan is a wonderful person/Muslim, who has done a splendid job as an Indian Muslim to tackle sensitive issues; & even people of his ilk have to prove their loyalty to India time & time again.

Shah rukh is happy being an Indian and will always be. It is you guys desperately trying to prove otherwise to justify your existence. It is only Pakistani muslim performers who come to India and settle and never the other way round. Think about it.
Its funny sometimes..Pakistan was created because Jinnah thought Hindus and Muslims cannot live together and have a different culture altogether..He wanted to protect Muslim rights by asking for a different country. Yet it is India which became secular, got itself a constitution where everyones treated equal. I am not saying its perfect but Indian minorities does have a voice and say in our society.

But look at Pakistan, it had become what Jinnah thought of India..Constitution of Pakistan itself discriminate against non Muslims. It doesn't allow them to be head of the state..Then there is blasphemy we all know about. Minorities have shrunk from 14% in 1947 to less than 3% today. They are basically second class citizens in their country.

Yet they have audacity to accuse India of minority persecution when in reality minority population in India has raised from 10% in 1947 to over 19% today..Don't they have shame at all. Jinnah must have been turning in his grave..
Proving their loyalty means being asked to condemn the actions of a few fanatics/radicals that no one follows/supports in the form of a public statement. Something Indian actors are asked to do all the time. What was the last time Hindu actors were asked to condemn the Hindutva attacks in Ajmer Sharif, Mecca Masjid, Ayodhya, Bhagalpur amongst a bunch of other ones?

How many mumbai type attacks did Hindus carry out? try to be sensible. Do you really think this adds any value to your argument?
No one says Indian Muslim actors are Indian munafiqs. I believe that Shahrukh Khan is a wonderful person/Muslim, who has done a splendid job as an Indian Muslim to tackle sensitive issues; & even people of his ilk have to prove their loyalty to India time & time again. He understands the essence of Quranic teachings, he preaches good moderate values, I don't see anything wrong in what he does or says.

Lol you need to dig out threads where your media reports were given and he was declared hindu for allowing her wife to practise her own religon and for letting his kids choose theirs once they grow up.... Start a thread on pdf about sharukh khan and soon you will see how people percieve him.... :lol:
Proving their loyalty means being asked to condemn the actions of a few fanatics/radicals that no one follows/supports in the form of a public statement. Something Indian actors are asked to do all the time. What was the last time Hindu actors were asked to condemn the Hindutva attacks in Ajmer Sharif, Mecca Masjid, Ayodhya, Bhagalpur, Gujarat massacres amongst a bunch of other ones?

As otherwise being a muslim or what ever do you think they should support that ????????????????????????? Lol funny

This is what itches on your side that being muslims how can they condemn something bad which was happened to all including hindus.

By the way i also condemn killings in Pakistan.... what does that make of me?
Proving their loyalty means being asked to condemn the actions of a few fanatics/radicals that no one follows/supports in the form of a public statement. Something Indian actors are asked to do all the time. What was the last time Hindu actors were asked to condemn the Hindutva attacks in Ajmer Sharif, Mecca Masjid, Ayodhya, Bhagalpur, Gujarat massacres amongst a bunch of other ones?

You don't have to ask hindu actors because they openly condemn it. Shahrukh is asked to do these things because we want to promote moderate Islam not fanatism like in your country. Shahrukh is the face of moderation in our country. Nobody would have to ask him he should do it on his own. Its his country too.
Shah rukh is happy being an Indian and will always be. It is you guys desperately trying to prove otherwise to justify your existence. It is only Pakistani muslim performers who come to India and settle and never the other way round. Think about it.

Why does Shahrukh Khan need to condemn the actions of a few fanatics but no Hindu actor has ever had to condemn the actions of a few Hindu extremists that are involved in attacks such as the ones in Ajmer Sharif, Mecca Masjid, Ayodhya, Bhagalpur, Gujarat massacres amongst a bunch of other ones? Why did many Indians condemn Shahrukh Khan for defending Pakistan & the Pakistani players? Why did Bal Thackerey threaten Shahrukh Khan, & ask him to leave the country for supporting the Pakistani players?
Why does Shahrukh Khan need to condemn the actions of a few fanatics but no Hindu actor has ever had to condemn the actions of a few Hindu extremists that are involved in attacks such as the ones in Ajmer Sharif, Mecca Masjid, Ayodhya, Bhagalpur, Gujarat massacres amongst a bunch of other ones? Why did many Indians condemn Shahrukh Khan for defending Pakistan & the Pakistani players? Why did Bal Thackerey threaten Shahrukh Khan, & ask him to leave the country for supporting the Pakistani players?

Ajmer Sharif, Mecca Masjid, Ayodhya, Bhagalpur, Gujarat massacres none of the cases are solved and verdicts are not yet given.... so their is no point of opening mouth and creating a hoopla out of it...

At the same time islamic groups have already taken up the responsibilities of attacks...

people condemned sharukh khan because we do not want pakistani players in india after 26/11. Friendship is good but doesnt sound good when someone sends around such ferries.
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