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Narendra Modi said teach Muslims a lesson: IPS officer

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post #89 seems to echo the sentiment felt by a lot of other chest-thumping bhartis who come in big numbers.....

i wonder why the focus is only on hindus and their mob violence against Muslims when the same also took place against Christians in Orissa and other neigbhouring areas

holy places were burnt, entire villages were ransacked, many were killed -- again disproportionately. We have problems in our country, but never had we had such communal violence on the scale of what goes on in that neighbour country of ours

*knock on wood*
Please ask for Justice from US who is doing all the things which you spewed out above ^. Man you will get such a whipping from them, you wont know what hit you!!!
are you justifying those killings ? you are not answering the question
People keep on beating the dead horse when India as a nation has moved on. Its 2011 and is a known fact that there were no rights on the babri mosque judgement day...

we arent perfect nation but we have moved on.

As far as Pakistan goes its required for them that Indian muslims suffer or do not prosper, as otherwise if they progress there wouldnt be any reason left for land of the pure to exist. Brotherhood my foot.....
I believe that the attraction of Modi on top on the national scene cuts across communal lines. I believe that most Indians want strong leadership at the helm of affairs to present a strong firm but fair front to the outside world as we wield increasing influence on the global stage. I believe for most Indians the jury is still out about his role, more by omission than commission, in the riots. But I also believe that the nation has moved on long ago. A lot of water has passed under that bridge since then. And that was not the first or only time that a part of India has erupted in communal violence. As a nation we have seen much worse in the 70s and 80s and early 90s. Why only Gujarat is singled out again and again is not difficult to understand though.

It is the only stick the Congress has to beat an existential power threat with. Cause the Congress knows that the writing is on the wall, when the nation loses patience with even such a luminary as MMS. And remove him from the picture, and you have Modi as a much younger, cleaner, more efficient, and stronger national alternative than anything the Congress has internally or can plausibly throw up. So expand a communal riot into Hitler-esque genocidal proportions and keep fanning the flames of communal divide. Typical Congress stratagem since before divided India. But as is evident from the Indian forum posters here, the nation has seen through this ploy, and Modi's time has come. Let us hope that he does not disappoint.
post #89 seems to echo the sentiment felt by a lot of other chest-thumping bhartis who come in big numbers.....

i wonder why the focus is only on hindus and their mob violence against Muslims when the same also took place against Christians in Orissa and other neigbhouring areas

holy places were burnt, entire villages were ransacked, many were killed -- again disproportionately. We have problems in our country, but never had we had such communal violence on the scale of what goes on in that neighbour country of ours

*knock on wood*

And what would you call systematic targeting of minorities like Ahmadiyas and blowing up of their religious places?? Fun and dance??
People keep on beating the dead horse when India as a nation has moved on. Its 2011 and is a known fact that there were no rights on the babri mosque judgement day...

we arent perfect nation but we have moved on.

As far as Pakistan goes its required for them that Indian muslims suffer or do not prosper, as otherwise if they progress there wouldnt be any reason left for land of the pure to exist. Brotherhood my foot.....

No one is talking about India here, but an individual who sanctioned the murders of Indian citizens, who might have a bid to become the next PM of the country.
People keep on beating the dead horse when India as a nation has moved on. Its 2011 and is a known fact that there were no rights on the babri mosque judgement day...

we arent perfect nation but we have moved on.

As far as Pakistan goes its required for them that Indian muslims suffer or do not prosper, as otherwise if they progress there wouldnt be any reason left for land of the pure to exist. Brotherhood my foot.....
hundreds of women children and men butchered mercilessly and you have moved on ????????????
where is justice?
Desperate times need desperate measures!!

It was all started when a crowd of 100 odd brainwashed radical muslims decided to get more adventurous by burning a compartment of train full of hindu pilgrims. Can any body explain me the reasons why did they decide to commit such a crime at the first place?? Of course there can be n number of causes, but was any such cause was serious enough to drive 100 odd muslims craving for hindu blood?? I guess not.

I condemn this incident and the ones who did the crime or planned it must be given the maximum punishment as per the indian law and as soon as possible........

And when hindus decided to strike back they cried of genocide. Why?? What make these muslims think they they won't be hit back??

Sometimes such a step is necessary to teach a lesson that if one decides to take such a step of killing 10s of people then that community will loose 10 lives for every life taken.

These riots made sure that both hinds and muslims will think 1000s of times before taking such a step. Modi's inaction made gujrat safe from communal riots for may be upto 3 decades at least.

I am not against the hindus who took a natural & emotional steps.....But i am against the government at the center & state who allowed suach an inciddent to take place.........

Sometimes i think how would muslims would have reacted if some hindu bombed a plane full of haj pilgrims? Certainly they would not showered flowers on such hindus. Muslims would have struck hindus many times over the years to teach them a lesson. Wouldn't they??

Sure muslims will react the same way .thats what happened after babri masjid demolition..........But i dont agree indian law enforcemnnt bodied including judiciary to take sides............

And some enlightened pakistanis think that they are so called "thekedaars" of indian muslims. I suggest them if they are so much concerned about the plight of indian muslims from evil yindoos then they should take up arms and cross the border and teach these evil yindoos a lesson. Do such pakistanis have such islamic balls to take such a step?? Come on what about the teachings of their allah to kill every non-muslim??

Indians dont want pakistanis to meddle in the internal affairs ............i think they can handle it.............

I think muslims are born cowards. They are killing themselves and if someone survives then he gets killed by allied forces

Think twice before u comment .....it may hurt someones feeling...............Muslims have never hide behind someone........they have struggled from thier very begining and stills fights for thier survival....................Its that they always potrayed bad by some conspirators..............But i agrre thier are some elemnts in ISLAM that has to be uprooted.......
hundreds of women children and men butchered mercilessly and you have moved on ????????????

Yes we have to in order that the same incidents are not repeated there after. Trials continue for those who were involved but we are least interested in mking it a national agenda. And both Hindus and Muslims dont want it to be a reason for the next riot.

But same cannot be said about terrorist who keep on justifying their acts on the basis of that after 10 years down the line.
As far as Pakistan goes its required for them that Indian muslims suffer or do not prosper, as otherwise if they progress there wouldnt be any reason left for land of the pure to exist. Brotherhood my foot.....

Why would Pakistan want Indian Muslims to suffer when it wants to do nothing with them, looking at the 180 million population Pakistan has already? You have to get over your insecurities of Indian Muslims & stop asking them to prove their loyalty to you. That is the core problem in India, which is why people like Modi are applauded for killing 'Indian Muslim traitors' by the common Indians.
No one is talking about India here, but an individual who sanctioned the murders of Indian citizens, who might have a bid to become the next PM of the country.

It is still to be proved. If proven guilty he will be awarded punishment accordingly.

At the same time no one appreciate him for the riots but people like him for th development work he has dont. But alas your side of people find it hard to see that.....
Ignoring a person like Modi is not in India's interest.

In elections you need a name to vote, we cannot escape by saying "someone like Modi", if you have a name suggest it, you cannot make good politicians in a day, if you do not recollect any good name today, you certainly cannot recollect any better person by the next elections as well.

Lets face it - NDA has only two good options, Modi and Nitish Kumar.
and BJP will certainly push Modi as he is their man.

Dont ignore Modi for what he did in his past. Even the Muslims are prospering now in Gujarat.

Consider the good governance that he brings with himself.

Godhra is a black dot but it should be forgotten if it helps the country in the long run.

We need a leader with an iron will and Modi is the only one that seems like it.
well sorry to say but i dont think like that.
Ignoring modi is in India's interest
about names.............sushma...jaitly all are senior than Modi....................no way they are going to push for modi................modi is just a CM in a small state of India...........and we have plently of states in India.............so we should make everyone PMof india
I am no muslim...............but still I wont like to see a person like modi to be PM of India and bring a tag of fanatic country to India
about governance..................roits and fake encounters occured under Modi's administration...............what good governance you talking about mate???
I believe that the attraction of Modi on top on the national scene cuts across communal lines. I believe for most Indians the jury is still out about his role, more by omission than commission, in the riots. But I also believe that the nation has moved on long ago. A lot of water has passed under that bridge since then. And that was not the first or only time that a part of India has erupted in communal violence. As a nation we have seen much worse in the 70s and 80s and early 90s. Why only Gujarat is singled out again and again is not difficult to understand though. It is the only stick the Congress has to beat an existential power threat with. Cause the Congress knows that the writing is on the wall, when the nation loses patience with even such a luminary as MMS. And remove him from the picture, and you have Modi as a much younger, cleaner, more efficient, and stronger national alternative than anything the Congress has internally or can plausibly throw up. So expand a communal riot into Hitler-esque genocidal proportions and keep fanning the flames of communal divide. Typical Congress stratagem since before divided India. But as is evident from the Indian forum posters here, the nation has seen through this ploy, and Modi's time has come. Let us hope that he does not disappoint.

Right or wrong, Modi can never be the Prime Minister of India. He has been tainted beyond repair, even if there is no concrete proof. For a role like Prime minister, just the association with a charge like that makes it impossible. India will never accept a possible Indian version of Zia ul Haq (even without the uniform)
Why would Pakistan want Indian Muslims to suffer when it wants to do nothing with them, looking at the 180 million population Pakistan has already? You have to get over your insecurities of Indian Muslims & stop asking them to prove their loyalty to you. That is the core problem in India, which is why people like Modi are applauded for killing 'Indian Muslim traitors'.

If the pakistani media start publishing good thing about Indian muslims the first thing which people will question is then why the hell pakistan was created if Indian muslims are well off.... Pakistan needs indian muslims to suffer to justify their existance at regular intervals of time

we dont need to proove their loyalty. it was you who were worried about them. And so i said open your gates and see for yourself how many of them want to move to your headquaters of Islam....
post #89 seems to echo the sentiment felt by a lot of other chest-thumping bhartis who come in big numbers.....

i wonder why the focus is only on hindus and their mob violence against Muslims when the same also took place against Christians in Orissa and other neigbhouring areas

holy places were burnt, entire villages were ransacked, many were killed -- again disproportionately. We have problems in our country, but never had we had such communal violence on the scale of what goes on in that neighbour country of ours

*knock on wood*

violence is justified when sombody says something bad about islam or draws a cartoon of mohammed but the same people do not see who started the violence in gujrat,many hindus also lost their life in the riots
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