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Narendra Modi praises China before US non-resident Gujaratis

NARENADRA MODI , THE MASS MURDERER of 3000+ innocent Indian Civilians is trying to suck up to Chinese to gather International recognition. The only international recognition he will get is that of a MASS MURDERER OF 3000+ INNOCENT INDIAN CITIZENS. All the white wash will not erase his sin ( PAAP ).

Pakistanis accusing others of mass murder is truly rich, you know. LOL. The Bengalis very well know of your love. They were the ones who experienced it first-hand. ;)
Modi does well more because he was lucky to be part of a good province than actual skill.

It's as ludicrous to compare Gujarat and Bihar as it is to compare Mongolia and Singapore. Some places are just luckier than others and do better because of geography, population, per capita resources and relations with other states, not because of any internal policies.


Both the states are led by men who have got things done & delivered.

Nitish has turned Bihar around from an unsafe and law less state to one where things are begining to show.

@ the topic, what Modi says of China is abs correct. It should serve as a model for Asian countries to replicate taking local conditions into view. The theme remaining constant - good infrastructure and a responsive Govt spurs growth.
I can't deny that Gujarat has improved dramatically under Modi. But I can't forget that Modi is either directly or indirectly responsible for the killings of India's own citizens. I don't want an India where people are afraid to profess their faith.
can someone kindly tell me why you call Modi a murder?:what:
Corrupt people hate him because he is honest, efficient and doesn't discriminate on religious grounds. Everybody else is looting and pandering to minority extremists so he makes them feel insecure.

dude wat r u smoking?

Setting caste and religion as criteria of development is what gujrat govt strives. The whole gujrat should be brainwash .and if it, they can put the history book and understand that this funda never worked.

Gujrat govt is the most corrupted governance system of India it is so finely tuned it even portrays itself as just He is putting a black cloth on Gujrat, Most of the black market has shifted 4m Bombay to Gujrat

once a friend asked me did i lose any relatives in Gujarat all i say is Thousands of Innocent Muslim people were killed and they somehow belong to my family

those who are sayin that don't spread hatred n not be narrow minded then bring Justice to the Thousands of Dead Muslims and we will have a new beginning

Gujrat has some of the most slum areas after Bombay(mumbai)

RSS aur VHP they have always spread hatred againsnt Muslims , I agree now days the mentality has changed a little bit but not upto that extend



Gujarat is developing with rapid strides, there is all peace and harmony and minorities are happy. Like ‘Shining India’ a word has been coined, ‘Vibrant Gujarat’.

Nothing can be farther from truth. In the
aftermath of the violence, the death of over
two thousand Muslims, the rapes, the
humiliation at the hands of instigated mobs
AHMEDABAD: Gujarat chief minister Narendra Modi praised China while addressing non-resident Gujaratis (NRG)

Nothing worng in this. :tup:

China has an expendable growth story, and I always admire China for that :tup:

Otherwise its bullying, "China Supreme" attidude, I dont have anything aganist China.

Modi proved that he is anti India

:rofl: pls come out of "Milkway Galaxy" :lol:
Modi proved that he is anti India

Modi Praying to Guns :rofl:

once a friend asked me did i lose any relatives in Gujarat all i say is Thousands of Innocent Muslim people were killed and they somehow belong to my family

Dude, what happenned then was a response for in-human burning of Godra train coaches by muslims.

Its better we dont go back into past and focus on present and future.

Modi Praying to Guns :rofl:


Dude you are not Indian so you dont know our culture.

We have something called as "AYUDHA POJA", worship of our weapons. It could be a gun, scooter, kitchen knife, machines, cars etc. It is our culture!!!

You have to BE INDIAN to KNOW INDIAN :)
those who are sayin that don't spread hatred n not be narrow minded then bring Justice to the Thousands of Dead Muslims and we will have a new beginning ...

Both communities suffered hundreds of deaths. We have to start by punishing the Congress party goons. See -

Cong silent on cadres linked to Guj riots - The Times of India

NEW DELHI: The Congress has been going to town over Best Bakery and other instances of the Narendra Modi government's complicity in the anti-Muslim violence which shook Gujarat last year.

But when it comes to the involvement of its own party cadre in the killings, 10 Janpath maintains a deafening silence. Even when confronted by a long-standing ally from the freedom movement days, the Jamiat Ulama-i-Hind.

According to the JUH, "most Congress corporators" and some Congress leaders of Gujarat had actively participated in last year's riots.

Mahmood As'ad Madani, JUH general secretary told The Times of India: "We wrote letters to Congress president Sonia Gandhi, gave a list of Congress leaders involved in the riots, asked her to take action against them but to no avail."

On April 29, 2002, for example, the JUH received a list of 25 Congress leaders from its Gujarat chapter, which was promptly forwarded to her. This included a former Congress minister, a sitting MLA and a former MP.

Then on August 20, Madani reminded Gandhi: "Similarly our appeal forwarded to you in respect of involvement of Congress MLAs, corporators and workers in Gujarat carnage along with the list of culpable names remains disregarded."

When contacted by TOI, Ambika Soni, in-charge of Gandhi's office, said she was not aware of the correspondence. Ahmed Patel, Gandhi's political secretary, to whom copies were marked by the JUH was not available for comment.

It is now proved that in the Godhra train burning case also, Congressmen were involved.

Furthermore, they have not as yet been punished for the 1984 holocaust, which was much worse than anything that happened in Gujarat.
Dude you are not Indian so you dont know our culture.

We have something called as "AYUDHA POJA", worship of our weapons. It could be a gun, scooter, kitchen knife, machines, cars etc. It is our culture!!!

You have to BE INDIAN to KNOW INDIAN :)

Dude i do have many Indian friends and b4 posting i had clarified with them they never said they worship these items,

Dude with all respect u worship scooter, kitchen knife.......................... :rofl: Unbelievable

is it for scooter to drink less petrol? Italians should also try this

Modi Praying to Guns :rofl:


Dude i do have many Indian friends and b4 posting i had clarified with them they never said they worship these items,

Dude with all respect u worship scooter, kitchen knife.......................... :rofl: Unbelievable

is it for scooter to drink less petrol? Italians should also try this


It is far too complex for you to understand.

And in the picture, if you look carefully, there is a framed photograph in the front, ahead of the weapons. He is praying to the God's image in the photograph.

And no, we do not WORSHIP scooters, kitchen knife, etc.
We are worshipping the SHAKTI (Goddess of Power) behind it. These weapons posses Shakti and they are being RESPECTED.

Read more here:
Ayudha Puja - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

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