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Namaz-e-Jinazah for TTP Terrorists!


They were funding Salafist madrassahs, funding the Afghan Taliban, before the formation of the TTP in 2007, they were funding individual insurgent groups that conferred to their ideology. Just to bring you up to speed with time, here's how you can tell the extent of Salafist saturation that the Arab money has brought, in Pakistan, the cradle of Sufism, can you find a single person who will identify himself as a Sufi? It has almost become a curse word! This is because the Arab money is going into propagation of their sect through preaching, propaganda, literature and even war.

TTP dont indulge in drug trade ?

They do, I was talking about the single largest source of income, there are many other as well.
Why to respect a persons death who had no respect for life ? Leave the animal to its state
What the hell is wrong with most of you !!

Terrorist or not , once dead ..they are dead...... How you treat the dead bodies of Humans does not need much thought...for the olny person Your are answerable to is GOD

Remember Saurabh Kalia....unlike him ...No terrorist incl the kargil fighters that Pak disowned we treated badly after death.....

Cant understand why such a topic was required ....Anger,Vengenance and Rage has no meaning in front of the dead other than self soothing........
What the hell is wrong with most of you !!

Terrorist or not , once dead ..they are dead...... How you treat the dead bodies of Humans does not need much thought...for the olny person Your are answerable to is GOD

Remember Saurabh Kalia....unlike him ...No terrorist incl the kargil fighters that Pak disowned we treated badly after death.....

Cant understand why such a topic was required ....Anger,Vengenance and Rage has no meaning in front of the dead other than self soothing........

Let's not stray from the discussion here but the Saurabh Kalia matter has been discussed to death before you joined. It comes as an empty end every time that if he was really this brutally tortured, why did India not hand over the detailed autopsy report to the EU member countries that had offered to support India in a War Crimes Trial against Pakistan if the detailed autopsy report was presented to them for consideration?
Watch this from 39:27 to 39:50. This part answers the question.

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No problem is performing their namaz e jinazah-

Those were lost souls-
and only he can judge them-
May Allah have mercy on them in after life- as Allah is most Gracious, most Compassionate-

They were funding Salafist madrassahs, funding the Afghan Taliban, before the formation of the TTP in 2007, they were funding individual insurgent groups that conferred to their ideology. Just to bring you up to speed with time, here's how you can tell the extent of Salafist saturation that the Arab money has brought, in Pakistan, the cradle of Sufism, can you find a single person who will identify himself as a Sufi? It has almost become a curse word! This is because the Arab money is going into propagation of their sect through preaching, propaganda, literature and even war.

They do, I was talking about the single largest source of income, there are many other as well.

Icarus,please leave this discussion for some other thread..There are points i agree,but many things you say are more of stereotype than facts...
For example.... There is/was a non-barailwi,....non-sufi madrisah near my house and we regularly donated money to it...sometimes the whole running cost..
Reason being it was a madressah as in a religious school but the students were almost all orphans of afghan war or boys from families too poor to feed them or educate them,and were dumped inthe madrissah as families didnt want them....
Noe we had no control on what they grew up to be
About carricurum in the madrissah,it was darse nizaami.....which is being taught as it is in madrissahs for centuries...
Some of them returned to afghanistan after finishing their studies in that madrissah,and we know that as a matter of fact as we as community and family even funded their teavel back home as many of them hadent been to their villages in afghanistan since childhood and wanted to go back,but being young and new graduates of a madrisah , had no money..
Now if somebody comes round and blames us for supporting bad guys.. No we didnt....

The situation issame as 'khidr and moosa'.
When khidr killed a lovely child,saying he will grow up to be a tyrant..but moosa protested....

We were neither khidr nor moosa.
I think the Islamic funeral prayer is supposed to be offered for all "Muslim" dead, regardless of who they were or what they did. The treatment of the enemy's dead establishes & displays the humanity of the side that fights for the right cause. Fortunately, as far as I know, the whole community isn't supposed to attend funeral prayers, even if one person was to pray them, it would suffice for all. We could have their family members if any pray for them, but it would be necessary to provide people with a safe method of collecting their dead without exposing that their dead were terrorists. This is necessary to remove the social stigma involved. If no family member is found, then any volunteer for the funeral prayers should be enough.

Some people were discussing whether or not those that commit suicide need last rites conducted for them. Apparently, according to this source, they do. It turns out that the Prophet (may peace be upon him) deterred others from committing suicide by not attending the funeral prayer of one that committed it. However, other people were still allowed to conduct last rites for that individual. I can understand why some people would be against carrying out last rites for terrorist scum. Even if there were no religious requirements to perform a funeral prayer for them, I would still consider it a necessity to treat the bodies of the dead with respect. The reason for that is to ensure a good image for the society & army. People will hear about how dead bodies were mutilated by terrorists, & they will also learn about how the army conducted last rites for the enemy's dead. That will aid in improving the army's & society's image in general, & will get people to despise terrorists as they should be.
According to this news, all the TTP terrorists who attacked the Karma base were burried. I know it's a very complicated issue but I wanted to know what you guys think about this. Do you think that TTP terrorists who get killed deserve a namaz-e-jinazah or should they just be burried right away? Why and why not?

Dunya News: Pakistan:-Kamra attack: Nine terrorists buried in Attock ...

Buddy, as long as these animals are dead, i will happily do 10 namaze jinaza for each of them. The crucial point is that they are dead.
Well Indian Army used to do Namaz-e-Jinazah for the militants who were killed during counter-terror ops in Kashmir.
I see, so Zakat money goes to fund these rats, I don't pay zakaat but if I tell my dad he won't believe meh.
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