So. Killing civilions by bomb attacks is border issue for you?
Jaish e Mohammad (which is banned in Pak) attacked your forces in Pulwama, then why it was bad? they were even forces, not civilions.
Same, Mumbai attacker killed politicians, not common people, it was bad.
Killing people, especially civillions is border issue, lol
I am talking about the incidents before Soviet war, and you are talking after Soviet War/911.
OK. Why should not Pakistan fought with Soviets (indirectly) when he sovereignty at stake?
Soviet wanted to capture Pakistan and then block Europe/US trade route.
Same, 9/11 was drama, US came to fight with China.
If Pakistan did not gave them air base and NATO supply, they might attack Pakistan.
Soviet lost war with them who have more than 6000 nukes. Can Pakistan stand against them openly, who is economically and military wise weak than Soviet?