Because this great Kashmiri pandit was a big proponent of Rightist Islamic ideology and the extreme leftist NFP doesn't like anyone who is Rightist.
Annemarie Schimmel, a famous scholar, pointed out that
Muhammad Iqbal “… has been regarded as the unsurpassable master of every virtue and art; he has been made a forerunner of socialism or an advocate of Marxism; he was anti-imperialist and anti-capitalist .... "
I wonder why did he praise Karl Marx so generously when Iqbal was a far rightist !!
صاحب سرمایہ از نسل خلیل
یعنی آں پیغمبر بے جبرئیل
javid Nama, p.64/652.
(Trans: Marx the author of Das Capital ; being one of the children's of Abraham is also a Messenger but without Gabriel i.e. Divine Revelation)
اٹھو میری دنیا کے غریبوں کو جگا دو
کاخ امرا کے در و دیوار بال دو
برمائو غلاموں کا لہو سوز یقیں سے
کنجشک فروماہی کو شاہیں سے لڑادو
سلطانی جمہود کا آتا ہے زمانہ
جو نقش کہن تم کو نظر آئے مٹا دو
جس کھیت سے دہقان کو میسر نہیں روزی
اس کھیت کے ہر خوشئہ گندم کو جلا دو
Bal-i-Jibreel, pp. 109-401/110-402.
(Trans: ‘Rise and awake the poverty-stricken people on earth and shake the wall of the palaces of richmen. Kindle a new fire in the hearts of the slaves and enable the poor sparrow to fight against eagle. Now the days of democracy are coming; therefore you destroy every sign of the yore, you find in the world. The corn-fields which are not for feeding of the peasants then burn every heap of wheat therein.)
The caption of this poem is ‘Farman-i-Khuda’ (God’s Ordain) and it indicates that God is not pleased with the institution of Capitalism
روح سلطانی رہے یاقی تو پھر کیا اضطراب
ہے مگر کیا اس یہودی کی شرارت کا جواب
وہ کلم بے تجلی وہ مسیح بے صلیب
نیست پیغمبر و لیکن در بغل دارد کتاب
Armaghan-i-Hijaz, (Urdu), p. 8/650.
In this poem which is in the form of poetic dialogues between Satan (Iblis and his advisers (members of his high command). Iqbal vigorously attacks those religious leaders who are the pets of the Capitalists. In his opinion the present type of democracy in the East is nothing but a cover for dictatorship. In the following verse Iqbal calls Marx a Prophet or a messenger without divine revelation:
وہ کلیم بے تجلی وہ مسیح بے صلیب
نیست پیغمبر و لیکن در یغل دارد کتاب
Armaghan-i-Hijaz, p. 8/650
(Trans: He a Moses without divine manifestation; he a Christ without a Cross? And though not a Prophet or Messenger of God but has got a Book in his bossom).