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Mustafa Kamal, look what our politics does lol

The big brother is still TOO NAIVE to issue "Certificates of Patriotism/Treachery" to fellow Pakistanis.

A sane man can never expect a positive reply for such DISGUSTING, SELF-RIGHTEOUS and CONDESCENDING attitude.

Nobody is going to tell me what is good for me and my country.
general Kayani only started recruiting BALOCHS into the Army after thousands of Target Killings and forced evacuations of non-balochs.

HINT: This is the way one gets one's rights in this country.
BTW... I have also heard that the real work for Karachi was done by the predecessor of Mustafa Kemal and Mustafa Kemal has taken all credit for it now...

WTF Naimatullah Khan only planted a few trees. After Mustafa Kamal came in he started digging and breaking roads, many people were like this man is mad after a few months people saw those roads were looking good as new, so many flyovers, so many new parks, new hospitals, garbage services. The "I Own Karachi" Campaign started by Mustafa Kamal was brilliant. He planted cameras to monitor crime. He pretty much redeveloped the city. He fought land grabbers backed by ANP.
Best thing about him is he lives in a small house and is purely from the middle class.
WTF Naimatullah Khan only planted a few trees. After Mustafa Kamal came in he started digging and breaking roads, many people were like this man is mad after a few months people saw those roads were looking good as new, so many flyovers, so many new parks, new hospitals, garbage services. The "I Own Karachi" Campaign started by Mustafa Kamal was brilliant. He planted cameras to monitor crime. He pretty much redeveloped the city. He fought land grabbers backed by ANP.
Best thing about him is he lives in a small house and is purely from the middle class.

where in karachi do you live?????

Naimtullah khan projects started :Nematullah Khan achieved to get an amount of Rs.2900 million for reconstruction of Karachi,city council passed various projects such as 18 flyovers, six underpasses, two signal free roads and a huge water supply scheme for the people of Karachi. It was first time in the history of Karachi that all the stake holders in Karachi were incorporated for the developmental works in Karachi. The Karachi development plan comprises signal free main roads, many flyovers, underpasses and the replacement of water and sewage lines.

So what mustafa kamal did was come finish his work and take credit! however, having said that Mustafa kamal is still a good man and should be the leader of MQM!!! he lvies amongst the people unlike the british national who calls pakistan a mistake!
@ Muhammad-Bin-Qasim

@ ice man

Qasba Aligarh Massacre happened in Aligarh, Orangi and Qasba colonies. You can google it up to get your grip on the history of Karachi. Gravity of this incident can be sum up by the inquiry report of Sajjad Ali Shah where he stated that it worst kind of massacre he had ever witnessed, where women, children and men from Mohajir community were slaughtered by people from illegal immigrants and Core Commander Karachi should investigate as to why Army was asked to retreat approximately 2 hours before the incident took take.

Ask anyone who have studied in KU in late 70s’ and early 80’s and you will get a crash course on who introduce the gun culture and who formed the gangs. Even the most brutal commentators of MQM acknowledge that MQM didn’t turn violent before 1989. why and how is a different debate and beyond of the scope of this thread.

MQM in bed with establishment is a recent turn around in their polices dating back to Mushraf. APMSO since inception confronted JI which was power house in Zia era, so how did you deduce the fact APMOS was made by Zia.

ok firstly i googled the names and i got NO NON BIAS ARTICLE!! EXCEPT ONLY PRO MQM ARTICLES! and no BBC,CNN,JUNG ARTICLES! so please save me the nonsense and propaganda!

as for MQM well zia made it just like it made PML(N) to keep a check on PPP and JI! and you still dodged my question of why was MQM in bed with mushrraf when clearly mushrraf was from the same army that MQM "HATES" and now is sitting with JAGIRDARAAAAAAAAAA (ppp)?

so MQM supports jagirdara & army and behind them back stabs them? there leader calls pakistan a mistake and yet wants to come into power in pakistan?


& for your knowledge i live in karachi & you cannot forget bori mein band lashein of the 90s! MQM was a terrorist party and it proved it again on 12th MAY
I am from karachi.. and Mr Naimat did NOTHING in his years.. except upgrade his garage collection.. and plant date trees that no longer exist.. that too on a single bridge that leads to the airport.
What Mustafa Kamal and his party has done and is doing is evident from the record. History never pardons any body, the culprits will be brought to task and sincere will be rewarded.
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