Freedom of not living in a hindutva extremist communal shithole
We may have good times or bad, but we have them in our own country, amongst our own people
We told Indian Muslims this, we told indian Sikhs this, hell we even told Indian Hindus this over 70 YEARS AGO
We said the populations are DIFFERENT, they have their own history, their own heros a d villains
We need separation and space away from each other
This is one united India shit is bullshit, exactly what Jinnah said would happen, the Hindus because they form the majority are now shiting on all minorities, trying to erase their history, culture and pushing Hindu shit endlessly
It's why partition of India is the only way,
Indians hate each other,
I hate Hindus, fcuk it I absolutely despise Hindus, but indians hate each other more then I hate Hindus
Why the fcuk would you for e yourself to live with people you hate
Indian Muslims hate Hindus like the rest of us, it just took them a little longer to realize the Hindus were their enemies and you can't live with this enemy