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Muslims declare Jihad against terrorism


May 3, 2009
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Muslims declare Jihad against terrorism
An international seminar on terrorism was held here today by a Muslim social organisation, where the participants declared 'jihad' against terrorism.'' The seminar, 'Jihad Against Terrorism', was organised by Fatimi International Organisation in association with Sahyog Cultural Society. ''The 26/11 terror attacks had deeply affected Mumbai.

Terrorism cannot be tolerated. Those who have attacked Mumbai cannot be Muslims or believe in Quran. We are with India in its efforts against terrorism,'' said Dr Mohammed Shahumi Al-Shahumi Al-Idrisi Al Hasani, coordinator of Fatimi International Associations Union and head of Ashraf International Organisation.

''Jihad cannot be termed to wage war against innocents or killing innocent people. And if anybody does it, he defames Islam and also defames humanity. Killing people is an act of terrorism and not Jihad,'' he added.

Elaborating on the true meaning of 'jihad', Sahyog Cultural Society president Sami Bubere said ''Jihad is usually associated with Islam and Muslims, but in fact, the concept of Jihad is found in all religions including Hinduism, Christianity, Judaism and political/ economic ideologies, such as Capitalism, Socialism and Communism. Islam defines Jihad as striving and struggling for improvement as well as fighting back to defend one's self, honour, assets and homeland. Also, it is interpreted as the struggle against evil, internal or external of a person or a society.'' He further stated that time need not be wasted anymore with repetitive talks and slogans. ''We need to mobilise ourselves and work,'' he added.

Among others who spoke on the occasion were Catholic priest Father Lanci Pinto, Parsi Priest Mr Panthaki and Dr Mohammed Sayed Al Touraihi, Director of Kufa Academy, Netherlands.

Earlier on the sidelines of the seminar, the organisers remembered the martyrs who gallantly fought the Pakistani 'fidayeens' during the 26/11 teror attacks and felicitated their widows for their bravery.

Among them were Kavita Karkare, wife of Anti-Terrorism Squad chief late Hemant Karkare; Vinita Kamte, wife of Additional Commissioner of Police late Ashok Kamte; Smita Salaskar, wife of encounter specialist and senior Inspector of Police Vijay Salaskar and Turamati Omble, wife of Assistant Sub-Inspector Tukaram Ombale.

Karambir Singh Kang, general manager of Taj Mahal Palace & Tower, Mumbai, who lost his wife and two kids in the attack, too was recognised
good, but it could get a little confusing between muslims .just joking.... gr8 effort
This evil can only be defeated by joint effort ..... gr8 step forward :yahoo:
only 10 years too late.

maybe, but better late than never.

This Jihad should extend to all forms of terrorism, including Maoism and each and every indian should take part.
only 10 years too late.

muslims have done their bit - although late as you mentioned. west also need to put their prejudice aside and declare jihad against israeli and illegal settlers terrorism too. this isssue is greatly putting the global security at risk. peace and equality for both the israelis and palestinians, if peace and equality is only for one side, i am afraid the terrorism wont stop.
I have never seen 1 muslim speak out against muslim terrorists and condemn them, not even 1 on this forum.

Who wants to be the first?
I have never seen 1 muslim speak out against muslim terrorists and condemn them, not even 1 on this forum.

Who wants to be the first?

You must be in a really really really deep sleep my friend.

I have never seen 1 muslim speak out against muslim terrorists and condemn them, not even 1 on this forum.

Who wants to be the first?


I really did laugh out loud on that one... Surely you are joking, right? There are reams of posts condemning terrorism on this forum. You sir, are in denial.
I have never seen 1 muslim speak out against muslim terrorists and condemn them, not even 1 on this forum.

Who wants to be the first?

From reading too much, and sleeping too little, his brain dried up on him and he lost his judgment.
...west also need to put their prejudice aside and declare jihad against israeli and illegal settlers terrorism too. this isssue is greatly putting the global security at risk.
Evidence suggests (1) terrorism centered in Pakistan and (2) the long-running jihad against Israel, are "putting global security at risk"; otherwise, the world wouldn't be quaking at the prospect of Iran's terror-supporting mullahs gaining nuclear arms, or the Taliban seeking to control, capture, or infiltrate Pakistan's nuclear arsenal.

Evidence suggests (1) terrorism centered in Pakistan and

Yes, not only pakistan but my country afghanistan too is one of the centers.

(2) the long-running jihad against Israel,

as long as there is land grab, settlement buildings, cruelty, occupation, there will be jihad or whatever you call it.

are "putting global security at risk";

unconditional support of america to israel and double standard policy of america in the middle east is one of the driving force of terrorism, and that is putting global security at risk, your own general is confessing to this.

otherwise, the world wouldn't be quaking at the prospect of Iran's terror-supporting mullahs gaining nuclear arms, or the Taliban seeking to control, capture, or infiltrate Pakistan's nuclear arsenal.

if terrorist israel have the nukes, then i dont see anything wrong if terrorist iran want to have it.
Why would a pious Muslim need a Jihad against terrorism? Does not Islam and its teachings condemn violence and terror?

Though for political purposes it makes perfect sense and I do appreciate the efforts, but speaking form the point of faith, this seems superfluous. Just my 2 cents.
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