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Muslim student arrested in US after home-built clock mistaken for bomb

. . . .
For kid that young to be making stuff , he must be a gifted inventor or genuis shameful he was treated like that
Most students interested in hardware and electronics get

a) Robots
b) Electronic kits

Commonly in USA these are sold openly

It is common as buying groceries for kids in grade 7th - 8th , 9th to be given Robotics / Electronics kits to experiment with to develop understanding of electronics as if they choose to become specialist in Electronics field , they will have good concept about things going into Universities or colleges

The early pc computer was invented by such experimentalism, in garage based operations
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Muslim check
Knows how to build check
Might be successful check

Lets ruin his life give him a record

so no one will want to employ him

then showcase the Muslims dont work hard enough while other people get jobs!

then have meetings after meetings as to why people hate us :pop:

Read to the bottom of the article? This will in no way ruin his chances for a successful career.
. .
you have to remember too many bad incidents happened in US schools lately.
Yup and also the treatment:

. .
There is a difference between a school and a church.

Edit: The charges have been dropped.
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There is a difference between a school and a church.

Edit: The charges have been dropped.
This really takes the cake , a students gets creative , actually makes something , gets hand cuffed , why ? because he happens to be muslim

USA - land of the free and the brave and a whole bunch to prejudiced pricks :lol:
What an unbelievably stupid way to treat the kid. This is the result of sheer ignorance and blatant racism. Every person with a color is looked with suspicion. Presidential candidates come on live tv to scold an entire group of people as rapists and criminals and a large group of rednecks clap with joy. Should we really be surprised at this kid being handcuffed and treated as a criminal or terrorist? No surprise for me. America is going downhill. This isn't the great country it advertises itself to be I'm afraid. This is a very divided country with a fair portion of the population very hostile and intolerant.
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President Obama Invites Teen Who Built Clock to the White House
by Justin Worland

"Cool clock, Ahmed. Want to bring it to the White House?"
President Barack Obama invited the 14-year-old high schooler whose homemade clock was confused for a bomb to the White House.

“Cool clock, Ahmed. Want to bring it to the White House?” Obama wrote on Twitter Wednesday.

Ahmed Mohamed, a 14-year-old 9th grader at MacArthur High School in Irving, Texas, was arrested on Monday and suspended from school after his homemade clock was mistaken for a bomb. Mohamed said he had built the clock because he is interested in technology.

Obama billed his invitation to Mohamed as an opportunity to inspire children to take an interest in science. In recent months, the White House has worked to encourage young Americans to pursue STEM—science, technology, engineering and math—careers.

“We should inspire more kids like you to like science,” Obama wrote. “It’s what makes America great.”

Presidential candidate Hillary Clinton also chimed in, encouraging Mohamed to “stay curious and keep building.”

source: Texas Bomb Clock: How the President Responded
Kvetch all you want, this society is alive and working very well. :D

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