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Muslim military strenght

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I think Its A Speech Frm A Traumatized Indian Hindu :rofl:
And yes, No Fact can change this , that we ruled india for 1000 years

You madrasa educated also? where you get this number 1000 years dont u know Marathi Shivaji made keema mince out you

Some Pakistanis were taught in Ali Baba school of dimwits it seems and can't do simple maths this 1000 year crap is still taught to these retards.
You're right, your deranged preoccupation with mental illness is telling. Tonight I'm gonna have a bacon-cheese burger. I am neither Jew, Muslim, or Indian. If I did decide to become superstitious, I would become Christian, as it is my heritage and culture.

Here is something that should help you a lot:


(1) Avoid as far as you can the use of psychotropic drugs such as tranquilizers and anti-depressants for these only mask your problems instead of eliminating them. Besides, they can be counter-productive in the long run.

(2) Stop the consumption of junk foods and drinks.

(3) Eat only whole, organic foods that contain complex carbo-hydrates.

(4) Eat five or six small meals a day instead of only three or less.

(5) Drink plenty of good quality water.

(6) Do experiments on yourself to find out if there are any foods that affect your mood, foods to which you might be allergic.

(7) Do some physical exercise every day for at least half an hour or take up some sport such as tennis, basket ball or squash.

(8) Listen every day to some music that you like.

(9) Find or think about something every day that would make you laugh.

(10) If you smoke, try to give it up.

(11) Whatever you may be going through, don't ever blame yourself for what you might or might not have done in your life.

(12) If despite all the above, you still feel that you ought to see a therapist, go to someone who specializes in Behaviour Therapy. It is about the only therapy that is based on scientific research. The following two sites on this therapy are easily understood by laymen, especially the second one which is a fictional case study, something you are likely to relate to.

Hope sincerely it will help you somehow.
Here is a guide on how to go completely bonkers. Have your parents immigrate from a predominantly Muslim country to a Christian one. Get beaten up at school every day. Hide in said parent's basement and fancy yourself a Muslim extremist to make the hurt go away.
I think Its A Speech Frm A Traumatized Indian Hindu :rofl:
And yes, No Fact can change this , that we ruled india for 1000 years

LOL , who is "we" , bangladeshi? Need I remind you that you now possess a tiny overly densely populated country which is surrounded from all sides by India and can be easily cut off from the rest of the world. Need I remind you that it can be flooded or converted into a desert by manipulating a couple of dams upstream? Need I remind you it can be bombarded with several thousand Indian missiles and all you technologically primitive bangladeshis can do is watch? Need I remind you that our border forces pop several hundred border jumpers and junkies from your country every year?

I don't know for how many years you ruled us and frankly don't care, but as for today , your country can be wiped of the map by india in a matter of minutes , and the world wouldn't even care because your countrymen have done nothing good for the world.
Here is a guide on how to go completely bonkers. Have your parents immigrate from a predominantly Muslim country to a Christian one. Get beaten up at school every day. Hide in said parent's basement and fancy yourself a Muslim extremist to make the hurt go away.

Nope, it sounds like you, who live mostly in your parents basements, get bitten in school by the bullies, and like the money of the Muslim countries that you are willing to sacrifice your lives for in order to survive, dude.
And by the way what Christian country? should I remind you that Christianity is dead, and that the elite from it have converted to Islam or at least sympathize with it.
Nope, it sounds like you, who live mostly in your parents basements, get bitten in school by the bullies, and like the money of the Muslim countries that you are willing to sacrifice your lives for in order to survive, dude.
And by the way what Christian country? should I remind you that Christianity is dead, and that the elite from it have converted to Islam or at least sympathize with it.

Christianity is dead really? :lol: your making yourself sound like a fool
Nope, it sounds like you, who live mostly in your parents basements, get bitten in school by the bullies, and like the money of the Muslim countries that you are willing to sacrifice your lives for in order to survive, dude.
And by the way what Christian country? should I remind you that Christianity is dead, and that the elite from it have converted to Islam or at least sympathize with it.

Let's see. Christianity allows you to smoke , drink , do drugs freely , have sex as many times as you like , make as many jesus jokes without getting blown up , leave the religion without getting blown up etc etc . Please tell me why anyone would leave christianity? Christianity had its dark days in the past and suppressed free thinkers and scientists, but today it's one of the most liberal religions.
Christianity is dead really? :lol: your making yourself sound like a fool

Why? you are killing yours all the time in India at least, I do not know about Thailand, but your Christianity won't be accepted even in a so called western Christian society, so who sounds like a fool?
Why? you are killing yours all the time in India at least, I do not know about Thailand, but your Christianity won't be accepted even in a so called western Christian society, so who sounds like a fool?

Oh is that why St Thomas landed on the shores of Kerela if we were such animals we would have killed him would we have not?
Let's see. Christianity allows you to smoke , drink , do drugs freely , have sex as many times as you like , make as many jesus jokes without getting blown up , leave the religion without getting blown up etc etc . Please tell me why anyone would leave christianity? Christianity had its dark days in the past and suppressed free thinkers and scientists, but today it's one of the most liberal religions.

And mostly it is easy on you - prayer wise - ( if you practice at all), just ounce every Sunday, and you get a little chip and a sip of wine for it, representing the flesh and blood of Jesus, now talk about paganism if not cannibalism.
So the whole idea of Christian reform is that since Jesus is/was God and he died for the Christian's sins, than a Christian can sin what he wants and go to a church to confess it to the priest(the real Christian God) and everything should be OK till next Sunday confession.
So the main thing for Christian or should I say the Judeo- Christians which is their real religion is that God is dead. I think this is why their religion just died on its own thought.

To go back to the real subject of the thread, It is nice to see how people react to other's strength, it shows how jealous and insecure some semi-humans can be and how far they can go to bite even a helping hand as soon as they think they are starting to get on their feet, or just from very weak ones.

So it is better to prepare for war, since the majority of humans are still run by their emotional instincts, and the Muslims are right to get close to each other and unite their defences and strengthen their armies.
Nope, it sounds like you, who live mostly in your parents basements, get bitten in school by the bullies, and like the money of the Muslim countries that you are willing to sacrifice your lives for in order to survive, dude.
And by the way what Christian country? should I remind you that Christianity is dead, and that the elite from it have converted to Islam or at least sympathize with it.

The bullies bit you? Must be one of the rougher sections of Canadia! Money of Muslim countries? Lol!
The bullies bit you? Must be one of the rougher sections of Canadia! Money of Muslim countries? Lol!

Must be a case of over-bite.

This is the first certifiable lunatic I have encountered on PDF. Fascinating how he tries to give everything a positive towards Muslims stance, even instances where 'Muslim' forces suffered their most humiliating defeats. The most eminent Pakistani military leaders concede Indian military superiority, and that the results of four incidents of war were against Pakistan, but this fanboy still argues on and tries to show that 'Muslim' forces won.

Perhaps Canadian immigrants should be denied access to the Internet before they complete their studies.
Nope, it sounds like you, who live mostly in your parents basements, get bitten in school by the bullies, and like the money of the Muslim countries that you are willing to sacrifice your lives for in order to survive, dude.
And by the way what Christian country? should I remind you that Christianity is dead, and that the elite from it have converted to Islam or at least sympathize with it.
thats one foolish statement, i have come across in my life time.
kindly quote me instances of this happening, if there is a royalty who has changed faith then it would be a great news, and what you are saying is mass migration of faith, i dont know how the media missed it
The notion of Muslim `Military`is a illusion

There is no joint military and nor is there any link between the armies or regional cooperation to move troops easily between two territories.

All Muslim countries have limited number of transport planes so they can`t move troops to distant lands where allies may need help their focus is always regions with in radius of few hundred KM

Also Muslim countries all have outdated armies carrying outdated weaponry - hardly any nation apart of Iran has bothered to make a High altitude air defence system or purchased one in large quantities

The Millions and Millions of soliders on ground are sitting ducks if there is no way to protect them from bombardment from air which normally happens in modern warfare.

Furthermore, they do not have adequate number of helicopters to transport food supplies and water specially to war zones , with no supplies with in 1-2 weeks key posts and regions could be lost even if there was any alliance

The Airforce for all the Muslim nations is pretty low grade , in all reality , tonned down - bugged airforce which has weapons that are probbly bugged not to work in key battles against certain nations

Finally - there is no COOPERATION agreetment of any kind

Plus there is only a navy about size of coast guard for most countries

With out an ability to manufacture engines and make new planes and replace any lost ones very hard to do
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