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Muslim first or Pakistani ?

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Kashif, thanks for the reply. I know it must be a sensitive topic for you, since you are in a delicate position. You have neither the luxury of us Hindu Indians, nor Muslim Pakistanis, to make grandiose statements like Adux[although i respect his point of view too]. Perhaps only other religious minorities in other countries, like a Hindu in Pakistan, Jew in Germany, Christian in Saudi Arabia etc etc can understand your anguish when loyalty of you lot is questioned.

Excuse me Blitz, But when did India belong to the Hindu's. The consititution of India states it belongs to all those who are born here irrespective of caste, creed, religion, colour or race. It is not Hindustan but India or Bharat. Muslims of India have the same right as me or anyone. They better, cuz its only for that reason I love this country and make my grandiose statements. I am not against islam but i dont have some differences with it as I have with any religion. The singular concept of Ummah, which has a negative impact on my country's unity as well as it threatens existence of my country.

Iran, Saudi Arabia, Pakistan are all islamic countries which does not treat any other relgious following citizen with the same level of respect or rights. I refuse to compare my country with these.

And PS: Kashif take a Hike, This is the internet dont give me bravado's.
Adux i never said i agree with Kashif's view of religion over nation. But who am i to pass judgment ? What good will it do to get agitated about it ? Will you make him change his views ? I would rather ask my questions, find what i am looking for, and then keep my opinions to myself. He is an Indian too.

Yes i do like to make fun of some immature testosterone laden Pakistanis on this board, but thats different ;)

What I love the most about this country is that tommrow i could convert to a muslim or a christain, and this beautiful country would still treat me the same. My family already has a christain connection as well as a muslim connection, my immediate family is Hindu, while I believe in my own little religion. This country wouldnt question me for it. For me that is greater sense, than any other.

Anyone who oppose's that fact of this country such as the VHP, SIMI, PDP, Bajrang Dal or any other fundo's organization as far as my concerned a enemy of the state. Anyone wishes for India stop exsisting to make way for a Ummah, Akhand Bharat or United States of "I dont Know what" is an enemy of the state. Religion is important part of a human being, they should love it and embrace, but when it comes to the best of interest of this nation, they better keep it in the back burner.
Definately Muslim first.......then whatever nationality etc.

When we will die the angels of death (on interrogation in the grave.....please see relevant hadith) will not be asking whether you are an American/French/Indian/saudi or a Pakistani....they will ask whether you are a person who has submitted to the will of God (i.e Islam). certain questions would be asked and if answered incorrectly will deem your fate.

Remember, we are all the children of Adam (as).....all one race...it is the devil (the initiator of various false worships) that has caused division within this one nation.....therefore I reiterate...a Muslim first!

Definitely the best and God fearing reply of this thread.:tup:
Thats all very lovey and dovey,

So let me see, If a muslim country attacks India , or India has to attack a muslim country, my friend over here wont support the nation. While Pakistani muslim goes by honour, courage and country" The Kashif above goes by honour, courage and Ummah. To hell with India.

Please correct me, if I am wrong cuz I just got off my chair

Me personally, if my nation needs me I dont care who is attacking, even if they are my own brethern irrespective of religion, race,creed, caste, blood-relations. I will defend my nation and for me there is no two ways about it. For me India is for Indians of all walks of life irrespective of their differneces whatever it maybe

No place for NATIONALITY in Islam. Its only the adherence to the ideology which will decide the fate in life after death.
Moreover you look more in a mood to fight. If their will be another war between India and Pak or say muslims it will be the question of unjust and illegal occupation of Kashmir in 1947. Indian muslims are not responsible for this dispute. It was the imperialistic policies of so called great secularist and leaders under secular mask (e.g.Vallabh Bhai Patel, Nehru etc) as well as the rigid stand of present Indian govt which can put the subcontinent on the brink of disastrous war in future.
No place for NATIONALITY in Islam. Its only the adherence to the ideology which will decide the fate in life after death.
Moreover you look more in a mood to fight. If their will be another war between India and Pak or say muslims it will be the question of unjust and illegal occupation of Kashmir in 1947. Indian muslims are not responsible for this dispute. It was the imperialistic policies of so called great secularist and leaders under secular mask (e.g.Vallabh Bhai Patel, Nehru etc) as well as the rigid stand of present Indian govt which can put the subcontinent on the brink of disastrous war in future.

I am definitly in a mood to fight and my life is dedicated to removing scum from the face of the earth.

What do you know what Indian Muslims such as the malayalee muslims, Tamilian or kanadiga etc. DO you think they wanna give up kashmir to pakistan which is rightfully ours.
I wonder why you Bangladeshi is looking so hard to find acceptance from pakistani's and other developed muslim nationalities in general, is it cuz your country alone is in a shitty state of affairs economically, politically and military wise. So you call on the Ummah factor to hide your personal incompetence, and bask in other people's glory, I have seen you time and again lower your own people just to please the pakistani's here, are you not happy with your country, Pretext of ummah to hide your failure's as a nation. Yup I got you.
Wait and watch.

Do you really have to shout and Highlight in red in a internet forum to give me the message of your religion,!!!!!!
I am waiting........waiting ....waiting....waiting....
If their will be another war between India and Pak or say muslims it will be the question of unjust and illegal occupation of Kashmir in 1947. Indian muslims are not responsible for this dispute. It was the imperialistic policies of so called great secularist and leaders under secular mask (e.g.Vallabh Bhai Patel, Nehru etc) as well as the rigid stand of present Indian govt which can put the subcontinent on the brink of disastrous war in future.

Hummmmm ..... :what: all i can say do what ever you think your are capable of ....... god bless your soul .....:wave:
DO you think they wanna give up kashmir to pakistan which is rightfully ours.

It's not rightfully yours. You are just unjust and ruthless occupiers

Whatever am I , definitely happy with that. I ma not here to appease or make happy to some one to get some faouvre. Whatever I am writting is based on my belief in my fate in life after death.
Hummmmm ..... :what: all i can say do what ever you think your are capable of ....... god bless your soul .....:wave:

You will never accept your guilt that is crystal clear to all.
You are the peolpe who can make issue of non issue and non issue an issue. These are the brahmanical principals.
It's not rightfully yours. You are just unjust and ruthless occupiers

Whatever am I , definitely happy with that. I ma not here to appease or make happy to some one to get some faouvre. Whatever I am writting is based on my belief in my fate in life after death.

Let me know when you strap yourself with a bomb, and defame islam again and make living difficult for other follower's of your faith. I will open can of beer, and give a toast.
And your welcome for liberating your sorry ***.
Stop writing in big letters, you are scaring me....:crazy:
When I was born I was born an Indian. When I was born I was born (Alhamdu-lil-allah) to a muslim family. Period.

I hear AZZAN as first sound to my ears, not a national anthem!
Now deciding which one get the precedence over the other. To me whenever there is a compulsion to choose between country and religion, I will opt for the later. ALWAYS. Whenever my survival and responsibilites as a civillian come in to picture, I would like to be addressed and accountable as INDIAN.

People might jump from there chairs on this. Let them!

I know what my priorities are and when and where I need to draw a line between my nationality and religion.


Well said Kashif, this is one of the sanest resplies I've seen in this crappy thread! :tup:
I'm closing it down.

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