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Pakistani youth and Israel : Palestine issue

but you never had liberalism - mullahs have had maximum influence. Starting from changing the country's name, to barbaric blasphemy laws to idiotic changes to education such as making that biology professor apologize for teaching science.

you had and have a sham definition of nationalism too. ask a cross section of non-punjabis.

materialism has always taken a back seat to mullacracy but with a twist. the establishment crooks uses islam and the mullahs used establishment in a dirty cabal that the majority of population didn't have a problem with until recently when chickens came to roost.

So turns out you are in the hole you are in was dug with a heaping helpin of fraudulent generals preaching bravado and fraudulent mullahs preaching falsehood and teh fraudulent public wanting to believe in their non existent greatness

you people need to get real.
Ummm... are you an idiot? Which biology professor in Pakistan had to apologize for teaching science?
Pakistani youth: Full support Sahib
it just shows how weak your ancestors where. You are stuck with it.
the sad part is, you all know how effed up your state is and yet cannot even admit it and have a cleansing cry.

And after such degradation over a few generations naturally you cannot be expected to know any better. You've been swirling down the toilet for so long everybody looks like dumping on you and everything looks like shit. Just your sorry state.

Yeah but why would our ancestors want to worship lingams? That's the penis of a weird freaky god of yours

Why would our ancestors think goofy animals and flying monkeys were worthy of worship?

Why would our ancestors worship ugly weird comic book villain idols?

Your not making any sense whatsoever

Nation states have good times and bad times, Pakistan was easily better then India in most indexes in the last 75 years,, you think we would abandon our freedom and Independence away from idol worshippers because of political or economic problems 😂😂😂😂😂

Are you mentally slow😂😂😂
I can't tell if this is real or fake:

Youth and bravado is not a rare combination. Among Pakistani youth bravado historically has been both a trait and palliative.
Youth and Islam, especially what Islam constitutes, is however a rare combination. Among Pakistani youth, Islamic misconception is and has been a false purpose and gap filler.

These two factors lead to many Pakistanis supporting Hamas terrorism as just revenge against Israel. In doing so they do major injustice to themselves, to Pakistan and to Islam.

- to themselves because identifying with terrorism always leads to self destruction as your prior generation found out 1st hand
- to Pakistan because even as KSA and UAE are reconciling with Israel, this nation of bravadista Pakistanis loses yet another development partner that it needs sorely
- to Islam because you further intensify and perpetuate the image of a religion in turmoil, of violent methods and extremism

Is it that difficult to understand the difference in interests between Hamas and Palestine?

For decades the Pak army has been goading your parent/grandparent generations with the false threat of India, America, Hindus etc. Now you realize they did that mostly to ensure their own well being.

Hamas is doing exactly the same, on steroid. So that they don't become irrelevant they attack Israel and let the Palestinian people face disaster and destruction at the Israeli hand.

The cause of the Palestine land is not advanced one iota by this Hamas action. In fact it only further justifies in the Israeli mind that continued reduction of Palestinian space and rights is ok because it is punishment to terrorism.

If this is not clear to any Pakistani youth or kids, it is up to the Pakistani parent to explain to them. Otherwise they will become yet another wasted generation
Hamas attacking innocent civilians is terrorism, accepted.

But what is Israel's actions attacking innocent civilians called? What is Israel's action to prevent medicine, water and food from getting to the civilians called? And what is a besieged nation supposed to do to the oppressor which has for decades looted and plundered land and goods with impunity and with the support of the self proclaimed champions of humanity in the US, UK, Europe etc.?

Is it terrorism attacking civilians on foot but self defense when carpet bombing besieged, starved and controlled civilians from 30,000 feet using precision bombs and fighter jets?

I don't understand all the logic, but one observation I can make. Today, Hamas declared a "Day of Rage" worldwide. I saw on TV that much of New York was deserted and most big cities had low foot traffic, people working from home, extra police with long guns etc., Now, this may not seem a big deal, but its impact on national psychology for a country still recovering from 20 years of wars in Iraq and Afghanistan is, that the people in Middle-East, Arabs and Muslims are a major PITA. That is not advantageous for a positive image and reducing Islamophobia and the bogeyman of 'Islamic terrorist' behind every tree.
The problem is, when you keep pushing people to the wall, when you keep shouting wolf; something's gotta give, the people start pushing back and the wolf may just appear.

You sow what you reap, sooner or later.
If you’re Pakistani and support Israhell, you’re a disgrace to Pakistan and deserve to be lynched.
no . your ancestors couldn't take the heat and succumbed.
but just as well, glad we got rid of the weaklings, but sad you poor sods suffer for your ancestor's mistakes
This is an interesting point you brought up - what does this say about your ancestors?

Hinduism is obviously not native to South India. Higher caste Hindus have been found to have higher traces of foreign ancestry compared to lower caste Hindus, who in fact, turn out to be nore cclosely related to you. Does this imply that your ancestors also couldn't take the heat and succumbed to Hinduism, eventually going on to form that dark, smelly blob which is the lower tier of Hindu caste society?

Source on my claims btw: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC2842210/
Yeah but why would our ancestors want to worship lingams? That's the penis of a weird freaky god of yours

Why would our ancestors think goofy animals and flying monkeys were worthy of worship?

Why would our ancestors worship ugly weird comic book villain idols?

Your not making any sense whatsoever

Nation states have good times and bad times, Pakistan was easily better then India in most indexes in the last 75 years,, you think we would abandon our freedom and Independence away from idol worshippers because of political or economic problems 😂😂😂😂😂

Are you mentally slow😂😂your ancestor worshi[peas we have already established, were mentally weak and couldn't take

It is difficult for me to explain to you about your ancestors because they were a while ago and you are not sufficiently bright to understand. But I will try since you ask.

Your ancestors worshipped whatever they were told to worship. Whether Lingam or trees or monkeys or anybody or anything. So when islam was brought about in arabia and the barbarians invaded them, they got scared and started worshipping whatever the invaders told them to do. Just like you, they neither had original thought nor any spiritual fortitude.
I can't tell if this is real or fake:

What a joke.

Palestinians ask for help with their tearful eyes. Do not post from your rear end hypocrite.
Hamas attacking innocent civilians is terrorism, accepted.

But what is Israel's actions attacking innocent civilians called? What is Israel's action to prevent medicine, water and food from getting to the civilians called? And what is a besieged nation supposed to do to the oppressor which has for decades looted and plundered land and goods with impunity and with the support of the self proclaimed champions of humanity in the US, UK, Europe etc.?

Is it terrorism attacking civilians on foot but self defense when carpet bombing besieged, starved and controlled civilians from 30,000 feet using precision bombs and fighter jets?

Obviously there is no simple answer or solution to this, your question is valid.

Whether Hamas or IDF, intentionally attacking civilians must be condemned. The difference I see is that Hamas did it in premediated provocation whereas Israel is doing it in reaction to that attack. What is Israel supposed to when Hamas lobs thousands of missiles into their country?

Palestinians must know that outfits such as Hamas are a product of hate and cannot solve any problem. This ingrained hatred of jews by muslims globally is the reason why Hamas etc are allowed to come up and are funded and supplied. If that hatred wasn't there, this would have been a simpler land / territorial dispute and would have resolved long ago.

This is an interesting point you brought up - what does this say about your ancestors?

Hinduism is obviously not native to South India. Higher caste Hindus have been found to have higher traces of foreign ancestry compared to lower caste Hindus, who in fact, turn out to be nore cclosely related to you. Does this imply that your ancestors also couldn't take the heat and succumbed to Hinduism, eventually going on to form that dark, smelly blob which is the lower tier of Hindu caste society?

Source on my claims btw: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC2842210/
those are all topics beyond your reach. know and stay within your lowly status
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Youth and bravado is not a rare combination. Among Pakistani youth bravado historically has been both a trait and palliative.
Youth and Islam, especially what Islam constitutes, is however a rare combination. Among Pakistani youth, Islamic misconception is and has been a false purpose and gap filler.

These two factors lead to many Pakistanis supporting Hamas terrorism as just revenge against Israel. In doing so they do major injustice to themselves, to Pakistan and to Islam.

- to themselves because identifying with terrorism always leads to self destruction as your prior generation found out 1st hand
- to Pakistan because even as KSA and UAE are reconciling with Israel, this nation of bravadista Pakistanis loses yet another development partner that it needs sorely
- to Islam because you further intensify and perpetuate the image of a religion in turmoil, of violent methods and extremism

Is it that difficult to understand the difference in interests between Hamas and Palestine?

For decades the Pak army has been goading your parent/grandparent generations with the false threat of India, America, Hindus etc. Now you realize they did that mostly to ensure their own well being.

Hamas is doing exactly the same, on steroid. So that they don't become irrelevant they attack Israel and let the Palestinian people face disaster and destruction at the Israeli hand.

The cause of the Palestine land is not advanced one iota by this Hamas action. In fact it only further justifies in the Israeli mind that continued reduction of Palestinian space and rights is ok because it is punishment to terrorism.

If this is not clear to any Pakistani youth or kids, it is up to the Pakistani parent to explain to them. Otherwise they will become yet another wasted generation

Dude what are you saying

Dude what are you saying
how can I further simplify that amigo? I am saying just like the Pak establishment fooled Pak public for decades by pushing falsehood such as religion vs religion, Hamas is doing the same to people of Palestine. The only difference is while Pak establishment used proxy terrorists, Hamas is its own.

Since Pak public have 1st hand suffered this fraud, it should be easy for them to see Hamas for what it is. Yet many Pak posters here want to support Hamas
It is difficult for me to explain to you about your ancestors because they were a while ago and you are not sufficiently bright to understand. But I will try since you ask.

Your ancestors worshipped whatever they were told to worship. Whether Lingam or trees or monkeys or anybody or anything. So when islam was brought about in arabia and the barbarians invaded them, they got scared and started worshipping whatever the invaders told them to do. Just like you, they neither had original thought nor any spiritual fortitude.

But your not making any sense

We found faith and strength and belief in Islam

What you are saying is we should abandon that for goofy looking idols, animals gods, lingams and a abhorrent South Asian culture and superstitions

How does that make sense??????

If anything considered the nature of Indian society, the oppression billions.of Dalits went through over time you should be advocating all of those hindus to abandon hindutiwadi for a superior system
Obviously there is no simple answer or solution to this, your question is valid.

Whether Hamas or IDF, intentionally attacking civilians must be condemned. The difference I see is that Hamas did it in premediated provocation whereas Israel is doing it in reaction to that attack. What is Israel supposed to when Hamas lobs thousands of missiles into their country?

Palestinians must know that outfits such as Hamas are a product of hate and cannot solve any problem. This ingrained hatred of jews by muslims globally is the reason why Hamas etc are allowed to come up and are funded and supplied. If that hatred wasn't there, this would have been a simpler land / territorial dispute and would have resolved long ago.
It is quite simple literally, to the condemned, nothing matters much except lives of his/her family. Especially those condemned who have been occupied for the last 70+ years and are under siege basically. Their entire lives have been governed by Israel.

So, on the 1 hand we have an occupied nation whose land was snatched by force and on whom life is a daily challenge and on the other hand we have a nation which is a military super power in the region, whose every son and daughter (adult) is a soldier having undergone compulsory military training and which is armed to the teeth with the most sophisticated weapons in the world and which is constantly being supplied with weapons and money by the first world countries.

Now, the first nation has freedom fighters who ventured into the domain of terrorism when they attacked innocent children, women, and non-combatants and who must be held accountable for their cowardly actions. On the other hand, we have a country with precision munitions bombing innocent civilians on purpose, bombing civic infrastructure, houses, schools, churches, even Hospitals and places of shelter. And the difference does not stop there; those who have been attacked in Israel have access to top medical facilities, water, electricity, gas, heating, cooling, ambulances, air ambulances and access to virtually unlimited resources whereas the other side is not being allowed to rescue children buried under rubble, the other side is running out of water, out of oil for power generation and vehicles, medicine to the point where operations are being conducted without anesthesia. What else can one say really.
But your not making any sense

We found faith and strength and belief in Islam

What you are saying is we should abandon that for goofy looking idols, animals gods, lingams and a abhorrent South Asian culture and superstitions

How does that make sense??????

If anything considered the nature of Indian society, the oppression billions.of Dalits went through over time you should be advocating all of those hindus to abandon hindutiwadi for a superior system
as said before, I don't blame you for your foolishness. It is ingrained in you ever since your ancestor succumbed, But if you want you can do something about your frustrations by developing some original thinking and some fortitude.

It is quite simple literally, to the condemned, nothing matters much except lives of his/her family. Especially those condemned who have been occupied for the last 70+ years and are under siege basically. Their entire lives have been governed by Israel.

So, on the 1 hand we have an occupied nation whose land was snatched by force and on whom life is a daily challenge and on the other hand we have a nation which is a military super power in the region, whose every son and daughter (adult) is a soldier having undergone compulsory military training and which is armed to the teeth with the most sophisticated weapons in the world and which is constantly being supplied with weapons and money by the first world countries.

Now, the first nation has freedom fighters who ventured into the domain of terrorism when they attacked innocent children, women, and non-combatants and who must be held accountable for their cowardly actions. On the other hand, we have a country with precision munitions bombing innocent civilians on purpose, bombing civic infrastructure, houses, schools, churches, even Hospitals and places of shelter. And the difference does not stop there; those who have been attacked in Israel have access to top medical facilities, water, electricity, gas, heating, cooling, ambulances, air ambulances and access to virtually unlimited resources whereas the other side is not being allowed to rescue children buried under rubble, the other side is running out of water, out of oil for power generation and vehicles, medicine to the point where operations are being conducted without anesthesia. What else can one say really.
Not much to disagree there but take your 3rd para - what part of that was unknowable to Hamas before they launched on this idiocy?
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