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Musharraf Turns An Indian Anchor Into An Epic Goof.

Electronic journalism is all about TRPs.

But at the same time, Indian media houses should not give airtime to past Heads of State of an enemy country and allow him to cater to his domestic audience.

mussharaf badly needs more publicity to get back to his country and we should not make his path easy.
Indeed he should be the voice of the nation but the journalist also should be true to his profession Sir. A journalist should be impartial and unbiased in his assertions. He should raise both sides of the point and try to inform the public with every bit of information. This fellow, Arnab Goswami is an insult to the profession of journalism. You can see his bias right from the front, he is only interested in projecting his point of view instead of raising the issue from both sides. He is far from being an intellectual. This talk show pretty much confirmed it, confronted with someone of superior intellect, Musharraf made this journalist look like a school boy. I am sorry, i have no respect for a journalist who lets his personal bias get the better of him.

Bottom Line: A journalist should be impartial and unbiased.

I can show you 100's of pakistani media videos where you guys openly bashed india.

We have nationalist media when it comes to pakistan and it uses the hate against pakistan in common people while same media cant do this in case of china coz we dont hate china.

if Arnab is an insult then your 80% media is insult to your country who do same but in different way.
Bottom Line: A journalist should be impartial and unbiased.

Bottom of that bottom line: Nowadays a journalist is also expected to push his country's interests and arnab was only doing that. And frankly there is no need the Pakistani pov has to be given free publicity through Indian news channels. It is the Indian pov that has to be given primacy and he was doing just that. That is something we have to learn from the Americans.

Im forced to say - Pakistanis dont cry..if you want ask one of your media anchor to go ballistic on India..we could not care less. Arnab's audience is Indians and there is no need for him to take care of pakistani fragile sensitivities..
Bottom of that bottom line: Nowadays a journalist is also expected to push his country's interests and arnab was only doing that. And frankly there is no need the Pakistani pov has to be given free publicity through Indian news channels. It is the Indian pov that has to be given primacy and he was doing just that. That is something we have to learn from the Americans.

And he got RAPED in DA END :woot: :smitten:
And he got RAPED in DA END :woot: :smitten:

The pakistani fetish for rape is quite disturbing to say the least..no one raped anyone..mushy was being the professional lier not answering and deflecting points where he had fucked..anyway mushy had raped pakistan faaaaaaaaar worse in real world than he supposedly raped arnab in a virtual tv studio
I can show you 100's of pakistani media videos where you guys openly bashed india.

We have nationalist media when it comes to pakistan and it uses the hate against pakistan in common people while same media cant do this in case of china coz we dont hate china.

if Arnab is an insult then your 80% media is insult to your country who do same but in different way.
@Armstrong, can't believe the day has come, where I defend president.musharaff, damn indiennes what are you making me do. Monsieur @Paan Singh , I am going treat you as an adult and I hope you return the favor back as well. Monsieur paan singh, if I am may add this was an interview on day time telè of a former president. We are not doing tit for tat here but rather discussing case by case and in this case the interviewer was wrong, when something is wrong , you say its wrong and the only reason here I am upset is because this interviewer not only tarnished the proffession of journalism, he does not know how to address a former head of state. Now i am not saying that he represent indienne journalism, however he displays a poor example of one. Bringing pakistan into this will only make your point weaker, as I have said pakistanie is a broken republic transiting into democracy again while indie is a democracy with strengthened democratic based insitution over the past 65 years. which i hold in high regard and if it wants to continue on its path of super power, it has to become better at diplomacy for which is expected of a super power.
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The pakistani fetish for rape is quite disturbing to say the least..no one raped anyone..mushy was being the professional lier not answering and deflecting points where he had fucked..anyway mushy had raped pakistan faaaaaaaaar worse in real world than he supposedly raped arnab in a virtual tv studio

The only fetish for rape is in your country.. After all you are the world's capital for.... ;)

Musharraf said before & during the debate he would not answer few questions. Simple as that. He simply deflected questions that had nothing to do with LOC border killing.

By expecting Musharraf to answer questions he had never come to Times Now to answer shows India media immaturity, and stupidity.

Now, we all know who went personal at the end, and who kept their cool

Arnab can now cry about him not getting his next paycheck.

Mushy is still the clown who cant enter his own country and his views hardly resonate anywhere in the world except perhaps among some in Pakistan - of whom no one gives a damn. Iceworlf you seem to be one of them.
And he got RAPED in DA END :woot: :smitten:

I think brother you have crossed the line there, while i may agree with your assertion your only enticing some indienne members and it will not make them agree nor sympathize with your viewpoint.
FaujHistorian said:
Independent third party!

I laughed at your statement. This is what India will never accept.

India is a very cheap country. It just wants to gain cheap propaganda points on Pakistan. If an independent third party is allowed as suggested by Pakistan, then this balloon would have burst.

If Pakistan had done it as Indians have been hysterical about it, Pakistan would not have offered a UN solution. All of this is a deliberate attempt to malign Pakistan.

There are certain actions to be take BEFORE handing over the dead bodies to either side
and then
There are certain actions to be taken AFTER exchanging the dead bodies.

Pakistani side didn't follow the protocol I guess in this case. So far I don't have a confirmation from sources so what I say is just a guesstimate.


1. Pakistan should have prepared the bodies as per Hindu tradition (with a Hindu priest present).
2. With permission from Hindu priest on site, made the video showing whatever wounds or marks were present
3. Then put the body in a well made coffin and wrapped it in Indian flag
4. Then handed it over to the Indian flag officer.

However I think this protocol was not followed and this gave Indians a chance to create the hysteria in the media.

Please note this is not the first time Indians have accused dead body mutilation. So Pakistan should have added one more step.

5. Have one of the UN observer (who are already there in Kashmir on both sides), present during step 1 and 2.

We live in strange times. And both Indian and Pakistani armies have lost some of its old school officers who would not stoop so low as to drag mutilated bodies of their dead soldiers into media from the get go.

This is serious serious serious serious serious ( I say in 5 times) allegation by Indians.

Indian army should have contacted the highest person in Pakistani chain of command aka Gen. Kiyani first and discussed with him the issue. If Kiyani had refused to listen and investigate, then they should have raised it with Pakistani foreign ministry. If Pakistani foreign ministry had not listened, only then they should have gone public with BOTH pakistani and Indian newspaper with clear evidence of postmortem report.

I see General Musharraf crying inside for Pakistani army being accused of such a heinous crime. He is a soldier first and politician second. He would not tolerate such behavior under his command and obviously react furiously when such accusations are made in an Indian public forum.

I again appeal to the posters on this forum. Please do not drag the bodies of our dead soldiers. For us Pakistanis an Indian soldier who is POW, or injured, or deceased is out of action and thus no longer an active enemy and instead son of our soil. And thus to be accorded with highest level of respect and care. If he is a POW I expect him to be treated according to our traditions (that surpass Geneva convention) and all Pakistani soldiers of rank lower than him to salute him, and I expect him to salute all Pakistani soldiers who are senior to him.

Please keep the decorum of the army alive, and do not delve into this tamasha just for one-upmanship in this self-destructive India-Pakistan hate cycle.

You civilians have to realize and learn how to treat the body and name of a dead soldier.


Mushy is still the clown who cant enter his own country and his views hardly resonate anywhere in the world except perhaps among some in Pakistan - of whom no one gives a damn. Iceworlf you seem to be one of them.

Musharraf will enter the country after PPP govt is gone.

As for his views- why bring him to the Times Now skype if you dont care about his views?

I think Musharraf is better than the lot which we have today... No politician in Pakistan, not even IK is as reasonable & patriotic as Musharraf.

He brang us in WOT on good reasons, but the PPP nexus has looted & bankrupted Pakistan when corruption laws were loosened ater Mush went out...

Believe me during Mush's regime,no one dared do corruption..
You need to be Musharraf and I Manmohan Singh or whoever is in charge in Pakistan and India - I wholly agree to your points, Asma or whoever responsible without a bias can investigate, if it's not the truth than we collectively as Indians will take our army to task but if it's the truth than you should accept responsibility - which I think is not forthcoming.

Further, Pakistan is trying to gain diplomatic mileage out of it by calling for UN investigation and attempting to highlight the Kashmir issue rather than showing genuine concern about the actual incident - which again is not acceptable and a clear misuse and taking advantage out of the tragedy - leads us to believe that it was purposefully done to highlight it.

Thank you for the kind comments.

Let's clean up PDF like forums from the Indo-Pak hate, and then prehaps we can meet at Wagah to start the next phase. :)

Bottom Line: A journalist should be impartial and unbiased.

That may be asking too much if the issue involves one's country but basic decency in allowing a guest on one's show a right to voice his/her opinion must be followed. Haranguing a invitee speaker to a point where nothing but the anchor's own opinion is allowed is silly. We all know Arnab Goswami's views (atleast his public views), I would have preferred to hear a viewpoint from some of his Pakistani guests rather than listen to condescending, loud mouth behaviour from the anchor.
Bottom Line: A journalist should be impartial and unbiased.

Times Now is an indian channel with decated viewership only in india.

Second thing a journalist when he interviews he asks questions on behalf of the viewers what the viewers would like to ask to the interviewee for themselves .

So it become imperative on the journalist to ask tough questions especially in controversial topics even if they may look harsh on the interviewee and his supporters. If the journalist fails to do this then he is partial and biased.

Don't blame Arnob Goswami for doing his job. He wont give a damn.
That may be asking too much if the issue involves one's country but basic decency in allowing a guest on one's show a right to voice his/her opinion must be followed. Haranguing a invitee speaker to a point where nothing but the anchor's own opinion is allowed is silly. We all know Arnab Goswami's views (atleast his public views), I would have preferred to hear a viewpoint from some of his Pakistani guests rather than listen to condescending, loud mouth behaviour from the anchor.

Then we should let Mr Mani Shankar Aiyar interview the pakistanis next time so that they should n't feel stumped and take questions they are comfortable with.
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