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Musharraf Turns An Indian Anchor Into An Epic Goof.

Look I am an outsider and I will admit that as a criticism , however over the course of 1 year following the làsie and in particule subcontinent politique plus my classes in universitè, this is not journalism but rather a hitjob interview with a preconcieved agenda. A journalist should be neutral, his job is to seek the answers and present them to the viewers. There is good journalism and there is bad journalism and the more you defend just displays blind nationalism and nothing more. You know what this interview did , it actually made the president of pakistan who most people on this forum dispise get more respect. This is what that journalist accomplished really and once again I am not going after you but rather this type of journalism is the lowest of the lowest and as individuals we should differentiate right from wrong.

Let me again tell you that there is a strict difference between being rude and being tough. He was an Ex-president and he is no longer a dignitary to get an additional respect and that too from an Indian point of view. As a journalist, he voiced out people's concern and equally rude/tough was Musharraf to him. The topic we are discussing is not a public issue, its an issue affecting national sentiments and I do agree Arnab sometimes does get carried away, but I have never seen him crossing his limits. The core purpose of a Journalist/Journalism should be to project the national issues on table and question the opposition in a manner its viewers would have personally wanted.

We must always respect those who show spine to question no matter who he is having a debate with. Nowhere in the journalism is it written that a journalist cannot share his point of view. A journalist must be impartial which he is, as he never concludes the debate in his way. There are many who have tried to provoke him, but he sticks with his natural character of being TOUGH.

I hope you dont substitute me for a voice of a billion Indians, for it is my personal view on an Anchor I like.
Indeed he should be the voice of the nation but the journalist also should be true to his profession Sir. A journalist should be impartial and unbiased in his assertions. He should raise both sides of the point and try to inform the public with every bit of information. This fellow, Arnab Goswami is an insult to the profession of journalism. You can see his bias right from the front, he is only interested in projecting his point of view instead of raising the issue from both sides. He is far from being an intellectual. This talk show pretty much confirmed it, confronted with someone of superior intellect, Musharraf made this journalist look like a school boy. I am sorry, i have no respect for a journalist who lets his personal bias get the better of him.

Bottom Line: A journalist should be impartial and unbiased.

I am sorry sir, unfortunately I would fail to win a debate over you, as you are on a side which is hurt by the journalist, we can never conclude on the same note. My debate with you will only hurt us more, I have great regards for you in this forum. I would like to maintain it.

I have answered a similar question in post number #347
This anchor Arnab Goswami did a talk show earlier on this issue in which he did his best to smack the Pakistani guest panel.

Now Mushi striped him, took down his underwear and showed him his place.

here is one of the link
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Then we should let Mr Mani Shankar Aiyar interview the pakistanis next time so that they should n't feel stumped and take questions they are comfortable with.

You are perfectly entitled to your opinion & as I have said elsewhere it seems to be a method that has brought Arnab Goswami much viewership but it still remains something that I don't relish. As I have said earlier, I much prefer Karan Thapar's style where one asks probing questions without being obnoxious which also gives the invitee a chance to actually put forth an answer . Our tastes are different obviously. To each, his own.
This anchor Arnab Goswami did a talk show earlier on this issue in which he did his best to smack the Pakistani guest panel.

Now Mushi striped him, took down his underwear and showed him his place.

here is one of the link

poor mushi..the country he loves so much has releashed arrest warrant 4 him
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The Pakistanis adore and respect their dictators soooooooo much!!!!:smitten::smitten:And what pride they take in their Army Generals who atleast could win a war of words!!!!
You are perfectly entitled to your opinion & as I have said elsewhere it seems to be a method that has brought Arnab Goswami much viewership but it still remains something that I don't relish. As I have said earlier, I much prefer Karan Thapar's style where one asks probing questions without being obnoxious which also gives the invitee a chance to actually put forth an answer . Our tastes are different obviously. To each, his own.

So do you perfectly entitled to your opinion .

Since you brought Karan Thapars name , let me tell you i don't how many of his shows you have seen surely not more than me... when it comes to having the last word on talk shows nobody beats Mr Karan Thapar with obnoxious long drawls.
I finally got around to watching the interview and Musharraf was a boss!

That anchor was such a joker, glad he got owned
glad to see anyone with guts to snub this Indian propaganda clear cut... and wish our current leadership had such guts too... but most annoying was Pakistani media attitude towards the issue.. instead of giving this issue its due coverage and telling the world Indian media gimmicks of repeating a lie so many times that it feels like truth, our media was bz celebrating bipasha'z birthday and other indian actors stories..... :hitwall:
The anchor was an idiot. Deserved this spanking.

u r right but i would love to spank our media men first... there was a dire need to counter this negative fallout of indian propaganda by a unified campaign.... but these idiots are sleeping... pleeeaaasssseee wake up n tell the world how this nasty neighbour of ours is harming us.....
I am sure Arnab Goswami will be happy to read this thread...... He will be happy that he has justified his role as a journalist..... And my friends from pakistan is jumping up and down and proud of mushraff.... Please understand he is a journalist..... and mushraff is a man who ruled you for about 9 year...... and he was the cheif of a supposed to be most professional army..... Please do not compare..... Arnab does similar thing with indian politicians as well... He raises the right questions to the right poeple.... though some time he over does his job (there are times i changed the channel because he was too aggressive to his Pakistan guests)
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