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Musharraf, The Only Hope for Pakistan

But, Pakistan is not clean any more.
It is a country ruled by thugs, with no value to any law and order.
Give me an example of fairness in any state affair!

Even you your self don't know for what crime exactly shall he be convicted?

Myself, I have listed majority of the points (in other Threads where musharaaf fanbois pooppedup) for which musharraf is responsible and need to clarify his actions in court of law where a fair trial should and must be given without any predjuice or unfairness. So Yes the whole nation knows, you cannot abrogate, modify to your likeness, remove or add to constitution of Pakistan without brief debate not like what musharraf and his lot did. You cannot remove CJ (I don't like him still it was illegal removal officially musharraf has said his move to remove CJ was wrong sorry is not enough). You cannot keep uniform and be president.

Talk about musharraf not Pakistan (Pakistan is ruled by thugs but Pakistan the soil itself is loved-beloved and clean so are its population), 9 Years is a long time to change Pakistan in the same Years Thailand turned into Industrial country from Agri country, when I look at that small country's development, musharraf has absolutely done nothing. You tell me why musharaf ran away over night under what circumstances what danger was there to him as a clean man he should have boldly faced it all truth would have revealed justice prevailed. Just look at it when Impeachment was ready for him he resigned, see here is a clear proof, here he was gong to be caught pants down with all roads blocked for him, with impeachment he was helpless and found himself in a guilty pool, there is no bigger proof than Impeachment which lead to his resignation and running away.

If musharraf has no faith in constitution-rulings-courts then this is no point in discussing murhsrraf can bring about any change it makes argument weak when he suspects everything obviously musharraf cannot imply and apply his martial law like laws again waiting to change the destiny of Pakistan.
Myself, I have listed majority of the points (in other Threads where musharaaf fanbois pooppedup) for which musharraf is responsible and need to clarify his actions in court of law where a fair trial should and must be given without any predjuice or unfairness. So Yes the whole nation knows, you cannot abrogate, modify to your likeness, remove or add to constitution of Pakistan without brief debate not like what musharraf and his lot did. You cannot remove CJ (I don't like him still it was illegal removal officially musharraf has said his move to remove CJ was wrong sorry is not enough). You cannot keep uniform and be president.

Talk about musharraf not Pakistan (Pakistan is ruled by thugs but Pakistan the soil itself is loved-beloved and clean so are its population), 9 Years is a long time to change Pakistan in the same Years Thailand turned into Industrial country from Agri country, when I look at that small country's development, musharraf has absolutely done nothing. You tell me why musharaf ran away over night under what circumstances what danger was there to him as a clean man he should have boldly faced it all truth would have revealed justice prevailed. Just look at it when Impeachment was ready for him he resigned, see here is a clear proof, here he was gong to be caught pants down with all roads blocked for him, with impeachment he was helpless and found himself in a guilty pool, there is no bigger proof than Impeachment which lead to his resignation and running away.

If musharraf has no faith in constitution-rulings-courts then this is no point in discussing murhsrraf can bring about any change it makes argument weak when he suspects everything obviously musharraf cannot imply and apply his martial law like laws again waiting to change the destiny of Pakistan.

Seems like you live in your own world pal. What jungle of Canada you live in ?
war on terror sucidie bombings! and war in KALAM and uprising in BALOCHISTAN are all the gifts of Mushi!

i think "MANMOHAN SINGH" is good hope for pakistan compared to Musharraf!

common man wants roti kapra and makaan not mushi drama.
war on terror sucidie bombings! and war in KALAM and uprising in BALOCHISTAN are all the gifts of Mushi!

i think "MANMOHAN SINGH" is good hope for pakistan compared to Musharraf!

common man wants roti kapra and makaan not mushi drama.

We are well aware of Musharraf phobics zeal against him. They can touch down any level.
Best man Pakistan ever had - May be not the entire country but Karachi for sure , his policies lead to excellent growth and economic viability of the country .. i just wish he wasnt a dictator and hasnt toppled an elected govt .
Best man Pakistan ever had - May be not the entire country but Karachi for sure , his policies lead to excellent growth and economic viability of the country .. i just wish he wasnt a dictator and hasnt toppled an elected govt .
Worst for Karachi he was the reason for start of target killings and one of the most brutal day which karachi saw was because of him his policies did nothing and the so called developed needs a quality check or other wise you will see bridges coming down and also he gave the gife of murders
Worst for Karachi he was the reason for start of target killings and one of the most brutal day which karachi saw was because of him his policies did nothing and the so called developed needs a quality check or other wise you will see bridges coming down and also he gave the gife of murders

Having little or zero knowledge about a thing and here we have you delivering lectures , lol ! you know the best Mush did was sorting out fundos and kicked their ar$ real hard + sent many to where they belong .. yes you are right ""the jahanum""
Having little or zero knowledge about a thing and here we have you delivering lectures , lol ! you know the best Mush did was sorting out fundos and kicked their ar$ real hard + sent many to where they belong .. yes you are right ""the jahanum""
He will himself end up in hell for murdering Muslims on American orders kill thousands in LAL MASJID OPERATION making billions through corruption founding corrupt government of corrupt parties and destroying Pakistan in every way
He will himself end up in hell for murdering Muslims on American orders kill thousands in LAL MASJID OPERATION making billions through corruption founding corrupt government of corrupt parties and destroying Pakistan in every way

Zarvan, Munafiq's prime recognation is that he keeps on lying. Watch your words, you talk about Islam and what not always and at the same time say things which are not true. Refrain from it, mate. Allah say daro, Bhai.
Zarvan, Munafiq's prime recognation is that he keeps on lying. Watch your words, you talk about Islam and what not always and at the same time say things which are not true. Refrain from it, mate. Allah say daro, Bhai.
Sir I am telling you the facts Musharraf was the one who made us slaves of America and killed Pakistanis and allowed Americans to Kill Afghans gave them bases bombed our own people made blunders like Baluchistan and LaL Masjid Operation and also founded Q League and also supported MQM the killer Party and gifted Pakistan with Load Shedding and what his son did we also know that every one knows that so you accept facts than blaming me of lying
Sir I am telling you the facts Musharraf was the one who made us slaves of America and killed Pakistanis and allowed Americans to Kill Afghans gave them bases bombed our own people made blunders like Baluchistan and LaL Masjid Operation and also founded Q League and also supported MQM the killer Party and gifted Pakistan with Load Shedding and what his son did we also know that every one knows that so you accept facts than blaming me of lying

Don`t waste your time on this dictator boot licking troll who has no sense of what human rights and free judiciary mean to a society.

I sort of understand their reasons for worshipping a dictator, a comparison with Zardari makes him still look like an angel. but i have come to the conclusion that its beyond their comprehension the repercussions of a long dictatorial rule.

A largely rural culture that ideolizes macho looking Sultan Rahi type saviour flashing his dunda at every corrupt and politically threatening figures are not expected to know true ideals of responsible and ethical leadership.
Don`t waste your time on this dictator boot licking troll who has no sense of what human rights and free judiciary mean to a society.

I sort of understand their reasons for worshipping a dictator, a comparison with Zardari makes him still look like an angel. but i have come to the conclusion that its beyond their comprehension the repercussions of a long dictatorial rule.

A largely rural culture that ideolizes macho looking Sultan Rahi type saviour flashing his dunda at every corrupt and politically threatening figures are not expected to know true ideals of responsible and ethical leadership.

Reported !!!

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