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Musharraf, The Only Hope for Pakistan

Sir I am telling you the facts Musharraf was the one who made us slaves of America and killed Pakistanis and allowed Americans to Kill Afghans gave them bases bombed our own people made blunders like Baluchistan and LaL Masjid Operation and also founded Q League and also supported MQM the killer Party and gifted Pakistan with Load Shedding and what his son did we also know that every one knows that so you accept facts than blaming me of lying

You see things very differently. They are all the confused statements.

1. Musharraf distingished between terrorism and Islam while people of your thoughts equate the both (Supportive & Sympathizers of Terrorists inside Lal Masjid Or On Pak Afgan Borders). I'd anyday support his views over your's, who defame my religion.

2. Afghan Talibans were approached by Pakistani Government prior to 9/11 for a peaceful resolution of the dispute with Ammerica (The Monster) But they refused. If you are of the view that Pakistan should have not saved it's back for sake of Afghanistan (Who never have been a favourable nation, as far as Pakistan is concerned) We the patriot Pakistanis do not buy that argument, too.

3. What wrong did he do in Balochistan. He was the one who have spent the most in Balochistan since Pakistan's Independence. Prove me wrong with statistics.

4. In his time alone we have seen Karachi progressing and seeing peace and development. You want to brush MQM Beneath the carpet, which is a reality. One needs to get a life.

5. Founding Q League, a crime :) You would certainly keep hating him.

6. Enlighten us with proof what his son have done wrong ?
I am looking for the dislike button, plz help me.

mushi uncle is the reason for current situation of Pakistan, we don't need him back.

Generals are not politicians and that is the fact.
You see things very differently. They are all the confused statements.

1. Musharraf distingished between terrorism and Islam while people of your thoughts equate the both (Supportive & Sympathizers of Terrorists inside Lal Masjid Or On Pak Afgan Borders). I'd anyday support his views over your's, who defame my religion.

2. Afghan Talibans were approached by Pakistani Government prior to 9/11 for a peaceful resolution of the dispute with Ammerica (The Monster) But they refused. If you are of the view that Pakistan should have not saved it's back for sake of Afghanistan (Who never have been a favourable nation, as far as Pakistan is concerned) We the patriot Pakistanis do not buy that argument, too.

3. What wrong did he do in Balochistan. He was the one who have spent the most in Balochistan since Pakistan's Independence. Prove me wrong with statistics.

4. In his time alone we have seen Karachi progressing and seeing peace and development. You want to brush MQM Beneath the carpet, which is a reality. One needs to get a life.

5. Founding Q League, a crime :) You would certainly keep hating him.

6. Enlighten us with proof what his son have done wrong ?
Mushrraf didn't separated Islam form terrorism this moron defame the religion what do you think if you will follow Islam Kufr will love you never but this slave always killed our own people sold them for money to America accepted in his book No American slaves don't buy this argument and by the way Taliban asked for proof and not this slave and not his master america didn't gave them any proof no development in Baluchistan took place in his time only went on fire because of his disaster policies What happen on 12th May every one knows Musharraf the moron was behind it and by the way the level of corruption which took place for projects in Karachi he was also involved and remember Sher Shah bridge this is the quality of his work His son is involved in land grabbing in Islamabad and also transferring money illegally to America
Mushrraf didn't separated Islam form terrorism this moron defame the religion what do you think if you will follow Islam Kufr will love you never but this slave always killed our own people sold them for money to America accepted in his book No American slaves don't buy this argument and by the way Taliban asked for proof and not this slave and not his master america didn't gave them any proof no development in Baluchistan took place in his time only went on fire because of his disaster policies What happen on 12th May every one knows Musharraf the moron was behind it and by the way the level of corruption which took place for projects in Karachi he was also involved and remember Sher Shah bridge this is the quality of his work His son is involved in land grabbing in Islamabad and also transferring money illegally to America

Haters gonna hate. Perfect Example. Get Well Soon !!!

Sir they didn't destroyed it in one year it was package of 25 years which lead to separation of Baluchistan and Army enjoyed more than 12 years in that

You meant Bengal.
I am looking for the dislike button, plz help me.

mushi uncle is the reason for current situation of Pakistan, we don't need him back.

Generals are not politicians and that is the fact.

Do you really care about politics or democracy, a sensible citizen must not, he should keep in mind the needs what is required to live and who is providing them. These politicians didn't provided any thing, where is Roti,Capra and Makan. can you prove that. our politicians are dogs fighting for the bone stuck in the chairs of ministries. how you expect that one will concentrate on foreign politics when he his fighting in his home with others like a dogs. look at the current situation who created it, is it Musharraf, the answer is no, its them, these Rascals are responsible for our current situation. What Musharraf did no one did in Pakistan history..
Do you really care about politics or democracy, a sensible citizen must not, he should keep in mind the needs what is required to live and who is providing them. These politicians didn't provided any thing, where is Roti,Capra and Makan. can you prove that. our politicians are dogs fighting for the bone stuck in the chairs of ministries. how you expect that one will concentrate on foreign politics when he his fighting in his home with others like a dogs. look at the current situation who created it, is it Musharraf, the answer is no, its them, these Rascals are responsible for our current situation. What Musharraf did no one did in Pakistan history..
Yes the blunders Musharraf made no one did and yes Musharraf is responsible for all the problems because of him we have suicide bombings and killings in most of Pakistan he gifted us target killings in Karachi he gifted us corrupt Q league and the corruption he himself did and finally the gift of Zardari is because of him
& politicians are the ones , WHO DESTROYED this country in 1971?

then go get them and bring them to justice, most of them are dead anyway.

mushi uncle was the ultimate failure. We dont need this dictator back, this dictator insulted Dr.Qadeer Khan sahib and Chief Justice of Pakistan.

Do you really care about politics or democracy, a sensible citizen must not, he should keep in mind the needs what is required to live and who is providing them. These politicians didn't provided any thing, where is Roti,Capra and Makan. can you prove that. our politicians are dogs fighting for the bone stuck in the chairs of ministries. how you expect that one will concentrate on foreign politics when he his fighting in his home with others like a dogs. look at the current situation who created it, is it Musharraf, the answer is no, its them, these Rascals are responsible for our current situation. What Musharraf did no one did in Pakistan history..

Did I sign the NRO or was it Mushi uncle? n that NRO is the reason Pakistan is in this mess today. Yes i support democracy, but not zardari's democracy. You dictator supporters dont even know what democracy really is.You said " a sensible citizen must not" that means you dont want any rights that every citizen must get. Democracy gives you Roti, Kapra, Makaan, AND it gives you MANY rights that these dictators snatch from you. Democracy gives you Freedom of speech, Freedom from racism and freedom from inequality.

And please i request you to change your avatar, you are disrespecting Imran Khan by having him in the same pic as mushi uncle.
And still destroying till date ...

who signed the NRO to bring this corrupt tolla to power? im sure it was not me.
I can tell u dictators lovers one thing, all the terrorism, corruption, inflation, target killing, and drones are all happening because of mushi. He signed the NRO, everybody knew who zardari was, mushi was selfish, he wanted an easy way out after what he did to Chief Justice.
I dont know how ppl can curse the present set up and then pine for pervez mushy ----he is directly responsible for this set up ---but I dont really blame him --- who put him in the seat? aloo gosht [NS --for the uninitiated] -----this allegedly wrote in his own book that, after he reviewed his own service / personnel file on becoming chief, he was surprised that he was even considered for the position.....same with bhutto ---he put the junior most lt gen in as chief in the xpectation that that he [bhutto] could continue with he shenanigans and use the FSF to what ever ---
mushy literally singlehandedly destroyed everything in pkland ---
who signed the NRO to bring this corrupt tolla to power? im sure it was not me.

Musharaf government was 100 times better than the other government.
He always gave Pakistan a first priority.
Even NRO, most of the cases were political motivated.
Even he signed NRO, but at that time, Atmosphere was different, Taliban was rising in swat and BLA was at peak, suicide attacks, he want united Pakistan.
Even he knew that he will loose his popularity by bringing BB into Pakistan, but he did it for the interest of Pakistan.

He was bringing foreign investment.
I.e 3,5 and 7 star hotel.
He introduced mobile companies, and created competition between them which has resulted lower price.
More than million people are working in mobile sector/companies, these jobs are due to him.
Railways was ever in better position under Sheik Rashid ministry.
Bullet train project was near to start.
Motorways, highways, Emergency 1122 service,better sewerage system, street roads.
He also wanted to start the project Kala Bagh dam, but corrupt parties PPP, PMN and ANP created provinces issues just to get seats.
He was best for strategic assets like Gawader.
Many arms deal were done in his government.

What are you expecting from other government??
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