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Musharraf Ki Yaad AAyi Us Kay Janay Kay Baad

Can some some tell me when he was singing our jwans were fighting on which front?

Good point ... while he was singing, our jawans were probably engaged in NWFP against Talibans.

At the same hour you were enjoying life in Canada and earning dollars ...

At the same time Nawaz Sharif was enjoying his animal farm in Raiwand and thinking about loss of his Siberian Tiger ... Zaradri was managing his accounts abroad ... At the same time our CJP was sitting in his mansion in Islamabad asking low paid court clerks in Malir to be honest ... etc etc

list can go on and on ... please understand that Gen. Musharraf is no siant but he is better than NS and Zardari ... he has faults and yes Gen. Musharraf committed errors along the way but he is still better than NS and Zardari.

Atleast Gen. Musharraf admits his mistakes and weaknesses unlike NS and Zaradri who like to blame everything on the previous govts.
^^^^ It means. Musharraf is worst than all but better than NS and Zardari. Third from the bottom. Good rank, his fans are giving to him.:lol::lol::lol:
Does any one knows the (present) contact details of P.Musharraf?
phone, email or postal address?
^^^^ It means. Musharraf is worst than all but better than NS and Zardari. Third from the bottom. Good rank, his fans are giving to him.:lol::lol::lol:

can you equate any one from history with P.Musharraf?

Have you ever wondered why BB and Sharif did not presented the case of Pakistan to the world while they were in self exile?

Or do you expect Zardari to be invited for delivering lectures all around the world, after his resignition (in respect of popular will)?

To be a leader you need to be a patriot and non of our politicians fall in the classification of patriotism.
^^^^ It means. Musharraf is worst than all but better than NS and Zardari. Third from the bottom. Good rank, his fans are giving to him.:lol::lol::lol:

joke is on you pal as there is no one else beside these three for Pakistan ... unless you think IK is a leader :rofl:
So you are counting them. I don't count them alone. I count every Pakistani except Musharraf.

He was an army professional not a politician. He betrayed his profession. How can he be loyal to the whole country? If representing our country, that counts, thousands of Pakistani professionals are better representing Pakistan. We don't need him. A foolish friend is worst than a cunning enemy.

Well, I go. I am not going to discuss him anymore. Please. Consider him what you think better.

Your special relationship with Allah is a bright light that shines within you, touching everything you do and everyone you know.
We pray that Allah will bless you with every good thing and that His Love will always light your way.

Have a very wonderful day! And a happy Birthday Sir Pervez Musharraf!

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He was an army professional not a politician. He betrayed his profession.
What are you talking? He served in same profession for 40 years.
You should think before you open your mouth.

How can he be loyal to the whole country?
He is a reason for the rebirth of Pakistan.
Pakistan was bank rupted in 1998 and it was his able leadership that he took Pakistan to new heights.
He is out in the world fighting the misconception of anti Pakistan media and your own President is busy telling the world opposite stories.

If representing our country, that counts, thousands of Pakistani professionals are better representing Pakistan. We don't need him.
He lead our country in every challenge and front, be it military, ecnomic or social or what so ever.
Only P.Musharraf has the right qualification to deal with present day challenges.

A foolish friend is worst than a cunning enemy.
I remember once (mid 80's) watching news on indian channel and they were showing Nawaz's speech recording, where he was shouting on public stage 'loko pepal party waly kainday nay main giddar a...wekhoo main tanoo giddar lagna wan?'
(folks... PPP calls me jackass... tell me do you see jackass in me?)
Although, I was a school going child but I never forget this.
I always wonder, if there is some phsycoligical connection behind his election mark.

Well, I go. I am not going to discuss him anymore. Please. Consider him what you think better.
Thanks. but if you do please do it logicaly and collect some comparitive facts, before challenging his abilities or performance.
Good point ... while he was singing, our jawans were probably engaged in NWFP against Talibans.

At the same hour you were enjoying life in Canada and earning dollars ...

At the same time Nawaz Sharif was enjoying his animal farm in Raiwand and thinking about loss of his Siberian Tiger ... Zaradri was managing his accounts abroad ... At the same time our CJP was sitting in his mansion in Islamabad asking low paid court clerks in Malir to be honest ... etc etc

list can go on and on ... please understand that Gen. Musharraf is no siant but he is better than NS and Zardari ... he has faults and yes Gen. Musharraf committed errors along the way but he is still better than NS and Zardari.

Atleast Gen. Musharraf admits his mistakes and weaknesses unlike NS and Zaradri who like to blame everything on the previous govts.

When this general was singing our jawans were giving their lives in fight against talibans /militants or insurgent in NWFP. Thanks for telling this.

So many people like me have fled motherland not to enjoy the “luxuries” of first world and “minting” dollars but we thought Pakistan is so badly molested by our ruling elite specially power thirsty generals that it is better to move some where else.

Now my dear you can say these people were chicken, cowards and … but dear I assure you that many of these have fought these generals rule up to hell but finally they thought that this class is too strong to overcome. I leave this to you make decision.

Hijrat is not an easy thing when last prophet (PBUH) made hijrat towards Madina Muawara, it is narrated He (PBUH) stopped on outskisrts of Makkah looked towards city with tearful eyes and made Dua for Makkah.

Many of us also left Pakistan with tears in their eyes and dua in their hearts “May God make this Pakistan, a Pakistan which our Quaid-i-Azam wanted”

Now you have mentioned Nawaz and Zardari, can some Mushraff lover tell why Mushraff had “deals” with these leaders? Honest and gentleman does not go with corrupt and crook. Birds of same flock fly together. Only difference is Mushhraf was a military dictator and both others are civil politicians and there is a process for cleansing corrupt civil politicians. That process may not be 100% accurate but it will improve with the passage of time.

Dear if you feel, “our CJP was sitting in his mansion in Islamabad asking low paid court clerks in Malir to be honest ... etc etc” like this, it is good. Our hearts fill with agony when we see the corrupt and immature generals in their villas while jawans and low ranking officers lying their lives on fronts.

This list can go on and on ……… please try to understand that I don’t have personal liking or disliking towards Mushraff. Any head of state should not behave like “Sir Mushraff” when country was going through that turmoil.

Though we belong to different school of thoughts but we should respect each other's opinions and refrain from shouting by making lines bold and personally pointing fingers. I know many who came from Pakistan, after leaving services, and bought business and houses with 100% down payment. I know from salaries working an officer in services they can not buy these type properties. I am not saying those are corrupt. :what:

Oh I just remember you are also living in Canada.


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Now you have mentioned Nawaz and Zardari, can some Mushraff lover tell why Mushraff had “deals” with these leaders? Honest and gentleman does not go with corrupt and crook. Birds of same flock fly together. Only difference is Mushhraf was a military dictator and both others are civil politicians and there is a process for cleansing corrupt civil politicians. That process may not be 100% accurate but it will improve with the passage of time.

Same could be said about all politicians who have made deals with Generals. I ahve said this many a times and will repaet myself again that Gen. Musharraf is no saint but he is better than Zardari and NS.

Why is he better than tehre are many reasons which you will start seeing once you forget that Musharraf was a military ruler. Take that equatiuon out and you will start seeing the work done by his regime.

The whole 90s we cried about IMF and rising dollar price. Gen. Musharraf was able to keep dollar in mid 60s and kicked IMF out. today dollar is at 84 rupees I believe.

Dear if you feel, “our CJP was sitting in his mansion in Islamabad asking low paid court clerks in Malir to be honest ... etc etc” like this, it is good. Our hearts fill with agony when we see the corrupt and immature generals in their villas while jawans and low ranking officers lying their lives on fronts.

I agree 100% but compare the stability and living standard of a jawans life with people at the same level from our judiciary and you will find that lives of army personal is better than those of their peers in other profession. This makes the institution strong.

My only issue with CJP is that he is not working towards the improving the skill level or the living standard of employees in judiciary.

With all the support CJP has, he can do a lot. I am hoping and I am praying that CJP is able to deliver this change so that the institution of judiciary can be as strong as the institution of army.

Without financial improvement our judiciary will not be able to deliver what CJP has promised.
Originally Posted by SSGPA1
Same could be said about all politicians who have made deals with Generals. I ahve said this many a times and will repaet myself again that Gen. Musharraf is no saint but he is better than Zardari and NS.

Why is he better than tehre are many reasons which you will start seeing once you forget that Musharraf was a military ruler. Take that equatiuon out and you will start seeing the work done by his regime.

The whole 90s we cried about IMF and rising dollar price. Gen. Musharraf was able to keep dollar in mid 60s and kicked IMF out. today dollar is at 84 rupees I believe.

Did I say that those politicians are / were saints? But any way I insist there is always a cleaning process for politicians in democracy. “Sir Mushraff” is also human before discussing his mistakes as a president, first his legitimacy has to be verified. He had “gun” so being a part of “establishment” and a ring leader of power thirsty generals, he took over.

Military ruler should has no place in Pakistan. If you justify military ruler, its like making pork halal for muslims. Now if we consider an equation from “Eyub Khan” to “Sir Mushraff” we listen same music when they come. Now about IMF, my dear even in his “golden era” stories started to pop up how numbers were fabricated. Just take one example when he resigned how stories came from certain quarters that “economical collapse is going to happen” How stories about bankruptcy of certain financial institutes were fabricated and how haphazardly investors fled from Pakistan. “Sir Mushraff” is a representative of that class who think that it is their sole right to “govern” Pakistan. This class even does not tolerate even tainted, stained and controlled democracy.

I agree 100% but compare the stability and living standard of a jawans life with people at the same level from our judiciary and you will find that lives of army personal is better than those of their peers in other profession. This makes the institution strong.

My only issue with CJP is that he is not working towards the improving the skill level or the living standard of employees in judiciary.

With all the support CJP has, he can do a lot. I am hoping and I am praying that CJP is able to deliver this change so that the institution of judiciary can be as strong as the institution of army.

Without financial improvement our judiciary will not be able to deliver what CJP has promised.

Now if we compare the living standards, I personally know few officers of colonel rank who struggled very badly, being a sole bread earner of his family. They came really well off when after taking retirement they joined corporate world. If we talk jawans believe me after retirement they are not much different in comparison. Main job left for them is as security guards in different companies.
Forget CJ, his NO to “Sir Musharff” has made him a rebel symbol for masses. Now you can gauge the hate and anger of masses for ruling elite.

Unfortunately military rulers specially Gen Zia-i-Haq has created a certain class which believe democracy is main cause of many problem and all problems can be resolved with one slight movement of COAS’s stick.
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