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Musharraf Ki Yaad AAyi Us Kay Janay Kay Baad

like the video very much i agree with the caller about people party but not musheraf this country need revolution like iran n i think this will happen soon may be i am the leader of this revolution so pray for me friends........
'Chastened' Musharraf confesses removing CJP was wrongFri, Sep 18 11:10 AM

Washington, Sep.18 (ANI): Former Pakistan President General Pervez Musharraf, for the first time, has admitted that his action of disposing the judges of higher judiciary was a mistake.

Delivering a lecture at the Trinity University, San Antonio, Texas, Musharraf said that it was a mistake on his part to remove Chief Justice Iftikhar Muhammad Chaudhry from his office.

"Now, after seeing the incidents following his dismissal from the office I realized that I shouldn't have done that," Musharraf said.

"It was a mistake to send the reference against him to Supreme Judicial Council, though it was my constitutional and legal obligation... The reference resulted in a chaos in the country... Probably I won't commit such things in future," Musharraf confessed in front of more than 2000 people present there.

Musharraf said he had no personal grudge against Chaudhry at the time when he removed the latter.

Musharraf, however, said that his actions were in the larger interest of the nation and democracy.

"I had no other choice but to depose the CJP in order to prevent the democratic system of that time," The Nation quoted Musharraf, as saying.

Musharraf had deposed Chaudhry along with 60 other judges of higher judiciary on November 9, 2007 as the Chief Justice had declared the former general's decision to impose an emergency in the Pakistan, as illegal and 'extra-constitutional'. (ANI)
The Hidden Truth Behind Musharraf's 25 Thousand Pound British "Protection"

In the last few weeks a sudden increase has been seen in news, internet activity and blogs related to the issue of security costs for General (retd.) Pervez Musharraf. The instance a news is put up giving the details of the costs on Musharraf's security, in minutes up to ten comments appear all not only criticizing the exercise but all saying nearly the same thing. Also, up to two of these comments are seemingly from Muslims who demean Musharraf for not relying on God's protection but on humans.

If one reads the news and comments below the news, he/she quickly comes to the conclusion:

i) Musharraf=Saddam/Augusto Pinochet;
ii) Musharraf has looted untold amounts of money which he is not using but instead making British tax payers pay for his security;
iii) Musharraf is too scared to go out in open without British security; and
iv) Musharraf is having a life of luxury and pleasure in his "three bed-room flat" in a not so posh area of London where no millionaires or politicians live.

Some Other Facts

No one talked about the security details provided to Prime Ministers Benazir Bhutto and Nawaz Sharif. No British news paper ran the story nor does the public know how much it costed the British tax payer.

Although it is indirectly well propagated that Musharraf has looted untold amounts of monies from Pakistan but he is unwilling to use any of his money to buy his protection, i.e. he is willing to die rather than use the money he has "looted". Also, this person who has looted billions is living in a middle class suburb of London in a simple three bed room flat. All this implies that Musharraf has looted billions but does not want to spend a single penny of these looted on himself - and has safely stashed them away (for who and what reason no one knows). Contrast this to two former Prime Ministers of Pakistan who looted billions from the poor public and bought palaces in every country they visited.

Comparing Musharraf's security with other political figures in London, we need to highlight another fact. If one of them is given a security detail of 1 pound, in return he/she usually spends 100 or 1000 pounds (from the looted money). This is not the case with Musharraf. In fact he is the first such personality who is givin the British a "net loss", i.e. British Government is spending a lot more on him than he is spending in London. This must be one of the causes of sleepless nights for some.

Currently, there are many others who are recipient of similar British courtesy; Altaf Hussain to name one. But how much he is getting from British Government/MI6 or how much he is giving them no one knows.

The case of Salman Rushdie is purposely not discussed here. However, this much would be said: There have been numerous deadly assassination attempts on Musharraf from which he had barely escaped alive, but none so far on Rushdie. Dectractors who have announced to kill Musharraf are still alive and at large - the only person who declared Rushdie to be eligible for murder is dead.

The Hidden Truth

Musharraf never asked the British Government for his current security detail. When he was offered in the beginning he politely declined. After which he was deemed a public security risk and round the clock monitoring of his activities was initiated on the premise that he is a public hazard.

To be short and simple, the British Government needs to keep a "very" close eye on Musharraf's activities. If it uses normal espionage techniques it would lead to a disgrace on international level if it ever comes out (which would eventually come out). There are two reasons (which are purposely not discussed here) for which the British aka US needs a close eye on Musharraf. Seeing no other way, they opted for this unconventional yet somewhat effective approach. Seeing the media raising its eyebrows over the amount being spent on keeping Musharraf's activities in check, the government purposely released the figures and is trying to take the story in a completely different direction.

Food for Thought

One last food for thought for all Musharraf detractors. If he has looted billions from Pakistan then:
i) why doesn't he spend any of that on himself or his family (including son and daughter)?
ii) why doesn't he use his looted money to buy his security if he feels threatened?

No one wants to answer these two questions.

Pakistan League - GA Pasha
Musharraf trial not discussed in Zardari-Nawaz meeting
Wednesday October 28, 2009 (1146 PST)

ISLAMABAD: Former military ruler General (retd) Pervez Musharraf is poised for a smooth landing in Pakistan to formally launch his political career, as Mian Nawaz Sharif has now almost stopped demanding his high treason trial.

During the much-discussed 90-minute meeting between President Asif Ali Zardari and the Pakistan Muslim League-Nawaz (PML-N) Quaid Nawaz Sharif on Monday, the two sides hardly discussed Musharraf. A close aide of Musharraf acknowledged there was a sea change in the PML-N leader’s approach towards the ex-president following his visit to Saudi Arabia last month. He is no more enthusiastic about his demand for the former military ruler’s accountability, said the aide.

“Musharraf is considering fixing a date to summon a meeting of his political supporters to Dubai next month prior to his home-coming,” the aide said, requesting anonymity.
Musharraf left Pakistan several months back to deliver lectures at various forums in England, the US and some other countries.

“Mian Sahib made a mention of Musharraf during his talks with President Zardari and maintained had he been held accountable, it would have ended the possibility of future military interventions,” claimed PML-N Chairman Senator Raja Muhammad Zafarul Haq, when contacted for his comment on the matter.

Answering a question, he said that this was the only reference made to the former president during the talks. The PML-N chairman was also a part of the meeting. He could not recall what President Zardari’s response to it was. Senator Zafarul Haq declined to take more questions.

Pakistan News Service - PakTribune
We never forgot the devil. He is still cursed for creating Lal-Masjid disaster, Baluchistan Insurgency, NRO, Judicial Crises, PPP Deals and all. Zardari is sitting on our chest only because of Musharaf the great.
Pakistani people will never learn...it's never a country which is bad it's always the people who lives in it makes it bad..Musharraf is one reason we r going thru all this today...have some civilen government were in places around 2001 we wouldn't have been in this crisis today.
Sub Say Pehlay Pakistan

Pakistanis should look into Pakistani interest first and then Saudi Arab or Iran so I agree with Musharraf saying "Sub Say Pehlay Pakistan".
We never forgot the devil. He is still cursed for creating Lal-Masjid disaster, Baluchistan Insurgency, NRO, Judicial Crises, PPP Deals and all. Zardari is sitting on our chest only because of Musharaf the great.

He is also probably responsible that those people killed in the Lal Masjid aren't out there now, planning to blow themselves up in crowded markets and as for Balochistan, he's responsible for taking out Bugti, a man who deserved execution. How many times does he have to list the number of people he killed before you people actually consider him a bad person?:what:
Thank You Musharraf for giving us suicide bombers

Thank You Musharraf for giving us NRO

Thank You Musharraf for giving us Shaukat Zalil

Thank You Musharraf for bringing death and destruction

Thank You Musharraf for selling Dr Afia

Thank You Musharraf for defaming Pak Army

This man deserves to be found dangeling by a lamp post.
A very interesting interview of Nazir Naji with Mubasher Luqman.

Interesting commenst about the CJP, I hope he is not called in SCoP for contempt of court :)

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Thank God, finally people are relaizing.

The gentleman who made this call sounds like someone from Punjab and I am very happy that finally the people in Punjab are realizing the efforts and sacrifices of President Musharraf.

The guy sold this country so he can settle abroad in UK

“I said to the Americans, ‘Give us the Predators.’ It was refused. I told the Americans, ‘Then just say publicly that you’re giving them to us. You keep on firing them but put Pakistan Air Force markings on them.’ That, too, was denied.”

That statement by Musharraf is really disgraceful and I've lost the last bit of respect I had for him.
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