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Mumbai II could lead to a full blown Indo-Pak war

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Not more dumb than protecting a UN sanctioned terrorist like Hafiz Saeed & calling him a charity worker aka Pakistan's Mother Theresa. If you continue to look the other way & take no action to put guys like these out of business, then expect to see calls for retaliation if an incident like the Mumbai attacks happens again.

Yeah when the "proofs" given by India would be enough to guilty Hafiz Saeed he would surely be apprehended by the court for his involvement in terrorist attacks.

Or else I still believe that putting the lives of thousands in danger for just a terrorist attack isn't a wise thing to do.

As for things going from bad to worse, maybe its time that your officials take that advice. Things don't go from bad to worse only for India. If India's nuclear weapons don't deter Pakistan from risking confrontation with India, then it's only fair to surmise that Pakistan's nuclear capability won't deter India beyond a point from taking action if it were forced to.

Well you can take your chance than. In my perspective Pakistan won't force India only jingoism in India would force itself for misadventure. :rolleyes:

No matter what you say nobody is going to go nuclear over some limited actions. Not all of Pakistani officials share your desire for early suicide.

This is exactly what I said. Things can go from bad to worse. Even Pak officials can't predict how the things would unfold. And when the things would go from bad to worse Pak officials might be force by India for last resort. I never said Pak would go for something big in just the beginning of the conflict.
My thanks to Jungibaaz & Imran bhai...for wishing us all peace:cheers:

Mumbai 2 has not happened,but if that happens don't know how the Indian & Paks face it..in what state they will be in.
Take the case of pakistan:
1)Severe economic conditions--results in International aid agencies increasing their clout.
2)Internal unrest--how would the military cope up with Jihadi human bombs & Indian adventure at the same time.The Jihadis would love to see this scenario,because thus would make them unbeatable.
3)if this happens after US leaves Afganistan,whatever clout Pak has with US will diminish,US will see Pak as spent force,will pressure Pak,not to retaliate against any limited Indian attacks and will ask to rein in terrorists
INDIA: Will have a field day,with hightec weapons and Israeli backroom warriors will itch to do some adventures initially,however the chances of China opening a new front will definitely put Indian war planners on back foot,China will do some diplomatic moves to pressurize INDIA only to be rebuffed by US--
The world will be sick at the thought of N-War and UN will mediate--will ask both parties to talk towards a plebiscite--
India will ultimately loose its stand on kashmir----Pak happy-India mauled--opposition call 1 month bundh:D--Govt falls--a national govt attains charge---meanwhile big explosions across Pakistan--Pres Zardari in trouble--Pak military chief grabs power thru a bloodless COUP--international outrage--India refuses to talk to a dictator throws away all obligations it made reg to kashmir----and we're all back on square one-- :lol:

HOPE ALL MY N-armed BROTHERS ARE HAPPY--peace should prevail at all costs !!!
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In case there is an attack and India decides to retaliate militarily, IA could launch a few shock attacks by brahmos missiles/commando units etc., quickly inflict casualties and declare ceasefire. This will never give Pakistan the excuse to go full-fledged/nuclear. Like I said, it's a calculated risk.

Yes, most likely scenario. Revoking the Indus Water Treaty would be act of war against Pakistan and will cause even more Mumbai attacks--but now with active ISI support--unlike the rogues like Kassab.

From my perception, India was ASKING for 'surgical strikes' via American channels to save face after 26/11. But Pakistan had denied that. Pakistani generals have publicly stated their position that no surgical-strikes will be tolerated and the response will be a full retaliation. Now, that could still mean Pakistan launching a few missiles on Indian military targets to mollify the urge to 'revenge' against India.

Big powers--including China-- step in and a 'cease fire' is declared.

But of course war is madness and madness takes it own destructive route. And so I don't think it is out of question that vast stretches of India and Pakistan are turned to waste because of the nuclear war. I would expect that not to happen so long as American troops and a large number of American/Western tourists are in the area. But neither Pakistan nor India are under American control and so anything can happen.
Even Mumbai X won't initiate a war... We've been hearing Indian politicians bark out their threats, its treated as entertainment in Pakistan.

Any war would see the Indian land mass nuked and turned into glass.
I remember a beautiful story.

A country put its thousands of troops on border and threaten to attack after a bomb blast on parliament. After a long stand off and big talks they pulled back. I wonder why. Perhaps they realized without firing a bullet they lost 800 soldiers. What will happen if war breaks out.

The country again after few years talked of surgical strikes. But the SUs ran their *** off after chased by tigers.

Even Mumbai X won't initiate a war... We've been hearing Indian politicians bark out their threats, its treated as entertainment in Pakistan.

Any war would see the Indian land mass nuked and turned into glass.

india dont need a bullet to create trouble in pakistan.don't u think?????.leave the nukes,it's u.s responsibilty.:lol::lol::lol::lol:
Even Mumbai X won't initiate a war... We've been hearing Indian politicians bark out their threats, its treated as entertainment in Pakistan.

Any war would see the Indian land mass nuked and turned into glass.

It is not as easy as you say it dear. PAKMIL doesn't have the guts to use nukes as they are aware it would mean the removal of PAK from world map.

But I am also of the view that when there are groups in PAK which can be used for covert attacks then why should India go for a military war !!!
It is not as easy as you say it dear. PAKMIL doesn't have the guts to use nukes as they are aware it would mean the removal of PAK from world map.

But I am also of the view that when there are groups in PAK which can be used for covert attacks then why should India go for a military war !!!
It's not a matter of guts, Pakistan genuinely doesn't want a war with India, we have ONE issue with India and that is Kashmir and we want to keep our fight limited to it.

But if India imposes war, Pakistan will not respond an artillery fire with an artillery fire. India may start the war, but we will set the level of intensity it is fought at.
I remember a beautiful story.

A country put its thousands of troops on border and threaten to attack after a bomb blast on parliament. After a long stand off and big talks they pulled back. I wonder why. Perhaps they realized without firing a bullet they lost 800 soldiers. What will happen if war breaks out.

The country again after few years talked of surgical strikes. But the SUs ran their *** off after chased by tigers.


A country put its thousands of troops on border and threaten to attack after a bomb blast on parliament
firstly there was no bomb blast,it was an shooting incident

Perhaps they realized without firing a bullet they lost 800 soldiers. What will happen if war breaks out.

they realized there is no need to war,lets try something different without firing any bullet.:bunny::bunny::bunny:

The country again after few years talked of surgical strikes. But the SUs ran their *** off after chased by tigers.

if mki's came then do u think they will come in 2-3 numbers.so.....your theory fails here.btw m again telling u ,india dont need to fire bullet to attack pakistan.it's already in trouble without any mki's,army,nukes etcccc:pakistan::pakistan::pakistan:
It is not as easy as you say it dear. PAKMIL doesn't have the guts to use nukes as they are aware it would mean the removal of PAK from world map.

But I am also of the view that when there are groups in PAK which can be used for covert attacks then why should India go for a military war !!!
And some other dont have guts to "SRUGICAL STRIKE" :lol:
And some other dont have guts to "SRUGICAL STRIKE" :lol:

You still dont understand the meaning of operational readiness of an armed force , dont you?

And again its called surgical, not srugical.
It's not a matter of guts, Pakistan genuinely doesn't want a war with India, we have ONE issue with India and that is Kashmir and we want to keep our fight limited to it.
What will you guys achieve out of fighting for Kashmir. Many Pakistani's as also innocent Kashmiris are losing their life and the only winner I see is Pak army who gets anything it wants ahead of basic amenities to people in neglected areas like NPWF, Balochistan. In the end these boundaries wont change but people will die and some military men will earn money and move to US.

But if India imposes war, Pakistan will not respond an artillery fire with an artillery fire. India may start the war, but we will set the level of intensity it is fought at.

Again you are forgetting International pressure. The US, EU, Russia and even China wont let the war go unabated. Nothing is under control of PAKMIL.
btw m again telling u ,india dont need to fire bullet to attack pakistan.it's already in trouble without any mki's,army,nukes etcccc:pakistan::pakistan::pakistan:

Grapes are sour I think. :D
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