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Muhammad Cartoonist Attacked

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Blasphemy against any religious personality of any religion should be punishable by death.Freedom of speech doesn't mean that you poke your nose anywhere.
Any? That is quite a swath. But it is good that you are willing to extend legal protection to all religions. What you are saying, and correct me if my assumption is incorrect, is despite our 'freedom of speech' there are some forms of speech that should be excluded from legal protection, such as libel and slander, or yelling 'Fire' in a crowded theater when there is no fire, and in your argument, religions should also be so excluded. What you are also saying is that it is up to us to decide, based upon certain morals and emotional reactions, what forms of speech and their contents, should be excluded from legal protection. Libel is a FORM of speech and the CONTENTS within could do irreparable harm to a person. Therefore we must exclude libel from legal protection.

Laws against Holocaust denial - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

According to the source above, only Israel has laws specifically naming 'The Holocaust'...
Denial of Holocaust (Prohibition) Law, 5746-1986

Definitions 1. In this Law, "crime against the Jewish people" and "crime against humanity" have the same respective meanings as in the "Nazis and Nazi Collaborators Law, 5710-1950.
The Europeans have laws that are broad -- genocide -- not just of Jews but of every non-German ethnicity.

For example with Belgium...
Negationism Law (1995, amendments of 1999)

Article 1 Whoever, in the circumstances given in article 444 of the Penal Code denies, grossly minimises, attempts to justify, or approves the genocide committed by the German National Socialist Regime during the Second World War shall be punished by a prison sentence of eight days to one year, and by a fine of twenty six francs to five thousand francs.
So if blasphemy against religions in general is worthy of legal prosecution, I see no reasons why muslims should have any issues with the Europeans being comprehensive -- genocide -- with their laws.

France stated...
Art 9. – As an amendment to Article 24 of the law of July 29, 1881 on the freedom of the press, article 24 (a) is as follows written: <<Art. 24 (a). - those who have disputed the existence of one or more crimes against humanity such as they are defined by Article 6 of the statute of the international tribunal military annexed in the agreement of London of August 8, 1945 and which were a carried out either by the members of an organization declared criminal pursuant to Article 9 of the aforementioned statute, or by a person found guilty such crimes by a French or international jurisdiction shall be punished by one month to one years imprisonment or a fine.
Note -- one or more crimes against humanity. This would include the Holocaust, of course.
I think Europe should lift ban on the word Holocaust!
If they can make cartoons of Prophet Muhammad (Peace is upon Him)...

If that can be considered Freedom of speech than Holocaust thing should be considered Freedom of speech.

and if people argue that Cartoons of Prophet did not kill millions of people as Holocaust did...than what about Muslim Holocaust committed by Christians of Europe and North America over 100 years in shape of different wars.


Personally I believe Ignorance is the best policy...
We dont need to raise this issue...God will deal this with them...

but I also don't believe in Free will...

for Urdu speaking people

Taqdeer vs Tadbeer..

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Blasphemy against any religious personality of any religion should be punishable by death.Freedom of speech doesn't mean that you poke your nose anywhere.

Scientology is a religion. If i make fun of its founder - Ron Hubbard - and call him a sub standard hack sci fi writer, i should be awarded the death penalty?

By the way, for those pious individuals who make fun of Scientology because of its outlandish beliefs, let me state that Scientology's beliefs are no more ludicrous than the myths propagated by the major religions of the world.
damn he was somalian and did not had balls to harm him....
O my God give me power & Chance to kill

Kurt Westergaard
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O my God give me power & Chance to kill him

Isn't that the same thing which your God prohibited you from doing? You know the bit about killing all of humanity.

Why would you be any different from those misguided terrorist who kills himself in a crowded market because he believes his God told him to do so?
Isn't that the same thing which your God prohibited you from doing? You know the bit about killing all of humanity.

Why would you be any different from those misguided terrorist who kills himself in a crowded market because he believes his God told him to do so?

Why you speak if you have lack of Knowledge ?

Islam says 'Killing one person is equal to killing whole humanity'.

But the person who take wrong action against our prophet Muhammad (PBUH), and still no sorry the only way is to send him out of the world.

The Way of Muhammad is the way of our Lord.
He's a misguided somalian extremist, he's already shot, he'll be prosecuted and punished, but you wanting to kill him is harsh.

I am proud of Somalian 'Extremist'. in 'Ishq' there is nothing to be considered.
Asim Aquill is absolutely correct in his analysis that Holocaust Denial laws show the hypocrisy of European claims that freedom of speech protections should protect the cartoonists. Freedom of speech is an American concept first introduced in the US Constitution in 1787. Many important American colonies would not ratify the new US Constitution unless certain rights of "the people" were guaranteed by constitutional law. Included was the right to speak freely. This right has been limited by libel, slander, conspiracy and incitement laws to some extent. But never, so far, by an ethnic or religious or political grievance. That day may come. However, for now, the absolute "freedom of speech" protection for statements such as "Holocaust denial" exists only in States that constitutionally protect all political speech. Europe does not. Europe is hypocritical in banning Holocaust denial while permitting the belittling and mocking of core Muslim beliefs.

Thats all I'm saying, rest, about the cartoons, I'd say they are not nice and I may choose to not befriend people who do say that it is nice, but I'd not go beyond voicing my strong sentiment against it. They have the right to piss off Muslims...

European countries while not directly engaged with conflicts against Muslim countries don't even come close to the freedoms that Muslim enjoy in America. Well the UK is a close second. But France's ban on Hijab, Switzerland's Minaret ban, all speaks a lot to the observant Muslim.

I do know a lot of freedoms have taken a hit in the post-Bush America, especially the Patriot act which every Muslim American has been keenly observing. I think the problem that regular Muslims had with the cartoons was not more to do with ridiculing the Prophet it was the open declaration from the non-Muslim society that this is it, we're here to take you guys on. War drums if you may call it.
Why you speak if you have lack of Knowledge ?

Islam says 'Killing one person is equal to killing whole humanity'.

But the person who take wrong action against our prophet Muhammad (PBUH), and still no sorry the only way is to send him out of the world.

The Way of Muhammad is the way of our Lord.

You are doing a nice job of re-enforcing anti-islamic views. I appalled that more of your compatriots are not challenging you on your thoughts.
Scientology is a religion. If i make fun of its founder - Ron Hubbard - and call him a sub standard hack sci fi writer, i should be awarded the death penalty?

By the way, for those pious individuals who make fun of Scientology because of its outlandish beliefs, let me state that Scientology's beliefs are no more ludicrous than the myths propagated by the major religions of the world.
If God appear to man, not through prophets or burning bushes or ghostly apparitions on glass surfaces or through mysterious symbols on the sides of animals, and tell us not to dishonor, aka 'blaspheme', Him, there would be no blasphemy laws anyway since His appearance to us would be unequivocal. There would be no wars since it is now obvious that there truly exist one God.

So in essence...Blasphemy is about defending one's own honor and one's own justifications to adhere to a moral system headed by a supernatural entity. Any possibility that this allegiance is misguided must be dealt with severely. Those who blaspheme, in other words implied that 'I' am stupid for believing so-and-so, death be unto him if necessary. This is about man, not God.
A peaceful demonstration in support of Freedom of Speech and in codemnation of this and similar attacks (and honor killings, genital mutilation, forced marriages and all the other stone-age relicts that some Muslims have imported to Europe) by at least a couple of hundred of the roughly 50 Million Muslims living in Europe would be a powerful signal now as it would have been when this sh'tstorm first broke out (in contrast to the actual reaction which proved the caricatures were actually spot on).. Furthermore it would ease the rising tension and resignation, wouldn't you agree?
But thats not gonna happen, is it? (apparently because many actually secretly appreciate this sick, twisted deed, as nicely displayed on this forum)

And just in case someone plays the "why weren't you demonstrating there and then.." card. When old cowboy Bush announced he was to invade Iraq MILLIONS demonstrated in the USA and Europe. After the xenophobic murder of a black guy commited in Germany approx. 5 years ago thousands demonstrated and so on and so forth..

Blasphemy against any religious personality of any religion should be punishable by death.Freedom of speech doesn't mean that you poke your nose anywhere.

We had that here once.. you know what that period is called? Dark Ages. Yeah that time in ancient history when the 'Islamic' world actually was more advanced then 'the West'. Which had nothing to do with Islam fyi

Freedom of speech means that my right to offend is much more important then your right not to be offended. Or "I may not agree with what you say but I will defend to the death your right to say it." and not agree includes stronger feelings of dislike.

This whole nonsense of 'hurt feelings' is so incredibly childish and pathetic..

And although few european countries have a single limitation of sorts to freedom of speech those were put in place to prevent a gross distortion of a very traumatic chapter in our history. It is a different matter to "blasphemy" laws (which throw us back before the enlightment). Further I think they should be abolished since they have done the deed after 60 years and make us in fact somewhat hypocritical. Nothing should be "unspeakable", that is idiotic and childish. Although Freedom of Speech is actually in many European Constitutions (and not an American concept but one from European philosophy) the USA is the only country were it is truly in its rightful place in terms of the law.

Freedom of Speech is the very core concept of a free, pluralistic and democratic society and is therefore non-negotiable.
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