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Muhammad Cartoonist Attacked

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A peaceful demonstration in support of Freedom of Speech and in codemnation of this and similar attacks (and honor killings, genital mutilation, forced marriages and all the other stone-age relicts that some Muslims have imported to Europe) by at least a couple of hundred of the roughly 50 Million Muslims living in Europe would be a powerful signal now as it would have been when this sh'tstorm first broke out (in contrast to the actual reaction which proved the caricatures were actually spot on).. Furthermore it would ease the rising tension and resignation, wouldn't you agree?
But thats never gonna happen, is it?

Oh and don't give me the "why weren't you demonstrating there and then.." speech. When old cowboy Bush announced he was to invade Iraq MILLIONS demonstrated in the USA and Europe. After the xenophobic murder of a black guy commited in Germany approx. 5 years ago thousands demonstrated and so on and so forth..

Glad your blaming Muslims rather than Islam. So what your trying to say is 'Muslims cant do peaceful demonstrations' right? :eek:
Scrumpy that's why your religion is ineffective on your own ppl making them
bent towards more negativity as an example you..further since your unable to understand this topic i won't be engaging with you on this thread..
Glad your blaming Muslims rather than Islam. So what your trying to say is 'Muslims cant do peaceful demonstrations' right? :eek:

Well, I blame both, but a Religion can't take to the streets can it? Islam is to a large extent what its followers make it out to be and although the ideology, if followed literally, is much more horrible than most of its followers that doesn't make them blameless.
No, I am not saying that at all(I edited one word to prevent further confusion.), I am wondering why they don't when such horrible acts are commited all the time in the name of their religion.. is it fear of their brothers or secret admiration/appreciation or what?
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I don't agree with holocaust deniers but I do agree with their right to deny it.
Do you agree that holocaust deniers also have the right to shout their words from the roof-tops and drown out everyone who can expose them as either lying or ignorant? If not, where do you think respect for speech should end? Where do you draw the line?
Well, I blame both, but a Religion can't take to the streets can it? Islam is to a large extent what its followers make it out to be and although the ideology, if followed literally, is much more horrible than most of its followers that doesn't make them blameless.
No, I am not saying that at all(I edited one word to prevent further confusion.), I am wondering why they don't when such horrible acts are commited all the time in the name of their religion.. is it fear of their brothers or secret admiration/appreciation or what?

This guy has made up his mind to hate Muslims on what ever he see on the western Media.
If God appear to man, not through prophets or burning bushes or ghostly apparitions on glass surfaces or through mysterious symbols on the sides of animals, and tell us not to dishonor, aka 'blaspheme', Him, there would be no blasphemy laws anyway since His appearance to us would be unequivocal. There would be no wars since it is now obvious that there truly exist one God.

So in essence...Blasphemy is about defending one's own honor and one's own justifications to adhere to a moral system headed by a supernatural entity. Any possibility that this allegiance is misguided must be dealt with severely. Those who blaspheme, in other words implied that 'I' am stupid for believing so-and-so, death be unto him if necessary. This is about man, not God.
Correct, in fact as per Islam, there are contradictions as per what the Prophet Muhammad did and what people practice. Anyone who blasphemes becomes "Wajib-ul-Qatal". Wajib meaning Mandatory, Qatal meaning To Kill. On the flipside the Prophet in his lifetime was thrown a lot of garbage, dirt, pelted with stones, ridiculed as a madman, and so on... by the people of Quraysh of Makkah. His first act as their conqueror later on was to declare amnesty for all of them.

People who ramble on about Sunnah (practicing the ways of the Prophet) do forget his more finer characteristics, the ones that probably require more of an effort - his tolerance.
Do you agree that holocaust deniers also have the right to shout their words from the roof-tops and drown out everyone who can expose them as either lying or ignorant? If not, where do you think respect for speech should end? Where do you draw the line?
You mean literally from roof tops? Thats a different argument, there are some loose lines. Like if you are disturbing neighborhood peace for example.

But there should be no limit to free speech. Of course we all should have the right to take on the other guy as well. But otherwise if you start limiting someone it usually doesn't stop there.
Well, I blame both, but a Religion can't take to the streets can it? Islam is to a large extent what its followers make it out to be and although the ideology, if followed literally, is much more horrible than most of its followers that doesn't make them blameless.
No, I am not saying that at all(I edited one word to prevent further confusion.), I am wondering why they don't when such horrible acts are commited all the time in the name of their religion.. is it fear of their brothers or secret admiration/appreciation or what?
A lot of demonstrators aren't peaceful because they are jobless folks who are paid a few to go around demonstrating their zeal.

Case in point is Karachi. We have these massive refugee areas with Afghanis. No matter what protest is going on, on TV you will see Afghanis protesting on the streets of Karachi. Plus when things get violent, a city like Karachi which has thousands of ATM machines everywhere are always targeted.

Now you gotta wonder are they really offended to the point of violence when they go around robbing ATM machines?
You mean literally from roof tops? Thats a different argument, there are some loose lines...Of course we all should have the right to take on the other guy as well.
So one should have the right to stand in the middle of Karachi or Peshawar and use a loudspeaker to demean Muhammed and Muslims without having to worry that he or she will be killed for it, or rather with the assurance that if harm does fall, the law will pursue the attackers? Where do you draw the line, exactly?
This guy has made up his mind to hate Muslims on what ever he see on the western Media.

I actually count 2 Muslims (in the sense that they were raised Muslim, not practicing though) among my friends. My criticism of the ideology and the behaviour it enlists would never make me hate the people as a whole. I still jugde every individual I encounter on his or her own..
Either you don't really read my posts or you just want to dismiss my valid criticism by making me a "hater" in your mind, which I am not.. How about you actually argue with me instead of just dismissing everything by saying "its just hate". A bit cheap don't you think?

A lot of demonstrators aren't peaceful because they are jobless folks who are paid a few to go around demonstrating their zeal.

Case in point is Karachi. We have these massive refugee areas with Afghanis. No matter what protest is going on, on TV you will see Afghanis protesting on the streets of Karachi. Plus when things get violent, a city like Karachi which has thousands of ATM machines everywhere are always targeted.

Now you gotta wonder are they really offended to the point of violence when they go around robbing ATM machines?

Well that is something to be taken into consideration, when thinking back to those pictures of reactions to the cartoons in Islamic countries. I have no doubt that many were manipulated in one way or the other. Religion beeing an excuse for violence and not the actual cause doesn't make it THAT much better though does it?

But I was actually talking about something else. I called for a response by some of the European Muslim to this recent attack, in support of the freedoms they enjoy and we all hold dear here and in condemnation of the religiously motivated crimes like this one and many others. Do they not understand that there is a 'need' to show that they don't agree right now? Do they not urge to demonstrate that this (among other things) is not how they interpret Islam? is unacceptable even if it were condoned by the Qu'ran? Do they understand that it can very well be justified from the text itself?
Well, I blame both, but a Religion can't take to the streets can it? Islam is to a large extent what its followers make it out to be and although the ideology, if followed literally, is much more horrible than most of its followers that doesn't make them blameless.
No, I am not saying that at all(I edited one word to prevent further confusion.), I am wondering why they don't when such horrible acts are commited all the time in the name of their religion.. is it fear of their brothers or secret admiration/appreciation or what?
Both. Religious one-upmanship is the norm among believers of every religion. The highest level of this one-upmanship is to act, to kill the blasphemer, or at the very least attempt to do so, thereby securing the actor's celebrity status among fellow believers. Those who do not act are merely cowards, too fearful of the might of the state over the might of god.
In Denmark there is blossomy low in placed to protect the sovereignty of Jesus Christ. All Muslim nations protect the sovereignty of Jesus Christ as well yet this low life has the atrocity to make fun on our beloved prophet(SWS). A Muslim would tolerate many things but will not tolerate any wrong done against our prophet(SWS). This low life deserve more than street justice. Muslim of Denmark can earn a ticket to heaven if they can give him a high quality beaten to grave.
well all of you listen from top post to this last one:
In Denmark you can't make a joke or publish any naked pictures of their royal family not only denmark its for all EU countries who have royal system.
so now tell me you all where is the freedom of speech.
dont remember year but one of the EU country published the german chancelor naked picture on magazine front and whole EU took very good action so plz respect our prophet Mohammad pbuh and also others before him ................
I believe Denmark is also the pornographic capital of the world. Or at least Europe, read it somewhere on some article... shows their morals. lol
i dont understand, if they make fun of their religion so be it, but why they have to make fun of our religion, esp considering the fact that muslims are reknowned to be a class of people who take their religion seriously then why do this bulls crap. if in the west criticism against the holocaust is prohibited which hurts the feeling of a few jews around the world then whats the point of dissappointing billions of muslims who take their religion and adhere to their principles unparallelled in the world??
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