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Mountain strike corps formally raised, its 1st division formed

We have several nuke delivery mechanisms, all on proven platforms. Airborne - jaguars, mirages, MKIs. Missilies - no need to elaborate, the entire agni series. Naval - The upcoming boomers, and ship borne missiles.

The fellow you are responding to has a habit of appearing on every india-china thread and talk about his country, because there is no other scope for a country with a puny military to get any attention on a defence website. Attention hog. Yea, everything that happens in the neighbourhood is secretly directed at his poor country, which apparently is very desirable for everybody to take over.

Afterall he is a professional from B'desh , the land of grand conspiracy theories .
Besides LCH IA also considers Apache helicopter for this mountain strike corps.
I am glad because that chinese guy concede Z-20 is copy of black hawk.
I think our LCH is not a copy of any helicopter.

You make this simple statements due to your experience in 1962.But it is long gone my friend.After that our Army fought 2 majors and lot of small wars against Pakistan and china plus lot of small operations against insurgents.You must ask foreign armies trained here to know the real experience of Indian Army.They will told you how it look like.Russian troops was trained is here before they go to operations in chechniya.

You just assume Z-20 is a copy...like the rest of generic Indians pre-programmed with mentality that what ever chinese did are just copy I have never conceded that:coffee:...and I lol'ed you LCH...even an undergraduates chinese studients can design this kind of toy as hobby. :lol:

When I discuss your mounting strike corps, I don't need 1962 as reference to boost my moral or arrogance, since the subject of this thread is related to China, so I just suggest that with Z-20, China don't need to create a mountain strike corps as tit for tat, the concept of heliborne assault similar to U.S 101 division will be enough to make India strike corps as Tandoori.

Only those losers after losing the debate and started to make some creative accusation and assumptions...and the way to find the exit the debate is "...my friend this is 20xxx, it's not longer 1962...":rofl:..LOL
You just assume Z-20 is a copy...like the rest of generic Indians pre-programmed with mentality that what ever chinese did are just copy I have never conceded that:coffee:...and I lol'ed you LCH...even an undergraduates chinese studients can design this kind of toy as hobby. :lol:

When I discuss your mounting strike corps, I don't need 1962 as reference to boost my moral or arrogance, since the subject of this thread is related to China, so I just suggest that with Z-20, China don't need to create a mountain strike corps as tit for tat, the concept of heliborne assault similar to U.S 101 division will be enough to make India strike corps as Tandoori.

Only those losers after losing the debate and started to make some creative accusation and assumptions...and the way to find the exit the debate is "...my friend this is 20xxx, it's not longer 1962...":rofl:..LOL

:lol: for that bold part.

This is not an island far from main land to occupy heli by assault.

The guys who come with the heli assault will be fried here on the mountains of Himalayas after the initial thrust.

Plus a mere 10 or 15 divisions from Tibet max. chinese can mobilize are no match to the IA + local populace who will resist.
You just assume Z-20 is a copy...like the rest of generic Indians pre-programmed with mentality that what ever chinese did are just copy I have never conceded that:coffee:...and I lol'ed you LCH...even an undergraduates chinese studients can design this kind of toy as hobby. :lol:

When I discuss your mounting strike corps, I don't need 1962 as reference to boost my moral or arrogance, since the subject of this thread is related to China, so I just suggest that with Z-20, China don't need to create a mountain strike corps as tit for tat, the concept of heliborne assault similar to U.S 101 division will be enough to make India strike corps as Tandoori.

Only those losers after losing the debate and started to make some creative accusation and assumptions...and the way to find the exit the debate is "...my friend this is 20xxx, it's not longer 1962...":rofl:..LOL

Orly now? :O
1. We in BD have always been apprehensive about the true objective in raising this Strike Corps. India will never attain the capability or gather courage to invade Tibet/China. On her part PRC considers India minor irritant undeserving of any serious attention.And eventually when China does move into S Tibet and her territory S of the McMahon Line,we will see a repeat of 1962. India will not mess with Pakistan for fear of nuclear arsenal falling like rain.

2. So how is GOI going to justify this lavish expenditure to its half a billion poor? We believe the true objective of this Corps is BD.

LOLL, some more SOS (Scheisse On a Stick), and "professional" SOS at that.
2014 is surely starting on an amusing note..........
:lol: for that bold part.

This is not an island far from main land to occupy heli by assault.

The guys who come with the heli assault will be fried here on the mountains of Himalayas after the initial thrust.

Plus a mere 10 or 15 divisions from Tibet max. chinese can mobilize are no match to the IA + local populace who will resist.

Heli assault can be apply anywhere not limited to Island, what it needs is fire power and mobility. Tibet plateau and Himalayas is good place for this kind of operations. And if you think of your IA, remember to consider PLAAF, they're not sit there idlely. as for quantitiy, when Z-20 is ready we don't have restriction from outside, we can built as many we want and cheaper too.

I think chineses army have learn a great deal of how U.S army air assault perform, that why Z-20 is a good platform to serve as foundation to creat chinese own air assault unit.

I certainly doubt that. They will give the PLA a tough fight but I am not sure how long the morale of the troops will last under outnumbered odds. That will be the determining factor..
Skills will play a large part but the unforgiving mountains require more temperament than skills.

Did you forgot Battle of Longewala War....???
Heli assault can be apply anywhere not limited to Island, what it needs is fire power and mobility. Tibet plateau and Himalayas is good place for this kind of operations. And if you think of your IA, remember to consider PLAAF, they're not sit there idlely. as for quantitiy, when Z-20 is ready we don't have restriction from outside, we can built as many we want and cheaper too.

I think chineses army have learn a great deal of how U.S army air assault perform, that why Z-20 is a good platform to serve as foundation to creat chinese own air assault unit.

After landing on the mountains then what ??

How many days the supply lines will last??

What happens to the guys who started the assault??

The invading force must be 3:1 for normal assault and more than 5:1 for mountain assault.
heliborne assault

lets educate you what a Heliborne/Airborne Assault originally is(since you're bragging about it so much)..alright???

it has 5 phases....

Objective -- What you really want to achieve

Intelligence -- clear information about enemy's activity

Air Control -- you've to control the air,since you're dependent on it till the reinforcement arrives

Speed and Surprise -- without it,any air assault is doomed to fail,since airborne troops doesn't carry heavier weapons and indefinite supply.so,they're more vulnerable if defender puts up good fight.

Reinforcement -- you've to reinforce the troops within 3-4 days top.Airborne troops generally can't survive if reinforcement can't arrive within that period.

Air Assault is last possible step a commander can choose.its always the last,since the risk is too great.if any available option is there,it should be dropped immediately.

so,in your case,an air assault is never the case.you'll not have clear picture,nor speed and surprise,nor reinforce them will be easy.actually,its worst case scenario...lesson closed.
China has thermonuclear arsenal. Quantity is sufficient to coverall Indian cities. Indian nukes are of the lowest category,and the number is the lowest among all nuke holders. Indian delivery systems are poor/unreliable.And worst, the lethargy and bureaucracy in taking a decision, conveying and implementing.By the time India readies to launch,the adversaries' arsenal would already be falling on them.

What argument does that make??? :/
A neutral analysis of this argument also implies that you are assuming that when India decides to attack Pakistan, it will do with nukes rather than conventional forces...[as if sayin: let's cut the crap and skip to the nukes :p ]

If not, then Pakistan's nuclear deterrent deters India the same way the Indian nuclear deterrent deters china. It's the same formula. No?
After landing on the mountains then what ??

How many days the supply lines will last??

What happens to the guys who started the assault??

The invading force must be 3:1 for normal assault and more than 5:1 for mountain assault.

your questions are irrelevants, any assault missions will be planned ahead on the duration and objectives to achieve that will determine the supply and how to score the kills. as for the ratio, with high mobility concept, we can have 20:1 and concentrate the maximum fire powers on that area.

with a division of 20 Z-20 an some area, we can have an overheming power and overrun Indian defense similiar to this video.

and I lol'ed you LCH...even an undergraduates chinese studients can design this kind of toy as hobby. :lol:

offcourse thats so true... that is why Chinese copy every product. their design skills are unparalleled so much that so far not even one indigenous designed product exists. :D
lets educate you what a Heliborne/Airborne Assault originally is(since you're bragging about it so much)..alright???

it has 5 phases....

Objective -- What you really want to achieve

Intelligence -- clear information about enemy's activity

Air Control -- you've to control the air,since you're dependent on it till the reinforcement arrives

Speed and Surprise -- without it,any air assault is doomed to fail,since airborne troops doesn't carry heavier weapons and indefinite supply.so,they're more vulnerable if defender puts up good fight.

Reinforcement -- you've to reinforce the troops within 3-4 days top.Airborne troops generally can't survive if reinforcement can't arrive within that period.

Air Assault is last possible step a commander can choose.its always the last,since the risk is too great.if any available option is there,it should be dropped immediately.

so,in your case,an air assault is never the case.you'll not have clear picture,nor speed and surprise,nor reinforce them will be easy.actually,its worst case scenario...lesson closed.

I'm discussing how to counter Indian mountain strike corps with high mobility heli assault with Z-20, if you want to drag the air superiority, intelligent and scale up the discussion...sure I agree that war is not limited to heliborn assault, it's a combine forces:

PLAAF will take care of Indian AF, our intelligents will deal with how to obtain Indian activities either by satellite or spy, Chinese logistic support will find the way to provide food and munition...I think all these are logical steps and so obvious...their objective is to clear the path and remove obstacles to let our assault units to do their jobs.

offcourse thats so true... that is why Chinese copy every product. their design skills are unparalleled so much that so far not even one indigenous designed product exists. :D

admitting that you're right, why we need to reinvente the wheel :dance3:..give me a good reason:coffee:.
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I'm discussion how to counter Indian mountain strike corps with high mobility heli assault with Z-20, if you want to drag the air superiority, intelligent and scale up the discussion...sure I agree that war is not limited to heliborn assault, it's a combine forces:
PLAAF will take care of Indian AF, our intelligents will deal with how to obtain Indian activities either by satellite or spy, Chinese logistic support will find the way to provide food and munition...I think all these are logical steps and so obvious...their objective is to clear the path and remove obstacles to let our assault units to do their jobs.

wrong assumption.nobody confronts a strike corps with heliborne assault.a strike corps generally consists of heavier equipments and conducts several maneuvers to bypass or to flank.heliborne assault never designed to foil this..they're mainly designed to attack vulnerable flanks ans secure key points until fully secured,a time frame of 3-5 days.they aren't for defensive measure.to conduct such an operation just to secure few mountain pass may be possible.but not much of a worth of bragging Z-20 in that case.any utility helicopter can perform that.
wrong assumption.nobody confronts a strike corps with heliborne assault.a strike corps generally consists of heavier equipments and conducts several maneuvers to bypass or to flank.heliborne assault never designed to foil this..they're mainly designed to attack vulnerable flanks ans secure key points until fully secured,a time frame of 3-5 days.they aren't for defensive measure.to conduct such an operation just to secure few mountain pass may be possible.but not much of a worth of bragging Z-20 in that case.any utility helicopter can perform that.

depend on what scale of the helibone assault, it can be very effective thank to the mobility, we will strike where it most hurt such as your rear supply line and other key vunerability area of your strike corps...I don't know what is the current Chinese defense situation in Indian front, but introducing Z-20s will enhance the mobility and tacticle flexibility our our army in Himalayas...as I already discussed other helicopters such Mi-17 can do the jobs but Z-20 is better since we have experieces with Blackhawk for for over 3 decades in Tibet.
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