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Mountain strike corps formally raised, its 1st division formed

Every nation has their fighting doctrine, I don't know about India but I do believe that under the new chinese doctrine of winning a local war, the concept of high mobility is a must and very attractive that why China is interesting with U.S Army airborne Assault...only time will tell if this Assault units will be formed in Tibet. PLA certainly not going to stop that concept because you consider as worst choice...maybe it's the right choice for us.
high mobility and heliborne assault is different thing.I think you should study and clear any doubts about "terms"..there is no doubt about "Mobility" in a war.but that can be achieved via many ways.specially when China developed highways.and its not what "I am Saying",its what "Generals Say"..Air Assault is the last possible option.any other ways are available and this option shouldn't take.stake is too high and rate of success is too low.you should study about various Air Assault and Heliborne Assault and should understand that what is its pro and cons.its not that as bollywood movies shows and its stylish,thus we should go for it thing.every different kind of assault has its own requirement.India conducted several "Air Assault/Heliborne Assault"..even against China in 1986(Operation Falcon)..but as I said,India needed it as we couldn't send large amount of troops and equipment to those sectors via any other route.but as I said,Tibetan Plateau is well connected.not much of need could arise when you need to conduct a "Defensive Operation" via Air Assault.but as I said,even if it is conducted,it'll be in minuscule.
China has thermonuclear arsenal. Quantity is sufficient to coverall Indian cities. Indian nukes are of the lowest category,and the number is the lowest among all nuke holders. Indian delivery systems are poor/unreliable.And worst, the lethargy and bureaucracy in taking a decision, conveying and implementing.By the time India readies to launch,the adversaries' arsenal would already be falling on them.

Dont be so idiot.It seems you know more than the Indian nukes than Indians.If you believe some rubbish reports in Indian Media ,then you are more than an idiot.The Indian bureaucrats you know in Indian media is very different in real case.You are right we have less than nuclear weapons than Pakistan.But we dont use tactical nuclear subkiloton nuclear missile even we have advanced technology .Piling up the numbers of Nuclear bombs will be an economic disaster.For develop a nuclear bomb need more than 30 crore rupees and maintainence expense will be cost another 30 crore rupees and it is least case .Now nuclear bombs capacity increase in Megaton range it will cause unbearable expense.So our leaders determine to maintain nuclear bomb numbers within 100 and DRDO director already acknowledge megaton range is also in our hands.
Talking about reliability and accuracy ,or scientists is now work for near zero CEP.So we dont need BD certificate about nuclear missiles and nuclear bombs.Because BD dont know even a f*** about these two systems.
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You just assume Z-20 is a copy...like the rest of generic Indians pre-programmed with mentality that what ever chinese did are just copy I have never conceded that:coffee:...and I lol'ed you LCH...even an undergraduates chinese studients can design this kind of toy as hobby. :lol:

When I discuss your mounting strike corps, I don't need 1962 as reference to boost my moral or arrogance, since the subject of this thread is related to China, so I just suggest that with Z-20, China don't need to create a mountain strike corps as tit for tat, the concept of heliborne assault similar to U.S 101 division will be enough to make India strike corps as Tandoori.

Only those losers after losing the debate and started to make some creative accusation and assumptions...and the way to find the exit the debate is "...my friend this is 20xxx, it's not longer 1962...":rofl:..LOL

Lol :lol:chinese ,one of worst post I have seen in this PDF.Talk like a big guy ,but dont know about fact .,no proof .impressive :rofl::rofl:

India develop a helicopter like LCH after enough experience we attain from operations in siachen glacier with HAL dhruv.HAL modify Dhruv redesign and develop LCH .You can check any source it is only helicopter that has service ceiling of 6500m and we develop because it is our necessity.
students not "studients" .
Under graduate chinese students make a shit Ha..haaa.. :haha:.If your chinese have this such capability ,then what is the need of your top class scientists to copy Black hawk(you already conceded that).
On one side you claim Z-20 is some revolutionary star war design that can show miracle in Tibet,,on other side you told it is a copy black hawk .What is this?
We know chinese are ahead as in aircraft manufacturing .But dont talk like this in a PDF , if do that you bring disgrace to entire PRC.Your toys is not going to work in Tibetan plateau,in the end it is foot soldiers war .And our soldiers will be armed with next generation Javelin .it is enough for making
Z-20 tandoori.
China has thermonuclear arsenal. Quantity is sufficient to coverall Indian cities. Indian nukes are of the lowest category.Indian delivery systems are poor/unreliable.

I'm discussing how to counter Indian mountain strike corps with high mobility heli assault with Z-20, if you want to drag the air superiority, intelligent and scale up the discussion...sure I agree that war is not limited to heliborn assault, it's a combine forces:

PLAAF will take care of Indian AF, our intelligents will deal with how to obtain Indian activities either by satellite or spy, Chinese logistic support will find the way to provide food and munition...I think all these are logical steps and so obvious...their objective is to clear the path and remove obstacles to let our assault units to do their jobs.

admitting that you're right, why we need to reinvente the wheel :dance3:..give me a good reason:coffee:.

who told about AF here? Strike corps,I dont know about other countries but Indian strike corps are heavily equipped with advanced weapons both surface to air and ground strike.If you talk about about US 101 division ,we talk about professional strike corps.US 101 division only work against rag tag insurgents.But taking a strike corps of a professional army in world largest mountain ranges need more than that.US already know about Black hawk down series in Somalia in 1993 by the rag tag somalian militias by RPG.
Indian strike corps have advanced tactical surface to air weapons.PRC is not US.
I am sure airborne assault against IA in Tibet will be a disaster to PRC no doubt about that.
They did hold out with no IAF support for four hours. But yes, the decimation of the pakistani armoured thrust was done by the IAF.

Do you think that PA would have sent that armour and infantry into Indian territory without air cover, if they thought there was a chance of being attacked by the IAF? No, they expected to roll over longewalla and other outposts before dawn. The stand of the 'A' company thwarted those plans.

Uhh.. Yes they did.. I suggest you read up on the attack from a respected source.
Aeronaut: Air Support in Thar – 1971 War

A two-pronged offensive of brigade-strength each was hastily put together for the capture of Ramgarh and, for neutralising Jaisalmer Airfield – the latter, a rather quixotic task dictated by the absence of PAF in the area. It is also open to conjecture if the Pakistani GHQ had wishfully imagined the dislocation of Indian strategic reserves as a consequence of the daring 18 Division sortie. In the event, the offensive bogged down at Longewala soon after initiation on the midnight of 4 December. However, due to the boldness and surprise of the move, Indian 12 Division was knocked off-balance and remained mired in efforts to counter the Pakistani offensive, as well as screening the area for any more surprises. It could not progress beyond the initial capture of a desert outpost of Islamgarh and, failed to develop operations towards Rahim Yar Khan, which were charged with the ambitious objective of severing the rail-road link to northern Pakistan. There is also evidence of panic entraining of some elements of the crack Indian 1 Armoured Division for providing relief, a task that was quickly taken over by a detachment of six IAF Hunters belonging to No 122 Squadron stationed at Jaisalmer.

With no air opposition to menace them, the Hunters carried out text book strafing and rocketing attacks during the 38 sorties [1] flown over two days, in which they wreaked havoc on Pakistani tank columns caught in the open desert. By 7 December, Pakistani brigades were in full retreat, having suffered heavy losses, including at least 20 tanks [2] and scores of other vehicles destroyed or abandoned. At the end of the venture, Major General B M Mustafa, the ill-starred Commander of 18 Division, stood relieved of his command for an undertaking that went awry under his watch.

It is another matter that 18 Division offensive had been planned hastily, had not been war-gamed and, the logistics requirements had been treated most superficially. It was easy to see why it floundered as it did. Even though some diehard strategists make much of the initial advantage of surprise, it must be realised that, had the overstretched Pakistani force somehow reached its objective at Ramgarh, it would have been eventually destroyed by a realigned 12 Division charging in from the left flank.

Despite the battering that it took at Longewala, it can be said that 18 Division’s venture, foolhardy though it was, did not go in vain and, it was somehow able to prevent a befuddled 12 Division Commander, Major General R K Khambata, from achieving his main task of truncating West Pakistan. The Indian Official History of 1971 Indo-Pak War succinctly sums up 12 Division’s disappointment thus: “Had it detected the Pak thrust on 4 December, the Division could have met and dissipated it, and gone ahead with its offensive as originally planned
My point is that they sent in the armoured/infantry assault without air cover, because they did not expect the battle to last until dawn, and therefore did not expect the IAF (who's hunters were night blind) to get involved.

Then its a failure to anticipate a situation and employ resources effectively by the planners and commanders rather than that of the fighting men.
I certainly doubt that. They will give the PLA a tough fight but I am not sure how long the morale of the troops will last under outnumbered odds. That will be the determining factor..
Skills will play a large part but the unforgiving mountains require more temperament than skills.

Then its a failure to anticipate a situation and employ resources effectively by the planners and commanders rather than that of the fighting men.

the morale of the Indian troops was not affected by being outnumbered at Longewal.

They did not vacate longewal position. They resolved to fight till last man.

Being greatly outnumbered, they fought with even much greater resolve and morale.
Then its a failure to anticipate a situation and employ resources effectively by the planners and commanders rather than that of the fighting men.

Yes, it was. But it is a fact that on the Indian side, 120 men did hold out for four hours until break of dawn, when the IAF could play a part.

My point was not about the quality of PA's fighters, but rather that it wasn't simply because of the IAF - the IA's men did hold off a much superior (in numbers, firepower and mobility) force for hours. You were saying that the longewala fiasco only happened because of the IAF - and I was saying that although it was the IAF which decimated the assaulters, the IA's men did hold them off for hours before the IAF could enter the picture.

And had they not done that, PA's plans might well have succeeded, and they would have captured a lot of territory before dawn. They simply did not expect such fierce resistance from such a small outpost.
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