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'Most in Arab world want nuclear Iran'


May 31, 2010
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'Most in Arab world want nuclear Iran' Sat, 07 Aug 2010 10:23:01 GMT


Brookings' 2010 Arab Public Opinion Poll

A new opinion poll finds that most people in the Arab world favor nuclear Iran amid growing distrust about the US government's policies in the Middle East.

According the latest annual poll by the Washington-based Brookings Institution, "a majority of the Arab public now see a nuclear Iran as being better for the Middle East."

The results of the 2010 Arab Public Opinion Poll, published on August 5, indicate a dramatic shift in the number of respondents favoring Iran's access to nuclear technologies.

"The weighted average across the six countries (participating in the poll) is telling: in 2009, only 29% of those polled said that Iran's acquisition of nuclear weapons would be positive for the Middle East. In 2010, 57% of those polled indicate that such an outcome would be positive for the Middle East," the pollster published on its website.

The poll also revealed that most participants were disillusioned about American policies in the Middle East as around two-thirds of them voted against US President Barack Obama's.

"Among the most striking findings on the question of attitudes toward US President Obama: Early in the Obama administration, in April and May 2009, 51% of the respondents in the six countries expressed optimism about American policy in the Middle East. In the 2010 poll, only 16% were hopeful, while a majority - 63% - was discouraged," it said.

This year's poll surveyed 3,976 people in Egypt, Saudi Arabia, Morocco, Jordan, Lebanon, and the United Arab Emirates, during the period of June 29-July 20, 2010.

The United States and its Western allies accuse Iran of seeking a military nuclear program. Iran, however, argues that as a signatory to the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty and a member of the IAEA it has the right to peaceful nuclear technology.

Perhaps it might lead to less wars in the Middle East.

In the past 10 years there have been four invasions conducted by America and Israel in the "Greater Middle East Region"... Iraq, Afghanistan, Lebanon and Gaza.

If there was a chance of nuclear retaliation people would think twice before invading another nation.

Look at North Korea, they sunk the battleship of a US ally and they are getting away with it!!!

No wonder Iran wants the nuke.
Arab Countries are cowards, they are used by the US and can't handle Isreal, also the laws and rules they have uses and abuses Islam. Turkey, Pakistan and Iran are the only Islamic countries that are taking matters into their own hands.
An Iranian source for this 'survey'? :lol: Here is the truth...

U.A.E. diplomat mulls hit on Iran's nukes - Washington Times
In unusually blunt remarks, Ambassador Yousef al-Otaiba publicly endorsed the use of the military option for countering Iran's nuclear program, if sanctions fail to stop the country's quest for nuclear weapons.

"If you are asking me, 'Am I willing to live with that versus living with a nuclear Iran?,' my answer is still the same: 'We cannot live with a nuclear Iran.' I am willing to absorb what takes place at the expense of the security of the U.A.E."
Most of the Arab world including Saudis are sick of their corrupt monarching leeching national wealth. Kazakistan for example took an ambitious drive of Oil and Gas export now their capital is world model of high tech development and office space. Saudis on other hand have been exporting oil for 75 years and in a country of 20 millions the state of affairs is pretty pathetic. The infrastructure is in shambles and seriously lacking. So that serves as a good hint of where oil wealth goes.

So back to arab people opnion, many sick of their leeching monarchies see a strong and stable iran as being able to exert influence of change in their own homelands.

A true democracy in Muslim world is truly american nightmare no matter how much they brag about it
Didn't realize those pesky Eye-ranians had bought the Brookings Institution. :whistle:
I saw that...But until the Brookings Institution square what it queried the 'Arab street' with Arab diplomats who speaks for their governments...:rolleyes:
...But until the Brookings Institution square what it queried the 'Arab street' with Arab diplomats who speaks for their governments...

Hence my statement about democracy in the muslim world.

Glad to see you wrote 'for their governments' and not 'for their people'.
Hence my statement about democracy in the muslim world.

Glad to see you wrote 'for their governments' and not 'for their people'.
That is even funnier. Democracy is a messy and slow process to get any policy done. A Dictatorship have a direct connection from idea to execution. Who care about the 'middle man', aka 'the people'? And yet for all the functional Dictatorships in the ME today, they pose nowhere the 'nightmare' for Israel, let alone US. Frustration that we have to deal with children? Yes. But 'nightmare'? Hardly.
i have no concern with this survey but times Arabs should nuclear themselves
That is even funnier. Democracy is a messy and slow process to get any policy done. A Dictatorship have a direct connection from idea to execution. Who care about the 'middle man', aka 'the people'? And yet for all the functional Dictatorships in the ME today, they pose nowhere the 'nightmare' for Israel, let alone US. Frustration that we have to deal with children? Yes. But 'nightmare'? Hardly.

It is immensely amusing to watch you try and take the foot out of your mouth.

The nightmare has nothing to do with military consequences, and you know it. We all know why democracy is the last thing the US wants to see in the muslim world.

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