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More on YFC-1e


Sep 19, 2008
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with special thanks to bro siegecrossbow for translating this
Yesterday, an authority working at China's number one aviations corporation, the CAC, revealed that the CAC has different standards for the exported and domestic versions of the JF-17 based on the international demand for the JF-17.

They have developed, based on the original JF-17, a new, indigenious stealth YFC-1E multirole, single engined, twin tailed "Fierce Dragon" fighter.

The YFC-1E "Fierce Dragon" indigenous stealth light multirole fighter is developed based on international and domestic demands. It will adapt to 21st century air combat and completely satisfy PLAAF's demand for a high/lo combination of 4th(5th) generation fighters.

Stats on the YFC-1E "Fierce Dragon" Fighter:

Wingspan: 9.18 meters

Length 15.16 meters

height 4.65 meters

wheel track 2.71 meters

frontal wheel track 5.12 meters

Empty weight 10000 kilograms

Maximum take off weight 13800 kilograms

weapons load 3800 kilograms

fuel capacity 2500 liters

Max speed Mach 1.72

Operating ceiling 17500 meters

Take off distance 435 meters

Landing distance 680 meters

range 2500 kilometers

Maximum G-limitations 8 gs
source: ¾ªÎÅ£¡½â·Å¾ü½«×°±¸ÒþÉí°æYFC-1E¡°èÉÁú¡±Õ½»ú£¡-¾üÊÂ-CHNÇ¿¹úÍø
As I stated before I don't know how reliable this source is. It seems rather light on substance and some of the specs. seem to be ripped right off current JF-17s.

But we had a some discussion on this in JF-17X thread..lemme find the posts

here is a pic...but i cant assure its authenticity
can it be the stealthy variant of JFT... MOU signed during the england air show?
external weapon on a stealth?

heee heee even if people decided to spread propaganda they should do it without any mistakes... means if you have decided to commit any mistake you should do it without any proofs..;)
heee heee even if people decided to spread propaganda they should do it without any mistakes... means if you have decided to commit any mistake you should do it without any proofs..;)

the other pic available on net is also very similar

Now from PLAAF's prospective, they already have two all aspect stealth fighters in development. So this effectively eliminates the need for a third all aspect stealth for third platform (such as YFC-1e). Furthermore, PLAAF need to replace its J-7s with a better lighter aircraft because J-10 and J-11s cant fill in numbers for 1-to-1 when it comes to replace them. Moreover, The budget is 3 times than that of FC-1 which takes about 1.5 Billion USD in total. You cant develop an all aspect stealth in such amount of money can you....so the purpose may be to reduce the RCS significantly by introducing a more stealthy design.......Just my two cents on the issue
the other pic available on net is also very similar

Now from PLAAF's prospective, they already have two all aspect stealth fighters in development. So this effectively eliminates the need for a third all aspect stealth for third platform (such as YFC-1e). Furthermore, PLAAF need to replace its J-7s with a better lighter aircraft because J-10 and J-11s cant fill in numbers for 1-to-1 when it comes to replace them. Moreover, The budget is 3 times than that of FC-1 which takes about 1.5 Billion USD in total. You cant develop an all aspect stealth in such amount of money can you....so the purpose may be to reduce the RCS significantly by introducing a more stealthy design.......Just my two cents on the issue

The problem is when they've gone as far as to significantly alter the airframe by giving the YFC-1e a V shaped tail, why not bother carrying the weapons internally and achieve "true stealth"? Are internal weapons bays really that hard to make?
The problem is when they've gone as far as to significantly alter the airframe by giving the YFC-1e a V shaped tail, why not bother carrying the weapons internally and achieve "true stealth"? Are internal weapons bays really that hard to make?

But that may present more cost in terms of developing or modifying current weapons to fit into internal weapons bay. this also limits the munition carring capability of AC as one can not have pylons and bomb racks in internal weapon bay. Furthermore, hornet also have a canted tail but does not carry weapons internally but the shape reduces the aircraft's RCS.Again just my two cents
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