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More on YFC-1e

Now this is something new to me. Personally i think these are only photoshop pics and designs made by JF-17 fans. Please provide reliable links when you post such big news! Bcz if this is true than i want to :cheers: with all :pdf: members!!:yahoo:

Anyway i hope that in future something like this must be developed for PAF and PLAAF. :pakistan::china:
But that may present more cost in terms of developing or modifying current weapons to fit into internal weapons bay. this also limits the munition carring capability of AC as one can not have pylons and bomb racks in internal weapon bay. Furthermore, hornet also have a canted tail but does not carry weapons internally but the shape reduces the aircraft's RCS.Again just my two cents

Well the Hornet had canted-tail since it was designed that way. The Silent Eagle used a canted tail to achieve higher levels of stealth because it had twin-tails to start out with so modifying them will be less of a problem. The JF-17, however, started off as a single-tailed plane and I don't know how the addition of canted tails may affect the airframe (anyhow you have to agree that it is a pretty drastic operation). The J-10B, which was also designed with reduced RCS in mind, did not go for a canted tail.

I think that the benefits of internal weapons bay far outweigh the problems of reduced weapons load. The JF-17 was not designed to be a deep penetration strike fighter and being a light-multirole it can't carry too much to start with. I can see the hardpoints being used for carrying guided bombs and cruise missiles but using them to carry air to air missiles is a bit strange.

Also since this thread concerns a potential JF-17 variant shouldn't this be moved to the JF-17 sub forum?
guys i dont want to start a comparison but if seen this way that the RCS of plane ll be further reduced thus making long range of some radars (bars) count for **** even if the weapons r outside giving a good chanse for closer engagment along with structural change we can expect better multiple EW pods causing the senario that happened in cope india with bisons and f15s
not much to support it as a real thing and not a fanboys fantasy that gained momentum
hay look wiki says
YFC-1E - stealthy upgraded variant currently in flight testing.
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anyways we had a lot of fun :lol: :lol:......now this thread may rest in peace untill the next rumore comes up ;)
anyways we had a lot of fun :lol: :lol:......now this thread may rest in peace untill the next rumore comes up ;)

Or, as unlikely as it is, confirmation. People did dismiss China's domestic Aegis system when rumours of it leaked out but now the skeptics are eating crow. I really hope that I can be proven wrong as well.
The problem is when they've gone as far as to significantly alter the airframe by giving the YFC-1e a V shaped tail, why not bother carrying the weapons internally and achieve "true stealth"? Are internal weapons bays really that hard to make?

Exactly.... engineers tried to cross 85% of the well but are reluctant to cross remaining 15%... which means they will still fall inside the well.. so what is the use of the research done so far??
There are 3 sources including WEKIS some thing abt YFC-1 ...that it might be Block II of JF-17


Source 1
Source 2
Source 3

But something surely is cooking inside
Why r people forgeting the news about the stealthy variant of JFT?heck even the MOU was signed and this news has been there since 2 years or somethin.
Frontal RCS reduction will be the focus here imo. Since i don't think you can have a canted single tail aircraft. You would have to make considerable modifications if you want to improve overall stealth. Since the JF-17 is to be a low cost lightweight 4th gen aircraft any stealth variant would follow that model.
Frontal RCS reduction will be the focus here imo. Since i don't think you can have a canted single tail aircraft. You would have to make considerable modifications if you want to improve overall stealth. Since the JF-17 is to be a low cost lightweight 4th gen aircraft any stealth variant would follow that model.

We r talking abt a possiablr JFT Block-II.Many new goodies are thought to be added to it.
Some engineer working for PAC claims BLK-II to be equilent to Gripen NG.
optimzed for RCS reduction....not all aspect stealth IMHO

look Like a medium weight Multirole fighter.., but 1 thing Is certain That this fighter is not flown yet ..this image is created photo shop.
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