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Mongol invasions of India

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Is it so difficult to understand that you were the low caste Hindus .

Again, is it THAT difficult to you?


Timur specifically mentions that "Those who have accepted the light of God (Islam) became our brothers (well, in theory)..but those who remain arrogant in their defiance against the Lord, we burned their temples to ground and took their women for our soldiers' pleasure"

This is an epic example of what happened!!!!! Invaders specifically r@ped hindu women :rofl:

Awww, sorry. See, I am more educated than you think. More well-versed in indian history than you can ever be!!!! read ALL recorded accounts, only "hindus" who refused to become Muslims were r@ped..others "saw the light of equality and divine Justice" :)
Again, is it THAT difficult to you?


Timur specifically mentions that "Those who have accepted the light of God (Islam) became our brothers (well, in theory)..but those who remain arrogant in their defiance against the Lord, we burned their temples to ground and took their women for our soldiers' pleasure"

This is an epic example of what happened!!!!! Invaders specifically r@ped hindu women :rofl:

Awww, sorry. See, I am more educated than you think. More well-versed in indian history than you can ever be!!!! read ALL recorded accounts, only "hindus" who refused to become Muslims were r@ped..others "saw the light of equality and divine Justice" :)

So the brave were raped and killed and the cowards spared. Mighty proud of your cowardice, aren't you???

Good that you finally admit that you converted out of fear of your sorry lives and other Hindus didn't convert and were killed and raped. We are proud to be descendants of such Hindus.
Ashes!!!!???:pissed:...The civilizational fire still roars and is eternal. Ashes are only found in the western part of Aryavrat because the people guarding it were cowards.

Do you have the knowledge of your ancestors of Nalanda? buahahhaha....all of your ancient temples burnt, people killed, ruled 500 years and your hindu civilization destroyed.

Current india is a creation of Mughal+ British empire..take out the influence/culture/history of these two super powers out of modern day india....you won't have anything left :omghaha:
P@kistanis are just mad because we have occupied their Muslim Kashmir lands and are having fun with their muslim women there. Plain jealousy by Pakistani katuas...
So the brave were raped and killed and the cowards spared. Mighty proud of your cowardice, aren't you???

No. Not cowardice but courage. Courage to stand up for ourselves and defy that piece of sh!t caste-based, p!ss drinking, women raping culture of hinduism...When before invasions, look how many revolts happened in Punjab against dominant hindu order (But again, you aren't well-versed in history. You have no idea of how things were).....Islam freed us from the oppressive hindu order (against which we were already in revolt)....

While cowards you couldn't do it..they got slaughtered by angry Islamic armies and their hindu women raped en masse :lol:
From what I have read.Mughals ,Afghans use to lift and carry away women on whims whether muslim or hindu.That's why the Qazis of Lahore asked Ranjit Singh to protect them from the Afghan marauders who rape mass rape muslims on the country side.The hindus lived around the sikh misls only in those days

Were were talking about "invaders" ...not when indian government (Mughal Empire) did after centuries of its establishment...thats another story..
And cry babies like Bloodypak96 tell us that indians are skinny and talks about primary school or kid fights.

Ignore the American Pakistanis like @BloodyPak96, i have seen their condition in USA and even I feel bad for them. The only reason they are not in some jail in guantanamo bay for terrorism charges is because they pretend to be Indian and keep hindu names. Prolly the same with @AUz :rofl:
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But the afghans say that they use to mass rape punjabis anyways. They brag about this on Pashtun forums.

You are talking about an era that came CENTURIES after...

We are talking about earlier times and Punjabis' conversion to Islam...
You are talking about an era that came CENTURIES after...

We are talking about earlier times and Punjabis' conversion to Islam...

Pak Punjabies remind me of this famous saying:

"Dhobi ka ku-tta, na ghar ka na ghat ka"

Even the mughal empire use to do this.Thats why a large number of muslims under Pir Buddhu Shah joined Guru Gobind Singh to fight the Mughals. Not a joke.

You guys are a confused bunch.

Only one confused is you. Unlike you, I am an expert in medieval indian history....studied it under TOP scholars (indian historians included) and read all the primary sources like babur nama, Aurganzeb's will, Zafarnama and alot of others and analyze it.

Yes, Muslims did join Gobind Singh, but not because they wanted to protect their daughters from rape. At that time, Punjabi peasants were in revolt due to the collapse of jagirdari system and Marathas exploitation (which will intensify later)...

And there were alot of other social factors too...Don't twist history.

Mughals didn't commit 'rape en masse' like previous invaders..they only picked girls for harem here and there etc...

No,I am talking till Ranjit Singh's empire. Afghans are twisted bunch ,but dangerous .Their empty heads and a strange sense of tribe honor makes them even crazier.

Maybe you should read an unbiased historians works ,rather than one who writes with islam coated glasses.Because thats what happened in Pakistan.

Exactly. Ranjit Singh came WAYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY later..I was talking about Khaljis, Timur etc..

Also, I read history from the best historians alive today...and read primary sources. I study in elite American universities..not in some Pakistani school where I'd be given history though Islamic eyes..duh..
No. Not cowardice but courage. Courage to stand up for ourselves and defy that piece of sh!t caste-based, p!ss drinking, women raping culture of hinduism...When before invasions, look how many revolts happened in Punjab against dominant hindu order (But again, you aren't well-versed in history. You have no idea of how things were).....Islam freed us from the oppressive hindu order (against which we were already in revolt)....

While cowards you couldn't do it..they got slaughtered by angry Islamic armies and their hindu women raped en masse :lol:

Ha!Ha! Just look at your great piece of perverted "logic". So you remembered all that caste stuff when the invader was holding a sword to your throat, and the one who died defending their faith were cowards? I know that's how things are in pak thinking. Raped becomes rapist, invaded becomes invader, coward becomes brave.

Ha!Ha! Just look at your great piece of perverted "logic". So you remembered all that caste stuff when the invader was holding a sword to your throat, and the one who died defending their faith were cowards? I know that's how things are in pak thinking. Raped becomes rapist, invaded becomes invader, coward becomes brave.


Dumbo, READ what I've written.

There were significant uprisings, revolts in Punjab BEFORE even a single Muslim invader had stepped into Punjabi territory....People were sick of uncivilized hinduism..Islam just entered as one of the greatest historical force and "liberated" those people out of their misery. PS, no one died 'defending' their faith...They died for being the a$$hole piece of sh!t that they were...they didn't want to give up their 'inherently' suprior brahminism..and they wanted to continue their exploitation of other human beings. Islamic Superpowers BUTCHERED such uncivilized barbarians and raped their women en masse...

Read what Al Biruni has to say about indians and hindus and how Arabs looked at them (their caste system, their false sense of inherent superiority based on caste etc)....
Aurangzeb was mass murdering shias and hindus. Thats why Pir Buddhu Shah joined Guru Gobind Singh.And Pir Buddhu shah was shia.

Stop reading through Pakistani history books,too much islamic bias in it thanks to Zia-ul-haq.

You are talking about one thing..I am talking about general historical trend at that time. Punjabis (where Gobind Singh, Muslims, Sufis , Hindus what ever) rose up against Aurangzeb due to many social/economic reasons, NOT because "Mughals were raping their daughters"..duhh..

Facts are facts.

And yes, Aurangzeb promoted religious orthodoxy and went against the religious heterodoxy/funky practices (That goes for ALL religions..included Islam, Hinduism, Sikhism, Sufi orders etc etc)...

there was no maratha exploitation in Punjab under Aurangzeb.

There was.

Marathas were raiding Mughal interests all over india...this effected peasants of Punjab too..For example, their products going for trade were looted/burned by raiders.

Marathas insurgency played its role in spreading the anxiety in society.
Ignore the American Pakistanis like @BloodyPak96, i have seen their condition in USA and even I feel bad for them. The only reason they are not in some jail in guantanamo bay for terrorism charges is because they pretend to be Indian and keep hindu names. Prolly the same with @AUz :rofl:

Lol i can tell you've never been in america. All the pakistanis i've seen here are doing nice and well. I would rather die than be a hindu. Don't ever mention me again.
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Ok show me the primary sources...... I am not convinced .

Primary sources for what? which claim?

Funny, but you pakistani muslims have a caste system...remember Mukhtaran_Bibi

Not same as, and not as exploitative as, the hindu caste system..

Ok show me the primary sources...... I am not convinced .

Primary sources for what? which claim?

Funny, but you pakistani muslims have a caste system...remember Mukhtaran_Bibi

Not same as, and not as exploitative as, the hindu caste system..
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