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‘Moment of truth is near:’ Israeli Air Force set to attack Iran

But I did NOT expect Iraq to give much resistance, I expected them to be steamrolled, as did most others outside America.
Chinese experts had different expectations.

The REAL shock, was that America ended up being stuck in Iraq/Afghanistan for over 10 years, nobody expected the American superpower to have so much trouble over such small countries.

So in fact it is the exact opposite of what you are saying.
Conventional military operations in Iraq and Afghanistan ended within a short span of time with both of the nations ending up under occupation.

However, fight for 'interests' in these nations lasted much longer. This is not surprising since Iraqi and Afghani people were prepared to offer immense resistance to occupying forces. In short, both of these nations are battle-hardened.

While Iraq is a success story - Afghanistan is a unique case. IMO, their is no military solution for Afghanistan; tried and tested philosophy.
Maybe the next regime in Israel will be more friendly not just to Iran,but whole ME.You know what i mean.I'm talking about toppling the Jewish state.A new state that all Jews,Muslims and Christians can live in peace together.Without an apartheid racist government established on the base of crimes and stealing lands.
Hamas and the Palestinians are nothing if not peaceful, i agree.

Chinese experts had different expectations.

Conventional military operations in Iraq and Afghanistan ended within a short span of time with both of the nations ending up under occupation.

However, fight for 'interests' in these nations lasted much longer. This is not surprising since Iraqi and Afghani people were prepared to offer immense resistance to occupying forces. In short, both of these nations are battle-hardened.

While Iraq is a success story - Afghanistan is a unique case. IMO, their is no military solution for Afghanistan; tried and tested philosophy.
That's mainly because they see heaven where other people see death. What's a cave dweller Afghani got to lose? They welcome death.
iran is not impotent like the arabs israel is already hated by their neighbours to get involved in yet another fight is just foolish
That's mainly because they see heaven where other people see death. What's a cave dweller Afghani got to lose? They welcome death.
You have a point. Afghans are warriors in true sense. They are very tough, energetic, and trained to fight since early age. And extremely brave.

No power in the world can fight Afghans effectively on ground. US have also learned this lesson the hard way. I mean, US have tried so many tactics in Afghanistan but none worked.
You have a point. Afghans are warriors in true sense. They are very tough, energetic, and trained to fight since early age. And extremely brave.

No power in the world can fight Afghans effectively on ground. US have also learned this lesson the hard way. I mean, US have tried so many tactics in Afghanistan but none worked.
Sad to say but they are the ultimate soldiers, they have no value for their own lives and are willing to die for a promise of paradise.
Sad to say but they are the ultimate soldiers, they have no value for their own lives and are willing to die for a promise of paradise.

More so the promise of knowing that they were able to defend their homeland from the invaders. They are doing it for their country, not for themselves.

Although, some of them tend to take it above that notch, and twist the idea of defending yourselves in how Islam prescribes it.
Who on Earth is Baghdad Bob? :rofl:
This is exactly what I mean when I said this generation -- despite the Internet -- is not as smart as it believe.

I disagreed with the Iraq War when it was being proposed by America. Firstly, because they had not given enough proof for WMD, and they had not given enough proof that Saddam was tied to the September 11th attacks.
You have not bothered to study the UN criteria for 'WMD'. As for 9/11, we never said Iraq had anything to do with it. But when we were attacked that day, it was only prudence by any leader -- US or not -- to assess the possibility of state sponsorship considering the magnitude of destruction. And Iraq was hostile to US for what we denied Saddam Hussein.

The REAL shock, was that America ended up being stuck in Iraq/Afghanistan for over 10 years, nobody expected the American superpower to have so much trouble over such small countries.
That is because of your small mindedness. You do not have the capability to consider factors such as political goals and military objectives. The troubles that we have in both countries depends on those political goals, not military objectives, for which we achieved. Now go and see if you can distinguish the differences between political goals and military objectives.
An Israeli attack on Iran will be unsuccessful. It needs repeated sorties with heavy bombers and that is something militarily it lacks.

The only country that can deliver a knockout blow to Iran's Nuclear Program is USA and USA is no mood to start another war in the Middle East especially when its building up its forces in Asia to counter the growing might of China.
This is exactly what I mean when I said this generation -- despite the Internet -- is not as smart as it believe.

You have not bothered to study the UN criteria for 'WMD'. As for 9/11, we never said Iraq had anything to do with it. But when we were attacked that day, it was only prudence by any leader -- US or not -- to assess the possibility of state sponsorship considering the magnitude of destruction. And Iraq was hostile to US for what we denied Saddam Hussein.

That is because of your small mindedness. You do not have the capability to consider factors such as political goals and military objectives. The troubles that we have in both countries depends on those political goals, not military objectives, for which we achieved. Now go and see if you can distinguish the differences between political goals and military objectives.
You failed in the political objective in Iraq. You basicaly united two"axis of evil" into one. Epic trillion$ FAIL.
You failed in the political objective in Iraq. You basicaly united two"axis of evil" into one. Epic trillion$ FAIL.

Well Iraq did serve in one good aspect.

It has prevented USA from starting an even bigger and disastrous war with Iran. If USA had not started a war with Iraq then it would have already bombed Iran and we would be in the midst of a disastrous war with the economy of the globe tanking and daily global terrorists occurring from Iranian Proxies.
No war will happen, Iran have the world's oil production, including the Saudi oilfields under hostage, one strike on Iran and world oil production and the world economy sinks.
No war will happen, Iran have the world's oil production, including the Saudi oilfields under hostage, one strike on Iran and world oil production and the world economy sinks.

Not really. An Iranian attack on Iran would also include devastating its missile forces. Besides US Warships and Missile Batteries in the Gulf will shoot down most incoming Iranian Missiles and the Iranian damage will be superficial.

Iran can mine the Straits of Hormuz but US Mine Sweepers will get the straits open in 48 to 72 hours.

What Iran can do is create havok in Afghanistan and start global bombing campaign against Western targets.
Not really. An Iranian attack on Iran would also include devastating its missile forces. Besides US Warships and Missile Batteries in the Gulf will shoot down most incoming Iranian Missiles and the Iranian damage will be superficial.

Iran can mine the Straits of Hormuz but US Mine Sweepers will get the straits open in 48 to 72 hours.

What Iran can do is create havok in Afghanistan and start global bombing campaign against Western targets.

seriously dude u came to this thread too ? :rofl::rofl:
You failed in the political objective in Iraq. You basicaly united two"axis of evil" into one. Epic trillion$ FAIL.
US managed to install a friendly administration in Iraq and had a graceful exit from the country. Whether Iraq becomes neutral or not in the long run, it is not a threat to US interests any more.

Downfall of Saddam was naturally beneficial to Iran as well and not just the other players in the Middle East. Let us hope that Iraq gets back on its feet.

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