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‘Moment of truth is near:’ Israeli Air Force set to attack Iran

Brother, salvation of Islamic nations lies in combination of unity and science and technology.
All these ideas have been tried for the past century. They haven't worked, nor is there any indication they are going to work. What hasn't been tried is for nations like Pakistan to see Israel for what it is: a nation whose ideals, accomplishments, and moral examples are to be praised, defended, and imitated.

Imo doing so would re-establish humanist traditions and self- critical thinking in Islamic thought - for these qualities have been largely eliminated from the curriculum for the past seventy years in many Arab countries and Pakistan. They are necessary prerequisites to good democratic governance. Yet it is undeniable that corrupted power elites see these very qualities as threats to their livelihoods, if not their very lives.
I doubt Israel can launch a ground attack, only way they can attack is through Ajerbaijan but logistics will be a serious problem for them. But Israeli air force can do a lot of damage, they have some serious military capability which they proved in Arab-Israel war.

Only country which can invade Iran is US, Americans have always been an expeditionary force.
Yes i agree it will be a short battle with limited goals.

Only way Iran can get out of this situation is by using Diplomacy in an effective manner, Iran has suffered sanction in 80's and suffered a lot in Iran Iraq war they do not deserve this sort of treatment. I can only hope that peace prevails in this region .

I dont mean to say a ground attack would take place. Theres a possibility though, but I meant it as an
example for the ratio of losses on either side. Taking into account both the
quality of equipment, AND the relative tactics employed by the sides.

Yes, a peace trety with Israel/West should be signed by Iran it if wants to avoid war.
It should also dismantle its nuclear weapons programme and cleanly use nuke energy
for civilian purposes, under careful monitoring. It'll do good for everyone.
Attacking Iran would be the biggest mistake that Israel could make.

Don't wound something that you cannot kill.
Baghdad Bob...!!! Is that you...??? :lol:

Buddy, I was active duty at MacDill when Desert Storm was being prepped, right in front of the world, everyone could see what was going on in the ME with the US led coalition military buildup. This was before the Internet or 'prehistory' to the young ones here. I can remember reading all sorts of dire prediction about and for the US, Israel, and the world in general if Iraq is attacked. Some commentators even came out and say for the sake of world peace and to keep Israel in existence, let Saddam Hussein keep Kuwait. It was a small price to pay if America must weigh between Israel and Kuwait. Others continued on -- on how Iraq was inevitable to be the next major ME power, replacing Iran and the US-Saudi alliance.

Guess what...???

EVERYTHING came true...:lol:

Why do you think the Iranian regime is mad?

Just because they have the guts to stand up to the West?
Bravery have nothing to do with sanity.

Hyenas - described as the " master scavenger " - a truly apt name you use to describe the USA and Israel.

Let us hope for the sake of peace - a peaceful settlement is best for all concerned....
Please...When Iraq was under sanctions, who were the hyenas dealing under-the-table oil? Russia, China, France, Germany, Libya, and assorted UN cronies to the SecGen.
What are you rabbiting on about?? Iran has conventional forces that can do damage to Israel. Why you think white men are supermen??
How about getting 'it' over there first? To date, the best that Iran can do are non-strategic incidental damages to Israel through a proxy. And spare everyone the line that Israel could not defeat Hezbollah. Militarily speaking, it is a stalemate and a propaganda tool for Iran at best. Discounting airspace denial, only one side have the capability to attack the other -- Israel. Not Iran.
All these ideas have been tried for the past century. They haven't worked, nor is there any indication they are going to work.
Actually Islamic nations have never managed to forge a treaty like that of NATO and unfortunately also have made insignificant progress in the field of science and technology in comparison to USA.

I am talking about a defence treaty among Islamic nations which would be based on the premise that if one Islamic nation is threatened by outsiders, all other Islamic nations will be duty-bound to help it. However, unity by itself is not enough IMO. Therefore, Islamic nations also need to make good progress in the field of science and technology so that technological desparity between USA and Islamic world is reduced.

If these accomplishments had been made, US wouldn't have been so ambitious.

Currently the Islamic world is plagued by many issues and lack of unity has touched new heights. Technological disparity also remains enormous. When an Islamic nation is attacked, other Islamic nations can only watch in silence. Worse thing is that Islamic nations are at each other throats instead. Utterly sorry state of affairs IMO.

I know that I am probably thinking far but these developments are the only viable solution IMO.
Iran and Iraq lasted almost a decade. I think your faith in Israelis may be misplaced imo
Because of incompetence on both sides. For this conflict between Israel and Iran, it is because of geographical distance. Iran have taken no losses while whatever Israeli civilians are killed, those deaths can only offer people like you temporary periods of joy, not tangible strategic gains in the goal of giving Israel its due 'Final Solution'. In this, it is more likely that Iran will lose in the long run because a regime change in Iran is coming and WHEN -- not if -- that event arrive, Iran will forget Israel, at least for a while.
Iran Has no major problem with Pakistan & China.

If Pakistan and & china make some support in some matters of defense than the Israel find the high hindrance in attack..But Iran must need to Decrease its belief on Supernatural powers but must do more consider on Peaceful living Asia with mutual support with Pakistan, China.

After all the Israel do noting if some thunder forces stop it with making joint actions...:flame:
Iran Has no major problem with Pakistan & China.

If Pakistan and & china make some support in some matters of defense than the Israel find the high hindrance in attack..But Iran must need to Decrease its belief on Supernatural powers but must do more consider on Peaceful living Asia with mutual support with Pakistan, China.

After all the Israel do noting if some thunder forces stop it with making joint actions...:flame:
Iran needs to amend its ties with Arabs. At least, it should try this.
I am talking about a defence treaty among Islamic nations which would be based on the premise that if one Islamic nation is threatened by outsiders, all other Islamic nations will be duty-bound to help it.
Go on, think it through. Is it not true that in Islam the prestigious mantle of military leadership is claimed by those fighting non-Muslims? So the temptation to provoke conflict among the different leaders of "Islamic" nations would be immense, while their ambitions would keep such leaders from yielding their authority to someone else.

So the paradoxical effect of such a defence treaty is that it would lead to both war and division.
They want to attack , they will keep surprise... why they will tell this to entire world..
and when they are telling they will gonna attack .. its merely pressuring tactics to force Iran to talk with G5+1 and solve issue ASAP
Iran Has no major problem with Pakistan & China.

If Pakistan and & china make some support in some matters of defense than the Israel find the high hindrance in attack..But Iran must need to Decrease its belief on Supernatural powers but must do more consider on Peaceful living Asia with mutual support with Pakistan, China.

After all the Israel do noting if some thunder forces stop it with making joint actions...:flame:

OK. Come to reality. In WHAT way do you think "pakistan & china" can easen the situation in ME right now?

If they were capable of doing so, they should've done so by now. Pakistan has so far only given a hand-shake
to Iran along with Karzai, other than that, what? And what exactly can china do here? It cant even properly
supply any weapon systems to Iran because of sanctions on Iran that forbid it. So what do you think china can
realistically do to smoothen out the tensed situation here?

Can it stop Israel from attacking Iran if Israel so desires?


Can it deploy forces in defense of Iran if need be?

Think realistically for heaven's sake. Pakistan & china haven't any real big role to play in these affairs,
so no need to set fire to your smiley and toss it around.
I doubt Israel can launch a ground attack, only way they can attack is through Ajerbaijan but logistics will be a serious problem for them. But Israeli air force can do a lot of damage, they have some serious military capability which they proved in Arab-Israel war.

Only country which can invade Iran is US, Americans have always been an expeditionary force.
Yes i agree it will be a short battle with limited goals.

Only way Iran can get out of this situation is by using Diplomacy in an effective manner, Iran has suffered sanction in 80's and suffered a lot in Iran Iraq war they do not deserve this sort of treatment. I can only hope that peace prevails in this region .

They had that before, bro, in the form of the Caliphate, which eventually failed.
Baghdad Bob...!!! Is that you...??? :lol:

Who on Earth is Baghdad Bob? :rofl:

I disagreed with the Iraq War when it was being proposed by America. Firstly, because they had not given enough proof for WMD, and they had not given enough proof that Saddam was tied to the September 11th attacks.

(And there is still no proof to back up either of these accusations).

But I did NOT expect Iraq to give much resistance, I expected them to be steamrolled, as did most others outside America.

The REAL shock, was that America ended up being stuck in Iraq/Afghanistan for over 10 years, nobody expected the American superpower to have so much trouble over such small countries.

So in fact it is the exact opposite of what you are saying.
Who on Earth is Baghdad Bob? :rofl:

I disagreed with the Iraq War when it was being proposed by America. Firstly, because they had not given enough proof for WMD, and they had not given enough proof that Saddam was tied to the September 11th attacks.

(And there is still no proof to back up either of these accusations).

But I did not expect Iraq to give much resistance, I expected them to be steamrolled, as did most others outside America. The REAL shock, was that America ended up being stuck in Iraq/Afghanistan for over 10 years, nobody expected the American superpower to have so much trouble over such small countries.

Polls show that a majority of the population in UK were against the war. Without UN resolutions this war was illegal and therefore Bush and Blair war criminals
Polls show that a majority of the population in UK were against the war. Without UN resolutions this war was illegal and therefore Bush and Blair war criminals

Don't yu think Pak or China should sue them in international court or atleast On Human Rights violation ???

I personally don't like Mr. Bush. He is so unstable with his policies. War on Iraq was totally wrong. Saddam was unnecessary killed.

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