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‘Moment of truth is near:’ Israeli Air Force set to attack Iran

Members here think that attacking Iran is unfeasible or unaffordable for US, seriously dunno what
the crazy c-rap is filling their brians.

Iran has not synthesized a bomb as yet. First they must make atleast 1 to have LEAST ditterence
against an attack. A few guys have got no idea how much time it takes to do it. Iran should make 1 bomb first,
this itself could take months even if they start right away.

Then they should operationally deploy it. (e.g. Equip a missile with it), it isn't like you make a bomb,
take it to the battlefield and throw it like a grenade. for Iran which doesn't have any
top-notch infrastructure, this could also take anywhere about 1 week approx.

And whatever makes a few members here think Israel will be sitting like a duck for all these months of time :rofl:

By the time Iran can actually get to equip a missile with an operational nuke, the Israeli troops will reach out to pakistan's border
with Iran.
Members here think that attacking Iran is unfeasible or unaffordable for US, seriously dunno what
the crazy c-rap is filling their brians.

Iran has not synthesized a bomb as yet. First they must make atleast 1 to have LEAST ditterence
against an attack. A few guys have got no idea how much time it takes to do it. Iran should make 1 bomb first,
this itself could take months even if they start right away.

Then they should operationally deploy it. (e.g. Equip a missile with it), it isn't like you make a bomb,
take it to the battlefield and throw it like a grenade. for Iran which doesn't have any
top-notch infrastructure, this could also take anywhere about 1 week approx.

And whatever makes a few members here think Israel will be sitting like a duck for all these months of time :rofl:

By the time Iran can actually get to equip a missile with an operational nuke, the Israeli troops will out to pakistan's border
with Iran.

What are you rabbiting on about?? Iran has conventional forces that can do damage to Israel. Why you think white men are supermen??
The regime before the Ayatollah regime was very friendly with Israel and the one after it will also be very friendly with Israel.

Maybe the next regime in Israel will be more friendly not just to Iran,but whole ME.You know what i mean.I'm talking about toppling the Jewish state.A new state that all Jews,Muslims and Christians can live in peace together.Without an apartheid racist government established on the base of crimes and stealing lands.
What are you rabbiting on about?? Iran has conventional forces that can do damage to Israel. Why you think white men are supermen??
You had better forces than Iran and Nukes when you give up to the threat from US Of A. Why did your president and COAS mr. Musharraf bowed ?
You can fight but can't win. So better don't fight unless absolutely necessary
usa.... its already having enough trouble in afghanistan it cannot mess itself more by going after iran and since israel wont strike on its own there will be only shouting and hopes that sanctions will finish iran

Iran has got enough sanctions on its head already. A few more wont at all damage it so extensively that they'll
"finish off" Iran. We all know it. And Israel only knows it better than anyone of us.

First, I think you are seriously underestimating Israel. It's a war-mongerer or not I dont know but its
a war-winner that I know. If ya got ANY doubts about it, go read some history and get yourself an idea
of their thinking and military strategy and policy.

Second, whatever makes you think USA's economy would be deeply hit if it enters the war. It will not.
It'll cost them some money ofcourse but your's (an' a few others') hopes of America's economy to be destroyed
are gonna vapourise into the atmosphere like nothing else.

Why? Well, the most obvious reason is, THIS war, unlike the Iraq and Af situations, will NOT BE a sustained one.
Whatever will happen will happen in perhaps nothing more than 2 months at THE MOST. Highly unlikely it'll actually
strain the US economy considerbly...and about destroying its economy, forget it.

The war will be quick and desecive, wont at all take anything more than 35 billions at the most from the allied side,
(yeah, lets not forget the UK and France (or atleast UK) would train their guns in it, just like in Libya, US will not be
any lone wolf).

All in all, Iran will take the BIGGEST HIT. Likely paralyze it for decades to come. Same story would be told
for any other nation that tries (or does) to help Iran. Iran's supporters in the war too will be heavily hit, If not with strikes,
then with sanctions.
Israel wont attack, period. Its just mind games to get more sanctions on Iran: "if you wont sanction them, we'll attack, we promise!" :disagree:

However Israel is pushing US to attack, as usual. So if war happens, its because US is involved, Israel will try to keep as low profile in war as possible, to play victim card, also as usual.
I don't think that Israel or US has any guts left in them to attack Iran period.....these are just media talkings only ...cuz they are scared to death from Iran themselves. Iran can simply wipeout the whole Israel with one blow nomatter how much USA protects it.....:smokin:
What are you rabbiting on about?? Iran has conventional forces that can do damage to Israel. Why you think white men are supermen??

They will do damage, but what I'm trying to imply is, the damage will be insignificant. For every 1 Israeli tank burst,
Iran will lose atleast 7-8. Same would apply in the sky in the case of jet fighters. The missile saga of Iran would
be ineffective at inflicting any major damage unless they can equip them with nukes. But the scary part is, everything
will most probably be over by the time they can.

I don't think that Israel or US has any guts left in them to attack Iran period.....these are just media talkings only ...cuz they are scared to death from Iran themselves. Iran can simply wipeout the whole Israel with one blow nomatter how much USA protects it.....:smokin:

Got anything to back up your claims that Israel/US wont attack Iran? :azn: This "no guts" thing is your hopes only ;)
To attack anyone they dont need guts, they need guns. And Israel/US have got lots of them.
They will do damage, but what I'm trying to imply is, the damage will be insignificant. For every 1 Israeli tank burst,
Iran will lose atleast 7-8. Same would apply in the sky in the case of jet fighters. The missile saga of Iran would
be ineffective at inflicting any major damage unless they can equip them with nukes. But the scary part is, everything
will most probably be over by the time they can.

Iran can take more losses. Remember 4 million to nation of 80 million. Remember for all its supposed might Israel could not defeat Hezbollah a proxy of Iran that would be involved as well

Got anything to back up your claims that Israel/US wont attack Iran? :azn: This "no guts" thing is your hopes only ;)
To attack anyone they dont need guts, they need guns. And Israel/US have got lots of them.

30 years plus America has been huffing and puffing what is so different this time
Iran can take more losses. Remember 4 million to nation of 80 million. Remember for all its supposed might Israel could not defeat Hezbollah a proxy of Iran that would be involved as well

30 years plus America has been huffing and puffing what is so different this time

Iran can take whatever it can before its finished. You dont understand a proxy war against terrorists
and an all-out war with another NATION is very different. Proxy wars can run into years, even decades
without any significant result, but nation v/s nation wars (especially in the 21st century) wont even take
about 6 months. In case of Israel v/s Iran, perhaps nothing more than 2 months.

The objective in not to kill specific persons or foil specific plans as in the case of proxy wars. Its merely
about bombing the hell out of pre-defined locations, and just bursting tanks, downing jet planes, pretty easy
for a nation like Israel.

About huffing and puffing, dont know if your again implying a proxy war situation
or an all-out war. And remember in case of proxy wars, its called tracking down and eliminating specific targets and not "huffing and puffing" as you would get it.
Iran can take whatever it can before its finished. You dont understand a proxy war against terrorists
and an all-out war with another NATION is very different. Proxy wars can run into years, even decades
without any significant result, but nation v/s nation wars (especially in the 21st century) wont even take
about 6 months. In case of Israel v/s Iran, perhaps nothing more than 2 months.

The objective in not to kill specific persons or foil specific plans as in the case of proxy wars. Its merely
about bombing the hell out of pre-defined locations, and just bursting tanks, downing jet planes, pretty easy
for a nation like Israel.

Iran and Iraq lasted almost a decade. I think your faith in Israelis may be misplaced imo
Israel isn't the kind of country that warns a lot. If they indeed wanted to strike hard, they'd have been done over with it now.
Iran and Iraq lasted almost a decade. I think your faith in Israelis may be misplaced imo

And at what time did that happen? In the 80s. You dont seem new to the forum, but you seem extremely new to the world
of modern warfare. ;)

Neither Iran nor Iraq have the kind of decisive strike abilities of Israel or US. If two small children fight,
it would take time for the result to come. But if a big hunk shows up against the child...dont need an
explanation, eh?
Iran and Iraq lasted almost a decade. I think your faith in Israelis may be misplaced imo
Brother, salvation of Islamic nations lies in combination of unity and science and technology.

It is painful to watch the scenes of Islamic nations getting bombed back to stone age one by one and other Islamic nations can only watch in silence. It is very painful. I have seen people crying while witnessing the scenes of US Tanks rolling in to Baghdad even in Pakistan.

Islamic world needs to awaken to the 'ground realities' of this modern world.
They will do damage, but what I'm trying to imply is, the damage will be insignificant. For every 1 Israeli tank burst,
Iran will lose atleast 7-8. Same would apply in the sky in the case of jet fighters. The missile saga of Iran would
be ineffective at inflicting any major damage unless they can equip them with nukes.
But the scary part is, everything
will most probably be over by the time they can.
Got anything to back up your claims that Israel/US wont attack Iran? :azn: This "no guts" thing is your hopes only ;)
To attack anyone they dont need guts, they need guns. And Israel/US have got lots of them.
I doubt Israel can launch a ground attack, only way they can attack is through Ajerbaijan but logistics will be a serious problem for them. But Israeli air force can do a lot of damage, they have some serious military capability which they proved in Arab-Israel war.

Only country which can invade Iran is US, Americans have always been an expeditionary force.
Yes i agree it will be a short battle with limited goals.

Only way Iran can get out of this situation is by using Diplomacy in an effective manner, Iran has suffered sanction in 80's and suffered a lot in Iran Iraq war they do not deserve this sort of treatment. I can only hope that peace prevails in this region .

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