Please provide sources for these fairy tales,as this is what they are...fairy tales.How easy is to throw ransom garbage and post it as "the truth".
Yes,streets,cities were renamed with Romanian names,yes the majority of Romanian population was allowed to live in cities,a previous right which was denied to them before due to discrimination.Cry me a river.Yes,officials were provided to cater to the needs of the Romanian Majority to,not only to an opressive minority which held undiscriminate power until then.This was NOT a tragedy but a historical REPARATION.Finally,people had rights in a land were they were the absolute MAJORITY.,cry me a river.Yes land was taken from hungarian nobility and churches and distributed to the vast majority of peasants.Again,cry me a river!
Survived because they wage some kind of guerilla warfare or as it happenned ,survived because they were allowed to have their culture unmolested?.This paragraph of yours single handedly denies the other crap you've posted.
You want to talk about crimes of hungarians in WW2 ?
Ip massacre - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Treznea massacre - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Spare me your crocodile tears.
Never heard of this linquist.Half of the Romanian words are slavic ? ....a big,simple "lol",altough the slavic presence is strong but not that strong.
Intimidation by Funar?.That retarded mayor has lost his seat in Cluj never to be elected again (by romanians) in 2004!! and his nationalist party couldn't meet the 5% threshold to enter Parliament since 2004!!.As a contrast ,the hungarian Jobbik,racist,right wing party has just won 20% of the parliamentary votes in Hungary.So while in Romania,the right wingers don't amount to 5% to have seats in Parliament in Hungary they have 20% and WE are the chauvinists ??? Get lost !
To bad that the EU Commission considers Romania as a model for minority rights.That succks for hungarian propaganda machine
Not with 75% Romanian majority it won't.By all means,let's have a plebiscite.Sry,but 1000 years of discrimination and persecution couldn't extinguish this island of Romance speakers ,nor 200 years of worse persecution in Besserabia,much to the chagrin of poney riding magyar or eastern slav invaders.
Enjoy our National Anthem during our last football match which we've won 3-0 last year against Hungary.