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Mohammad Rizwan praying on NYC streets

Not my problem.

good it isn't your problem, so why bother commenting. lol, he isn't breaking any laws. And you aren't an authoritative figure. lol

that does not mean he is immune from my criticism.

And your "criticism" is worthless with regards to 1st amendment rights regarding freedom of assembly and expression. Its about as legitimate as the opinions of people about the local gay guy being "too gay" in public. completely worthless in respect to freedom of assembly and expression. 🤷‍♂️

Truly spiritual people do not need to display their religious wares. Them, I truly respect and seeks out their counsels on private matters.

Again, I don't think he needs nor cares for your respect or opinions, its completely meaningless. lol as long as he isn't bothering anyone the law doesn't care. "Public display of worship"(provided that its not interfering with others) is a protected right in this country, whether its evangelicals sitting in prayer circles, orthodox jews doing their rituals or wiccans doing their thing, of some dude doing his yoga chanting or whatever.. lol
If you know you must pray five times a day and if you already know your daily routines, then IF you are a humble religious person, you would have made provisions to pray five times in private somewhere.
He has the right to practice his religion freely. You as an American should know it. In USA everyone has the right to practice their religion and freedom of expression. He isn’t harming anyone. You need to learn American values and freedoms. You don’t sound American with your rants. You’re the same guy jumping up and down in other threads acting as torch bearer of human rights yet forget it when it comes to America. Maybe if you have a problem with American rights and freedoms you can go back to Europe or wherever your ancestors came from. America is the land of the free so a Muslim, Christian, Hindu or anyone else can practice their religion freely and express them self freely. Just like lgbtq in America strap dildos to them self and walk freely on the street, everyone in America can freely express them selves without harming others.
please take all our dalits, you can have em :D

You guys hate Dalits and threat them like shit but cry when we Muslims accept them with open hands and they become Muslim.
We will happily accept Dalits in Pakistan and welcome them to Islam. The same Dalit converted Muslim will one day trample you under their feet and stomp on your arrogance.
You are right. We are probably getting ahead of ourselves.

I actually like the guy. He comes across as humble and friendly. I really liked him during the matches with India. Always smiling and bantering with the Indian players.
He's a cricket player?

Ah, so.

That explains the envy and spite.

I don't keep up with cricket these days, now that it has become so totally a fixed racket run by Dons from Dubai and Clifton.

You guys hate Dalits and threat them like shit but cry when we Muslims accept them with open hands and they become Muslim.
We will happily accept Dalits in Pakistan and welcome them to Islam. The same Dalit converted Muslim will one day trample you under their feet and stomp on your arrogance.
Please include me out, as far as those vicious remarks by our certified turd with a supposed sense of humour is concerned.
Why not?

All that is likely to happen is a friendly neighbourhood stoning.

Oh, you do care. You care because some hapless Muslim was involved, and it gave you an opportunity to vent your Islamophobia. If it had not been for that incident, you would have seemed to have been your vulgar, riot-inciting, castrated and wounded self by raising some Muslim habit in India that roused your anger.

New York gave you a safe shelter to hide behind and to utter some unctuous truism about the older generation that would let you do your own barely concealed hate speech.

How do you sleep at night?

With all due respect, we kept the law in our own places of stay. For you to try to foist the sleazy attitudes of your fellow north Indians onto the whole of India is really the limit.

Consider yourself negative rated.

You did not get one because the provocation offered to you was high.
I don't care what one does as long as they don't bring religion into public space irrespective of amy religion and disrupt public harmony.i don't want to give an inch or take one.

I sleep like a child ,for some it might be difficult due to camptocormia from bending over all the years.
109 posts (this one is 110) about an individual praying in the street in New York.

We are a very strange lot.

It’s not religion which is on my mind. What’s concerning to me is that society today is so intolerant.

People from overseas are so concerned about rizwan praying on a public sidewalk in the US when they don’t even live in the US. The constitution of the US affords people that right. He is not being offensive.

But I am in shock that people cannot even tolerate the next person expressing their religious beliefs without even so much as soliciting anyone else.

The human race is actually devolving in my opinion.

I have a house in the heart of Bahawalpur city. If there were some hindu person in front of my house doing his religious prayers or something, I wouldn’t bat an eye lid. Of course I don’t agree with Hinduism as a religion, but the fact that this person is just trying to worship and bring inner peace to himself is enough for me as a Muslim and a human being to realize that this person is causing no harm to anyone. Why would I go out of my way to berate or **** with him?

Deal with it donkeys
It’s not religion which is on my mind. What’s concerning to me is that society today is so intolerant.

People from overseas are so concerned about rizwan praying on a public sidewalk in the US when they don’t even live in the US. The constitution of the US affords people that right. He is not being offensive.

But I am in shock that people cannot even tolerate the next person expressing their religious beliefs without even so much as soliciting anyone else.

The human race is actually devolving in my opinion.

I have a house in the heart of Bahawalpur city. If there were some hindu person in front of my house doing his religious prayers or something, I wouldn’t bat an eye lid. Of course I don’t agree with Hinduism as a religion, but the fact that this person is just trying to worship and bring inner peace to himself is enough for me as a Muslim and a human being to realize that this person is causing no harm to anyone. Why would I go out of my way to berate or **** with him?

Surprising the amount of controversy this has generated. His personal activity in his personal space for his personal belief and conviction.

He isn't causing some big scene infringing on other people personal space, he isnt doing some proselytizing stunt (which is all covered by 1st amendment)....you even see a fella walking past him in the clip.

Much ado about nothing.

I mean anyone thats been to NYC knows the 100s of weirdos in places that are all about causing a scene and getting in your private space just because they have been emboldened lately. No one really doing anything about them, but lets focus on the guy praying and minding his own business instead. Huh? Priorities are messed up these days in lot of places. :P
I don't know but I find Rizwan a bit preachy in terms of his religiosity. I remember him praying in the middle of a game during a T20 match against India. I find this his praying superficial because I didn't see him doing it when Pakistan was losing in another game, but he did it only when Pakistan was winning.
With regards to him praying in the middle of a busy street, if it's allowed it's allowed but I personally feel it's more of a showoff thing than anything. Not saying that he isn't a nice person though.
It’s not religion which is on my mind. What’s concerning to me is that society today is so intolerant.

People from overseas are so concerned about rizwan praying on a public sidewalk in the US when they don’t even live in the US. The constitution of the US affords people that right. He is not being offensive.

But I am in shock that people cannot even tolerate the next person expressing their religious beliefs without even so much as soliciting anyone else.

The human race is actually devolving in my opinion.

I have a house in the heart of Bahawalpur city. If there were some hindu person in front of my house doing his religious prayers or something, I wouldn’t bat an eye lid. Of course I don’t agree with Hinduism as a religion, but the fact that this person is just trying to worship and bring inner peace to himself is enough for me as a Muslim and a human being to realize that this person is causing no harm to anyone. Why would I go out of my way to berate or **** with him?
I've always been fond of you and your direct honest talk, little brother, and this post is a golden example. Bless you.

I don't know but I find Rizwan a bit preachy in terms of his religiosity. I remember him praying in the middle of a game during a T20 match against India. I find this his praying superficial because I didn't see him doing it when Pakistan was losing in another game, but he did it only when Pakistan was winning.
With regards to him praying in the middle of a busy street, if it's allowed it's allowed but I personally feel it's more of a showoff thing than anything. Not saying that he isn't a nice person though.
What many of us are arguing, Muslim as well as Hindu, is that this is just not big enough to take up so much time from so many people. Nothing more.

I don't care what one does as long as they don't bring religion into public space irrespective of amy religion and disrupt public harmony.i don't want to give an inch or take one.

I sleep like a child ,for some it might be difficult due to camptocormia from bending over all the years.
So we go by your self-certificate, and ignore all the symptoms of bigotry and Islamophobia oozing out of every pore? Your saying so is good enough, although your posts drip with hate? You sleep well with all that messy stuff going on?

Of course, besides certifying your own calm repose, you are also entitled by your beliefs and prejudices to talk glibly about others, and their possible symptoms and syndromes.

Of course.
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Btw, there isn’t a masjid on every other corner as you claim. If there was, do you think people would want to pray on the sidewalk. It’s safe and quiet indoors and noisy and busy with all kinds of people going past you outside. Two guys had a knife fight yesterday, in mid town and one got killed. You think people want to be out here in this.

You can literally see people are giving a crap, trying go about their day, while two guys have a knife fight in broad daylight.

Hard working people take a few minutes and get back to work. The guys running the carts are there all day. Even the non-Muslim ones working on carts are maybe talking a break, probably in a nearby parked car. No one can leave their cart unattended for too long.

New Yorker generally like to keep to themselves and keep their business to themselves, so real New Yorker just get on with their lives. The Muslims praising on the sidewalk and the people that see them pray for a split second as they walk on by. Perhaps in other countries people pray on the road when cars are trying to go by at a decent speed. I can see that as obstructing traffic. But pray in a corner of the sidewalk as just something that happens. Once again, no New Yorker wants to do this, it’s really just when they can’t pray at home or a masjid, in time.

The guy that stopped his car to pray on sidewalk. I don’t know his story, and I only care now a little (ok not really) because I’m making posts about this. :disagree:

Why don't you help New Yorkers and provide for an App that helps offer praying rooms for passersby? It's even dirtier than Karachi and I wouldn't want any Pakistani praying on dirty surfaces.
"Free country" doesn't mean one can yell fire in a crowded movie theater or call in bomb threats to elementary schools without repercussions. I can also wear clown shoes and put on a dress with makeup to my shop, doesn't mean customers will laugh at me or call me a fool for doing such.

First off, I should get my flag changed as I am not a White American, so people will stop launching ad hominems when I present alternative viewpoints. Secondly, the immigrants that come to America are the best of the best, while folk who are native to America belong from upper to middle to working class backgrounds so their median income will naturally be skewed more lower. If you bask your pride and worth in your job and annual salary, I can only feel pity for you.

Is praying in public same as calling in bomb threats or yelling fire in a crowded place? I've seen in the US all sorts of crazies from the right and left side of the political spectrum spewing nonsense in public, many different religious preachers standing around street corners shouting about their glorious teaching. This dude just quietly stood and prayed, how on earth is that the same as these? it's a free country for them to do all this but a Muslim can't pray in publicly and is equated with bombing threats?

And it's as ad hominem as yours is, with generalising Muslims in the West. So I just showed you that you got your countries and stereotypes mixed up, as Pakistanis in the US are very well off generally. It's you who started off by belittling Muslim immigrants in the US by judging them for their jobs/salaries and living standards, and now you turn around and cry foul when I respond in kind.

Your thoughts seem scattered and incoherent. What's your point exactly?
People from overseas are so concerned about rizwan praying on a public sidewalk in the US when they don’t even live in the US. The constitution of the US affords people that right. He is not being offensive.

Thats the hilarious part, no one in nyc gives a shit(source: I grew up and live here) they don't even know who this dude praying is(I don't either, i don't know much about cricket), and its so mundane it doesn't even register in their minds as a noticeable occurrence, yet its pajeets halfway across the world who are upset on the behalf of newyorkers.
I am a proud Indian too, but I don't take pride in those who disgrace us in public on every platform. It is these ugly characters that I find embarrassing, not India. The ugly Indian, not ugly India.
I know that being a proud Indian and being on a Pakistani platform could be very demeaning and ugly. Won't be here for a long time. everything has an expiry date. TC
I know that being a proud Indian and being on a Pakistani platform could be very demeaning and ugly. Won't be here for a long time. everything has an expiry date. TC
It is not difficult to be a proud Indian and being on a Pakistani platform.

It is difficult to be a proud Indian and justify everything that is wrong within our country, just because our pride in being Indian does not permit us to accept any faults. It is only then that it becomes demeaning and ugly.

Your thoughts seem scattered and incoherent. What's your point exactly?
You didn't get his point?

Here's a Muslim behaving like a Muslim, not like a Catholic or a Protestant, and how ridiculous he looks and how ridiculous is his behaviour. Here, everybody, come take a look, and laugh along with me at these antics.

That's the point.
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