Not my problem.
good it isn't your problem, so why bother commenting. lol, he isn't breaking any laws. And you aren't an authoritative figure. lol
that does not mean he is immune from my criticism.
And your "criticism" is worthless with regards to 1st amendment rights regarding freedom of assembly and expression. Its about as legitimate as the opinions of people about the local gay guy being "too gay" in public. completely worthless in respect to freedom of assembly and expression.

Truly spiritual people do not need to display their religious wares. Them, I truly respect and seeks out their counsels on private matters.
Again, I don't think he needs nor cares for your respect or opinions, its completely meaningless. lol as long as he isn't bothering anyone the law doesn't care. "Public display of worship"(provided that its not interfering with others) is a protected right in this country, whether its evangelicals sitting in prayer circles, orthodox jews doing their rituals or wiccans doing their thing, of some dude doing his yoga chanting or whatever.. lol