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Modi to Kill 500 Pakistanis for 5 Indians | Baba Ramdev

Yes,I agree on that part.He should be given a chance to prove his ability to govern this country.UPA has got enough chance and failed with a zero score.

Chinese love Modi too they know he is a man of business even the British have invited him now to UK, Sonia Gandhi and Rahul are mleccha half breeds they have no place in Hindustan at all.
Seems like Yoga ka dhanda accha nahin chal raha hai,,,,Politics it is then !
Ramdev should stick to what he is best at...YOGA..... I am sure he is not the best when he speaks like in this video..... Idiot!!!!!!
Actually with all due respect i want you to spell it out...Even a basic version will do...thnxs

No doubt...Modi should be a given a chance however the last thing i want to hear from him is any nonsense...bcoz this scares me to hell..India can't afford another 5 years of bad governance...

You been here long enough to know, I have stated India's options many times on here on how we can respond
No doubt...Modi should be a given a chance however the last thing i want to hear from him is any nonsense...bcoz this scares me to hell..India can't afford another 5 years of bad governance...

The jingoism showed by most of his followers (new entry Baba Ramdev) scares me a lot and reminds me of 1930's Germany.I just count on his ability of good governance and economic reform.

Chinese love Modi too they know he is a man of business even the British have invited him now to UK, Sonia Gandhi and Rahul are mleccha half breeds they have no place in Hindustan at all.

Those two are already proven to idiot of this century.If you notice carefully these two Mleccha half breeds are worshipped by pure Indians.

I thought people expect him to be an 'avatāra'.

This is Indian style of worshipping.Even John Nicholson was considered to be Avatara of Lord Vishnu by Hindus :azn:
You been here long enough to know, I have stated India's options many times on here on how we can respond
Not very active here these days...Actually to be quiet honest our options are very limited...that's why i was pushing you...anyhow lets leave it for some other thread...
Nobody is saying Modi can change everything but its a start in a fresh direction do u not think?

HS is a terrorist leader of LET who led prayers for Bin Ladin, Ramdev is a simple guru the 2 do not compare

You need me to spell it out for you? I am pretty sure you can work that one out yourself

Talking about Modi not thsi ramdev ( i dont even know who he is )
The jingoism showed by most of his followers (new entry Baba Ramdev) scares me a lot and reminds me of 1930's Germany.I just count on his ability of good governance and economic reform.

Those two are already proven to idiot of this century.If you notice carefully these two Mleccha half breeds are worshipped by pure Indians.

Alas most Indians are illiterate, I am pretty sure 1/2 of them still think these Gandhis are related to the Mahatma Gandhi, plus if u notice when election comes Congress always uses the subsidy card to win the vote of the masses. Not to say BJP are saints but they are the better of the 2 evils in my view. I would rather have a strong leader like Putin anytime they can stick democracy where the sun does not shine for all I care.

Talking about Modi not thsi ramdev ( i dont even know who he is )

Election time is just around the corner we can expect such comments to work up the mob especially at the current moment with the situation in Kashmir with daily reports of cross firing on both sides.
Not very active here these days...Actually to be quiet honest our options are very limited...that's why i was pushing you...anyhow lets leave it for some other thread...

I will try to send you a message if I can its better in pvt these things
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