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Perhaps you did not read the rest of the post in which I said I have no obligation to prove anything to a Pakistani who harbors a blind,irrational hatred towards anything Modi in specific and India,Hindus in general.

You are a closet bigot who couches his Islamism in clever words. Some people fall for it, but many dont. :)

Yet more ranting, intermixed with the usual victimhood, but still no hard numbers.

How am I supposed to prove to you. You don't accept facts and statistics.

Because, despite continued ranting and personal anecdotes, the one thing you HAVEN'T provided is national, or even Gujarat, statistics.

Statistics, as in number of Muslim arrests and convictions v/s Hindu arrests and convictions.

As in average Muslim income during Modi's rule v/s average Hindu income, and the trends.

So, Zionists controlling the world media?

Is Modi a Zionist?

I bet he's a Zionist.

A Dharmic Zionist.

Suddenly it all makes sense.

He's probably a Jew as well. A Buddhist Jew.

Your intellectual brilliance leaves everyone speechless.
Your intellectual brilliance leaves everyone speechless.

The sad thing is that I bet you believe it. :woot:

You were already ranting about the Zionist media, then the "Dharmics" (which apparently I am part of because my parents are Chinese Buddhists).

Now Modi is a Dharmic, and you think he killed Abrahamics, so this issue is pretty black and white for you I bet.

It will take me this weekend along with copious amount of single malt aged for more than a decade to process this information . :rofl:

QUIET you Dharmic Jew. :angry:

The only people believing this dharmic nonsense are you and some Indians, and I bet even the Indians who brainwashed you don't believe their own nonsense.

Certainly, as I wrote, neither the Indian nor the Chinese government believes in it.
The NHRC also noted "widespread reports and allegations of well-organized persons, armed with mobile telephones and addresses, singling out certain homes and properties for death and destruction in certain districts-sometimes within view of police stations and personnel," suggesting the attacks may have been planned in advance."[/I]

United States Commission on International Religious Freedom: Countries & Issues: Countries of Particular Concern: INDIA

Even granting that this site is impartial, where does it say that the police gave census date to rioters to selectively kill Muslims ?

Look you are just being daft. Plain and simple daft.

And you need to look into the meanings of "wide-spread reports", "allegations", "suggesting" etc.

There are numerous "wide-spread reports" and "allegations" that say Pakistan is the terror central of the world "suggesting" that ISI and its all-powerful army are behind it.

No one is shifting anything. We accept the Indian SC verdict that Modi escaped the legal noose. The debate here is about his conduct.

You are indeed shifting and you need to understand even if you dont accept, it doesnt make a darn difference.

I believe The only people believing this dharmic nonsense are you and some Indians, and I bet even the Indians who brainwashed you don't believe their own nonsense.

Certainly, as I wrote, neither the Indian nor the Chinese government believes in it.

The only people believing this dharmic nonsense are you and some Indians, and I bet even the Indians who brainwashed you don't believe their own nonsense.

Certainly, as I wrote, neither the Indian nor the Chinese government believes in it.

LOL, have you heard the concept of a "straw man argument"?

It is when you set up an idea (which you know you can knock down), attribute it to your opponent and then attack that idea. Then you can claim that you have defeated your opponent's idea while in fact it was you who created it.

The problem is, the idea you invented and attributed to your opponents is such a stupid idea that no one actually buys it.

Moreover, anyone can use the search function on this forum to see that it was you who invented this idea in the first place. :lol: Just look for the phrase "Dharmic alliance" (include the quotation marks) while searching the forum.

You asked bout riots, I gave you. I also told why Muslims in India are behind.

If majority of them don't study is it our fault. Have you watched the video.

See, now you are raising different issues and then you say I am not answering your questions. Leave. Do your own research.
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Even granting that this site is impartial, where does it say that the police gave census date to rioters to selectively kill Muslims ?

Read the full report and the SC testimonies of police officers. It's all there.

You are indeed shifting and you need to understand even if you dont accept, it doesnt make a darn difference.

I accepted the SC verdict for what it's worth. You are setting up strawman arguments to play victim once again.

LOL, have you heard the concept of a "straw man argument"?

It is when you set up an idea (which you know you can knock down), attribute it to your opponent and then attack that idea. Then you can claim that you have defeated your opponent's idea while in fact it was you who created it.

The problem is, the idea you invented and attributed to your opponents is such a stupid idea that no one actually buys it.

Moreover, anyone can use the search function on this forum to see that it was you who invented this idea in the first place. :lol: Just look for the phrase "Dharmic alliance" (include the quotation marks) while searching the forum.

I know full well how you guys use strawman arguments. This whole dharmic nonsense with you started a few months back.

I didn't invent it; it has been on display for years amongst various Indian posters.

The only difference is that they roped you in recently.

You asked bout riots, I gave you. I also told why Muslims in India are behind.

If majority of them don't study is it our fault. Have you watched the video.

See, now you are raising different issues and then you say I am not answering your questions. Leave. Do your own research.

I am not raising different issues.

From the beginning, I have asked you to provide two statistics to substantiate your assertions.

The number of Muslims arrested and convicted v/s the number of Hindus and other religions.

The average Muslim income under Modi v/s the average Hindu income and the trends.

You have consistently failed to provide these statistics, and come back with individual anecdotes.
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Read the full report and the SC testimonies of police officers. It's all there.

No its not.

Stop pulling things out of your rear.

I accepted the SC verdict for what it's worth. You are setting up strawman arguments to play victim once again.

CD used the term strawman and you immediately started using it. I did not set up a strawman. I said what you believe (or not) doesnt make a darn difference. :lol:
I'm not ranting. I'm calling out who you are.

You are just another closet Islamist, though not run-of-the-mill type, but one who knows how to couch his ideas in seemingly rational looking words. Props to you.


Anyone who demands that the people singing Hindu victimhood songs should back their claims with actual statistics is a "closet Islamist".

Uh huh!

No its not.

Stop pulling things out of your rear.

Your rejection of facts will not change reality. The documents are there for people to read.

CD used the term strawman and you immediately started using it. I did not set up a strawman. I said what you believe (or not) doesnt make a darn difference. :lol:

Not everyone is constrained by your lack of English skills. I have pointed out certain people's tactic of using strawman arguments long before this thread.

Anyone who demands that the people singing Hindu victimhood songs should back their claims with actual statistics is a "closet Islamist".

Uh huh!

Anyone with a half a brain will know that such stories dont make it to the media because of their very nature.

For example there wasnt much coverage in press on the recent anti-hindu riots in bengal and absolutely no coverage in electroic media on that. So for you little puppy, does that mean it did not happen ?

And lets be clear - its your Islamist mentality that makes see views of people who have been on the ground as hindu-victimhood. Just like how you believe the zionists of the world are out to get the naive muslims.
Anyone with a half a brain will know that such stories dont make it to the media because of their very nature.

So the people who demand actual statistics as opposed to "my uncle told me so" are lacking in brain power?

Got it!
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