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Modi thrashes Dig Vijay Singh, a must watch

There are bad and good police in every state.
Modi controlled it with those who really wanted to stop the carnage.

@Developereo, is this going to be another religion thing? Dharmic vs. Abrahamic again?Do you dislike Modi because you think he was responsible for killing Indian citizens... or do you dislike him because you think he was responsible for killing Muslims?
Buddy, Muslims of Gujarat are Modi's strongest supporter right now. He gave ticket to 24 Muslims and all won. Look at these threads.



He doesn't even believe what Muslims of Gujarat are saying for Modi.

tell me what these threads tell about. These people don't want to understand that Modi has saved thousands of Muslims and Hindus in Gujarat. He don't do vote bank politics. Just developmental politics.
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and yes, in many cases the Govts turn a blind eye to their acts so as to not loose their votes

Well, who can argue with such impeccable statistical evidence!

I guess you proved your point.

Or something.

Sir, I have seen by my own eyes when an influential member of society got 2 of his people away from Murder charges by just talking to SP of the region.

I am not defending Congress and I fully agree that corruption knows no political, regional or religious boundaries.

My point, which is pointless to keep repeating so I will stop, is that this claim of Muslims committing crimes and escaping punishment disproportionately needs to be substantiated with hard numbers, not media anecdotes.
We're talking about people who play with statistics to claim trends which can not be substantiated when full facts are considered.

No one is denying that Muslims commit crimes; the issue is the claim that they escape punishment compared to Hindus. It's the old Hindu victimhood parade on display again.

Not that I expected you to be intellectually honest about it.

Sir, India does not want to have a black image on it. It is a baseless argument. If such things start to happen in India then it challenges the Judiciary because if this can happen to a Muslim it can also happen to a Hindu.
@Developereo, is this going to be another religion thing? Dharmic vs. Abrahamic again?

The subject of the thread is Modi and the Gujarat riots. Since the riots were religious in nature, then that is the subject.

Do you dislike Modi because you think he was responsible for killing Indian citizens... or do you dislike him because you think he was responsible for killing Muslims?

I dislike him because, as I wrote above, an organization's culture is strongly influenced by higher management and, ultimately, the chief executive. NewsCorp has a particular editorial bent which reflects the political views of Rupert Murdoch. Ditto for other organizations.

In that context, when Gujarat police officials used census data to guide Hindu mobs to Muslim victims, and when police stood by while mobs went rampant, then it becomes relevant to examine the culture of bigotry prevalent in the police force.
@KRAIT himself has given evidence how there is the perception that Muslim men rape Hindu women and escape punishment. As I noted, while it is certainly believable that such cases occurred, where is the evidence that this is the norm? How many Muslim rapists escape punishment compared to Hindu rapists?

For Modi himself, while no one is suggesting that he personally gave orders to the police to misbehave, the question is whether he condoned a culture of bigotry and prejudice. Granted, it is probably not legally punishable, but it does say something about the man's attitudes.
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I dislike him because, as I wrote above, an organization's culture is strongly influenced by higher management and, ultimately, the chief executive.

NewsCorp has a particular editorial bent which reflects the political views of Rupert Murdoch. Ditto for other organizations.

So, Zionists controlling the world media?

Is Modi a Zionist?
Well, who can argue with such impeccable statistical evidence!

I guess you proved your point.

Or something.


I dont need to prove any point to a Pakistani.

I'm an Indian and I know what is going on in my country. For example few weeks before a police officer was murdered in braod daylight in Bengal and the govt instead of punishing the culprits actually transferred the police chief for god knows what reason while the perperators are still roaming free. For the past week anti-hindu riots have been going on in Bengal again and no noise from anybody.

Have you been to Gujarat ? I've been and I know how the muslims in Godhra used to behave. There have been riots in Godhra in 1965, 1969, 1971, 1980, 1981, 1982, 1988, 1989, 1990 and 1992. And 2002 was not even the first time Hindus were burnt alive. In 1980 five Hindus including two children were burnt alive.

Its upto you to believe it or not. Either way doesnt make a darn difference as you dont matter in the political process of India.
@Developereo Its not the perception, its damn truth. Yaar, seriously, you guys don't read about Indian news, Human rights watch reports, and then come and pass judgement about something you don't have any idea about.

Muslims have Hindu friends, who have power, they can do anything as long as they have influential and selfish Hindus. MLA from my region used to be a Muslim, now a backward caste.

SP of the region is Yadav,
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I'm an Indian and I know what is going on in my country. For example few weeks before a police officer was murdered in braod daylight in Bengal

More hard statistics.

You're a champion!
KS I gave him links of all the riots detailed in one link. He didn't even read it.

There has been riots in Gujarat over a cow entering Muslim march celebrating and Muslims killed the cow. Hindus objected. They attacked them, Hindus attacked back. This is the level of sensitivity of Gujarat.

A cow, for crying out loud. :hitwall:
In that context, when Gujarat police officials used census data to guide Hindu mobs to Muslim victims, and when police stood by while mobs went rampant, then it becomes relevant to examine the culture of bigotry prevalent in the police force.

That is a wild accusation you pulled out of your hat (or elsewhere) and it shows your blind and irrational hatred.

The police were actually risking their lives in saving the lives of muslims being terribly outnumbered. For example in the case of Gulbarg society while people like to talk about the people who got killed by the mob, no one seem to talk about the hundred odd muslims who were saved by timely intervention by the police.

For Modi himself, while no one is suggesting that he personally gave orders to the police to misbehave, the question is whether he condoned a culture of bigotry and prejudice. Granted, it is probably not legally punishable, but it does say something about the man's attitudes.

How clever shifting the argument into a subjective moralistic plane thereby obviating the need to prove the wild claims !
@Developereo Its not the perception, its damn truth. Yaar, seriously, you guys don't read about Indian news, Human rights watch reports, and then come and pass judgement about something you don't have any idea about.

Muslims have Hindu friends, who have power, they can do anything as long as they have influential and selfish Hindus. MLA from my region used to be a Muslim, now a backward caste.

SP of the region is Yadav,

Yet more statistics.
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More hard statistics.

You're a champion!

Perhaps you did not read the rest of the post in which I said I have no obligation to prove anything to a Pakistani who harbors a blind,irrational hatred towards anything Modi in specific and India,Hindus in general.

You are a closet bigot who couches his Islamism in clever words. Some people fall for it, but many dont. :)
Yet more statistics.
How am I supposed to prove to you. You don't accept facts and statistics.

Sorry to say, as usual, you deny everything Indians say.

You don't accept logic

You don't accept facts, and statistics.

You question official statistics.

You ignore the money making NGOs.

You have zero knowledge of Indian social system.

You don't listen to Criminal Psychology.

You don't accept Police are humans too and are used by BJP and COngress both.

You don't accept that Muslims also commit crimes in India.

So, I rest my case. No need to reply. I don't have to tell you anything. Research about it and then talk to me.

So, Zionists controlling the world media? Is Modi a Zionist?
Zioniist, Illuminati, Crusader, Knights Templar, call him anything. They believe everything that is anti-Muslim or secret society. :rofl:
KS I gave him links of all the riots detailed in one link. He didn't even read it.

Because the topic here is Modi and the 2002 riots.

That is a wild accusation you pulled out of your hat (or elsewhere) and it shows your blind and irrational hatred.

The police were actually risking their lives in saving the lives of muslims being terribly outnumbered. For example in the case of Gulbarg society while people like to talk about the people who got killed by the mob, no one seem to talk about the hundred odd muslims who were saved by timely intervention by the police.

"India's National Human Rights Commission (NHRC), an official body, found evidence in the killings of premeditation by members of Hindu extremist groups; complicity by Gujarat state government officials; and police inaction in the midst of attacks. The NHRC also noted "widespread reports and allegations of well-organized persons, armed with mobile telephones and addresses, singling out certain homes and properties for death and destruction in certain districts-sometimes within view of police stations and personnel," suggesting the attacks may have been planned in advance."

United States Commission on International Religious Freedom: Countries & Issues: Countries of Particular Concern: INDIA

How clever shifting the argument into a subjective moralistic plane thereby obviating the need to prove the wild claims !

No one is shifting anything. We accept the Indian SC verdict that Modi escaped the legal noose. The debate here is about his conduct.
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