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@Developereo WoW. You are generalizing entire India over few Indian posters ? Don't you hate Muslims generalized all over the world due to acts of few.

1.5 billion Muslims, 900 million Hindus. Draw the conclusion.

Police are also human beings. They have seen Muslim men going free raping and converting girls under Congress Rule. But not all were complicit. Don't you have rogue Army officers and Police men.

And Police in India don't have sophisticated equipment and weapons to control sudden riots. The major killing happened in 72 hours.

Best analogy, the case of Mob attacking Police station to bring out the man charged with Blasphemy and burnt him alive. Happened in Pakistan.

Should I also post videos of those 2 boys beaten to death in Pakistan, hanged in open while Police was standing right beside them.

Should I post case of Sarfaraz who was killed by Security forces.

Police is also susceptible to Riots.

Leave it buddy, you don't want to see the obvious. For you, only Muslims are killed in Godhara whereas in Reality Riots were started when 58 Hindus including 25 women and few children were burnt alive by Muslim Mob.

Do you even know why its called Godhara riots ?

Also, 290 Hindus were also killed.

Now tell me, why Hindus got killed if we have Hindus in majority ?

I know you won't accept anything. You justify every terrorist act against India as Jehad and Freedom struggle for Kashmir.

A question, can I put the title THINK TANK in my avatar like Develop.. whatever..
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A question, can I put the title THINK TANK in my avatar like Develop.. whatever..
Always focus on Posts. Whenever you discuss something serious, have all facts and figures with reference. Title doesn't matter. :enjoy:

For trolling, there is always Member's club. :D
Always focus on Posts. Whenever you discuss something serious, have all facts and figures with reference. Title doesn't matter. :enjoy:

For trolling, there is always Member's club. :D

So I personally cannot put it right?

How can someone who dished out that kinda post become a think tank?
It does not beg anything, just that they are not above the law. Victimization will happen to whichever community which produces the most anti-social elements, you have to live it.

The victimhood mentality is in the majority view that Hindus are too soft and taken advantage of.

Its like saying your intelligence agency, ISI, was complicit in 26/11. Don't you guys vehemently oppose the idea based on lack of proof, why these double standards by a think tank?

The issue is the responsibility of the chief executive when official elements misbehave. The misconduct of active, on-duty Gujarat police is a documented fact. Any involvement by active ISI officials is mere conjecture and accusation.

I do not know how you claim about the ongoing hostility, taking a sample of members in PDF and extrapolating it to the whole population of India is stupid to say the least.

It's not just PDF. As I mentioned, it's the online presence in general, including facebook and other forums. It's the newspaper comments sections. It's the support for Ayodha. It's the demand for more such demolitions.

@Developereo WoW. You are generalizing entire India over few Indian posters ?

See just above.

Police are also human beings. They have seen Muslim men going free raping and converting girls under Congress Rule. But not all were complicit.

What you are suggesting is this selective use of injustices to legitimize anti-Muslim bigotry is widespread even in the police force.

Mob attacking Police station

The difference is that no sane person was excusing the police's behavior or providing justification.

Now tell me, why Hindus got killed if we have Hindus in majority ?

Of course there will be casualties on both sides. The issue, once again, is less about the people rioting, but more about police complicity.
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Both countries have a zero tolerance towards dissent. Singapore is authoritarian when it comes to social harmony - and they keep a tight lid on dissenting voices . For those 11 million muslims in China for whom you ask why no riots. Guess you keep your eyes glued closed to any negative news from China . FYI, there were riots in 2009 and the govt. promptly put them in place.

You have to give credit to China when it comes to total control for the sake of their nation's unity, anti-govt protests or communal riots are swiftly put down.

Singapore also has 15% Muslims, and 11 millions (muslims) in China.
Tell me why there are no riots there?
The victimhood mentality is in the majority view that Hindus are too soft and taken advantage of.

:lol: if you know anything about India you will disagree, the victim card is played by Muslims and those Hindus who support these self proclaimed muslim victims.(No prize for guessing who they are/)

The issue is the responsibility of the chief executive when official elements misbehave. The misconduct of active, on-duty Gujarat police is a documented fact. Any involvement by active ISI officials is mere conjecture and accusation.
The Supreme court of India says that he cannot be held responsible for a few elements who misbehaved, since you believe some facts and turn a blind eye to the other may I ask how many such cases were documented?

Also, is there any fact that the order to misbehave came as an order?
You are making insane accusations and failing to see these loop holes in the propaganda created by some people.

It's not just PDF. As I mentioned, it's the online presence in general, including facebook and other forums. It's the newspaper comments sections. It's the support for Ayodha. It's the demand for more such demolitions.
Oh and we have crazies in our part of the world too, you are not listing facts but believing in something which you yourself cannot quantify, need I say more?
@Developereo, Sir, your same old points against MODI serves no purpose.

Instead the more you bash him the more Indians will unite behind him.

There was a survey conducted by an Indian News Channel at two occasions here are it's results:

Mid - 2011 -------> 12% people favorable of Modi as the PM.

Jan - 2013 -------> 48% people favorable of Modi as the PM.

Now, you can bash him as much as you want, but the fact remains that more & more people are becoming favorable of Him in India.

Obviously, 4-fold rise in popularity in just 18 months is not a JOKE.

Even people from South India, where BJP has simply no ground are in favor of Modi & ready to vote for BJP come 2014.

This Man has really something in him.

And not only Indians, but even Pakistani industrialists dream of applying Gujarat Model there.

When one's Biggest Enemies comes to his Support than it's more than a VICTORY.

We have seen the same accusations for the last 10 years or so, not just here, but Indian news channels themselves are his biggest critique.

If this is the case, have you ever imagined why his popularity is increasing each passing day??

AND comparing him to HITLER is shear BS, as Hitler was a DICTATOR, he din't came to power first time on the basis of majority votes but just on technicalities which he exploited very well.

Whereas in case of India unless majority of Indians aren't really in favor of someone, no one can come to power based on technicalities, it's literally IMPOSSIBLE.

If Indian People like him to become PM, they will elect him, otherwise he stands no chance.

Now what is coming next, raising questions on the choices of Indian people as well??
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@Developereo You can't understand the dynamics of Riots.

Mob behavior in riots bring animal out of normal people. Look at the level of inhumane things they do in anger, surrounded with angry people, and deep hatred which rises suddenly.

Kindly read about Mob behavior in Riots.
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Hitler was also a good organizer and leader.

He also used the Jews as scapegoats to convince the German people they were victimized by Jews.

To be honest,

Like Hitler,so many people have massacred people randomly in so many countries and in so many eras,there always is a political reason to massacre innocent people and this happens not only amongst humans but also in animals and this is normal.
@Developereo You can't understand the dynamics of Riots.

Mob behavior in riots bring animal out of normal people. Look at the level of inhumane things they do in anger, surrounded with angry people, and deep hatred which rises suddenly.

Kindly read about Mob behavior in Riots.

We're going in circles.

Once again, the issue is not the behavior of mobs -- mobs are, by definition, beyond reason or control.

The issue is the conduct of the police officers. You are right that police officers come from, and reflect, the prejudices ingrained within the larger community. It is, however, the responsibility of the senior management and, ultimately, the chief executive to make sure personal biases do not affect professional conduct. If the organization suffers from a culture of widespread prejudice, then the higher management makes be held responsible.

You yourself, despite being one of the more balanced posters, believe in and perpetuate the myth that Muslim men rape Hindu women without consequence.

Now, we both know that in India, as elsewhere in the region and poor countries in general, most rapes are not reported and most reported rapes are not successfully prosecuted. So, when a Muslim man is accused of raping a Hindu girl, it becomes a media phenomenon. If he is released, then certain groups hype it up to score political points (against Congress).

What matters, however, are the total numbers. If 1000 rapes go unpunished, and 900 are by Hindu men and 100 by Muslim men, then you can always focus on the 100 Muslim men and make a story out of it. Did anyone pay attention to the 900 Hindu men who escaped punishment? How many of their victims were non-Hindu?

My point is that you guys are actually proving how Muslim-bashing features so prominently in the anti-Congress propaganda.
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We're going in circles.

Once again, the issue is not the behavior of mobs -- mobs are, by definition, beyond reason or control.

The issue is the conduct of the police officers. You are right that police officers come from, and reflect, the prejudices ingrained within the larger community. It is, however, the responsibility of the senior management and, ultimately, the chief executive to make sure personal biases do not affect professional conduct. If the organization suffers from a culture of widespread prejudice, then the higher management makes be held responsible.

You yourself, despite being one of the more balanced posters, believe in and perpetuate the myth that Muslim men rape Hindu women without consequence.

Now, we both know that in India, as elsewhere in the region and poor countries in general, most rapes are not reported and most reported rapes are not successfully prosecuted. So, when a Muslim man is accused of raping a Hindu girl, it becomes a media phenomenon. If he is released, then certain groups hype it up to score political points (against Congress).

What matters, however, are the total numbers. If 1000 rapes go unpunished, and 900 are by Hindu men and 100 by Muslim men, then you can always focus on the 100 Muslim men and make a story out of it. Did anyone pay attention to the 900 Hindu men who escaped punishment? How many of their victims were non-Hindu?

My point is that you guys are actually proving how Muslim-bashing features so prominently in the anti-Congress propaganda.

Bashing the conduct of a muslim does not mean islam-bashing. Just like bashing the conduct of Ram Singh (of the delhi rape case infamy) does not mean hindu-bashing.

get of the insecurity bandwagon.

And the conduct of the police officers in the riots were exemplary. The riots were controlled within 72 hours and it was also prevented from spreading to other parts of the state even though the police were hopelessly outnumbered in the face of mobs.
Bashing the conduct of a muslim does not mean islam-bashing. Just like bashing the conduct of Ram Singh (of the delhi rape case infamy) does not mean hindu-bashing.

We're talking about people who play with statistics to claim trends which can not be substantiated when full facts are considered.

No one is denying that Muslims commit crimes; the issue is the claim that they escape punishment compared to Hindus. It's the old Hindu victimhood parade on display again.

Not that I expected you to be intellectually honest about it.
No one is denying that Muslims commit crimes; the issue is the claim that they escape punishment compared to Hindus. It's the old Hindu victimhood parade on display again.

No actually its your "Islam-katrey mein" insecure mentality that is on parade.

and yes, in many cases the Govts turn a blind eye to their acts so as to not loose their votes

Not that I expected you to be intellectually honest about it.

Nor I can expect you to be.
@Developereo Sir, I am balanced poster so I research and talk to people who knows ground reality. Do you know it was controlled in 72 hours. No riots in India of this magnitude was controlled in this period of time.

So, when a Muslim man is accused of raping a Hindu girl, it becomes a media phenomenon.
Sir, you don't know vote bank politics in India. Congress, SP, etc. are the real culprits. I know about Indian conditions than you. How much time have you invest in researching about this subject ?

Read this thread.

Sir, I ask you to listen to what Indians have to tell you. Do you think I support rioters ? I hate Congress where Rioters were given free hand in 1984.

You have to ask yourself a question, why Congress comes into power over and over again. But, I think I can't tell you the reality on ground on a forum. I have given you links, who controlled Police, Congress used Police too. I hate Rath yatra and Babri Masjid issue politicized by BJP at that time.

Do you know Gujarat has highest % of Muslim Policemen. Modi has been cleansing these corrupt Police, the Police involved in Riots, those who gave testimony against Modi on cue from Congress.

Sir, I have seen by my own eyes when an influential member of society got 2 of his people away from Murder charges by just talking to SP of the region.

A govt. employee is caught with Rs 50 crore worth of cash, property in Bihar yesterday. And he is just the tip of the Iceberg.

Police is used as extended arm of parties in many or rather say almost every states.

Open up your mind to look from my POV. I used to think like you when Godhara happened. I have been reading, asking and researching about this riot.

After Godhara, there are more Muslims and Hindus killed in riots, where the administration and Police knew there will be fight and clashes, they did nothing. One happened in my state Rajasthan few days ago. Same in Assam, UP, and other parts of country.

These so called Secular and High Moral people of India don't know what they are fed with and what is the actual reality.

Sometimes Truth is Stranger than Fiction.
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