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Mirage should be hand over to navy

Inspired Alert 1995 and Inspired Alert 1997 It was USS Kitty HAWK. Wing Cmd Faisal S. and Sqd Iqbal In MirageIII
PAF has been involved with CENTO Exercises since 1964

Was it the whole fleet or was it the solitary carrier? If it was the whole fleet then the Mirages are awesome machines but if it was the sole aircraft carrier then it was accomplished by the Jaguar IM of IAF. So it is the whole fleet that comes with the carrier called as the CBG which is the real threat.
Inspired Alert

The "Inspired" series of combined US-Pakistani military exercises is scheduled by the US Central Command. INSPIRED ALERT is a naval air exercise conducted between USN and USMC fixed wing aircraft and Pakistani Air Force.

The "Warhawks" of Strike Fighter Squadron 97 (VFA-97) ... participated in Operation Inspired Alert with the Pakistani Air Force, during which they flew with and against Pakistani F-7, Mirage F-1 (Correction: Mirage III and V), and F-16 aircraft. This provided the pilots with valuable training against dissimilar fighter aircraft.

In March 1997 USS Cowpens (CG 63) participated in Exercise Inspired Alert off the coast of Pakistan. Held in conjunction with Pakistan's military, the exercise provided training for surface and aviation units from both nations. The San Diego-based guided missile cruiser coordinated 380 sorties simulating bombing runs, air strikes and air-to-air combat scenarios by Carrier Air Wing 11 aircraft from USS Kitty Hawk (CV 63). According to Operations Specialist 1st Class Randy Hamilton, of Santee, Calif., the most valuable part of the exercise was the "mutual training and interaction between the United States and Pakistan." Hamilton noted that while Pakistan operates familiar aircraft and other military equipment, their tactics and maneuvers differ from those used by U.S. pilots.

During the WestPac 1997 cruise, the VAW-117 Wallbangers on board the USS Kitty Hawk (CV 63) had the unique opportunity to fly with the Pakistani Air Force in an exercise dubbed ‘”Inspired Alert”. “Inspired Alert” was a series of overland power projection strikes coupled with joint air combat maneuvering scenarios in which the Wallbangers provided the essential link from strike planning, Command, Control and Communication, (also known as C3), to all fighter close control.

The U.S. Navy's Constellation Battle Group engaged in bilateral air and surface military exercise with elements from the Pakistani Air Force and Navy off the coast of Pakistan in the waters of the Arabian Sea Aug. 8-12, 1997. The purpose of this training mission was to exercise joint-combined naval and air capabilities of both forces, improve their respective levels of readiness and interoperability and enhance military relations between the two nations.

This exercise incorporated both surface ship and air components, dubbed Inspired Siren 97-2 and Inspired Alert 97-2, respectively. While the aircraft carrier USS Constellation (CV 64) and her embarked air wing, Carrier Air Wing TWO, were engaged in air training during Inspired Alert, the remainder of the battle group conducted Inspired Siren, which includes training in tactical maneuvering, electronic surveillance, gunnery events, air defense exercises, deck landing qualifications and formation steaming between surface vessels from Pakistan and the U.S.

During the four day exercise, the navy and marine corps team, who comprise CVW-2, engaged in Dissimilar Air Combat Training (DACT), overland strikes, War at Sea Exercises (WASEX) and Weapons Delivery Training (WDT). The air wing anticipates that by the end of the exercise, over 150 sorties were flown between the two nations in accordance with the established intensive training schedule. The joint-combined exercise also included an opportunity for Pakistan Air Force (PAF) and CVW-2 pilots to exchange hops in each other's aircraft, providing a unique glance at foreign platforms.

According to Lt. David Burnham, a pilot assigned to CVW-2's Fighter Squadron Two (VF-2), "Inspired Alert 97-2 offers a pilot the unique opportunity to fly against platforms he may face as a potential adversary elsewhere in the world." Cmdr. Scott Stewart, VF-2's executive officer and head coordinator for Inspired Alert, echoed Burnham's position, "To face off in the ACM arena with F-7's, Mirage III's and F-16's is what every fighter pilot dreams of. The Pakistani's are very professional pilots and gracious hosts," he said. "I am confident that Inspired Alert 97-2 will be the training event of the cruise."

This exercise provided CVW-2 the rare opportunity to train head-to-head against another nation and promises mutually beneficial training for all hands involved.
Source: Inspired Alert

As you can see, the exercises used to be quite large scale. Therefore, it is safe to assume many ships and aircrafts would be involved in any particular exercise.
Was it the whole fleet or was it the solitary carrier? If it was the whole fleet then the Mirages are awesome machines but if it was the sole aircraft carrier then it was accomplished by the Jaguar IM of IAF. So it is the whole fleet that comes with the carrier called as the CBG which is the real threat.

It was the whole Fleet coming from Dehran. If you look at a certain point the CBG is not a big threat its jobs is to safeguard the carrier and 2 to 4 fighters can easily get into the Web.
Well if you were born by 1979 Oct than I owe you an apology because in 6 weeks I broke the sound barrier 31 times. :lol::lol::lol::lol: so sorry if I scared you .

Over 1 mach, after breaking sound barrier is there any probabillity that F-16 may crash??
The user "Timberwolf" has posted the detailed account elsewhere. Turns out, I was pretty accurate myself.

1500 HOURS - 30 MAY 1995

Flying a few feet above the Arabian Sea, the two Mirage pilots are impressed by the awesome silhouette of the nuclear-powered Abraham Lincoln as the carrier looms gradually above the sea curvature, dead on the nose. The mission: To penetrate successfully the Carrier Task Force's early warning and perimeter defences and, to deliver a simulated Exocet guided missile attack on "the world's largest warship". The memorable sortie was flown during "Inspired Alert" - a Pakistan-US joint exercise. O.C. No. 8 Squadron, strictly following the ground rules, planned and led a simultaneous multidirectional attack profile against CVN-72, in an attempt to overload its defence. As two of the three Mirage pairs turned away, the lead Mirage carried out a simulated Exocet "launch" from several miles away, without meeting any of the ship's fighters. The Squadron Commander and his wingman later did a friendly fly by at the carrier's side, perhaps just as surprised as the Lincoln's crews, at the missed interception.

Wing Commander Asim Suleiman Leader and O.C. No 8 Squadron
Flight Lieutenant Ahmed Hassan Wingman

It was the whole Fleet coming from Dehran. If you look at a certain point the CBG is not a big threat its jobs is to safeguard the carrier and 2 to 4 fighters can easily get into the Web.

Wouldnt the Mirage of today be facing the advanced radars and LRSAMS. What made the Mirage get inside such powerful radar coverage? Please explain it to me. The Mirage is a wonderful aircraft but getting into the web of the Radar coverage that seems to be impregnable seems really good to me.
Nice posts guys!! keep it up...

a question.. How could Mirages stay undetected to Hawkeye? Was the carrier itself the only sea base hurdle for mirages?? what happend to Air defence battle fleet?
Nice posts guys!! keep it up...

a question.. How could Mirages stay undetected to Hawkeye? Was the carrier itself the only sea base hurdle for mirages?? what happend to Air defence battle fleet?

usually once you fly at ultra low level at sea , or when the sea is rough, there is alot of sea clutter on the radar scope. usually any AEW or AWCAS developed for see has a very high clutter rejeciton capability. But once some one flies so close to the sea then it gets a bit hard to get them on the scope. more over you try to distract the enemy by showing a dummy force on there side.
Seems to me that it is all about tactics. The PAF pilots came up with new tactics that allowed them to beat the interceptors. One of the main reasons this worked was because the US Navy would not be aware of the new tactics being used against them - they would only be able to prepare for the ones that they know about.

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