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Mirage should be hand over to navy

12 Mirages are Already Dedicated to Navy By PAF. They are Reserved for Naval Operations and Navy Can call them anytime if they need them But PAF pilots Fly those Mirages and are operated/Maintained by PAF. Adding few More Mirages to Navy will Enhance their Capabilities.

I think its a Good idea to Dedicate more mirages to Navy, Until there is some Life Left in those mirages and then later on PAF can Dedicate 2 or 3 Squadrons of JF-17 Thunder for Pakistan Navy.

Navy Uses Mirages For Anti Ship Missions and these Mirages are Armed with Chinese and American Anti Ship Missiles.
I was doing a research on all the navies and most of the prominent navies in the world has its own army and air force. I just dont get it in US the navy's army has its own air wing too. Wierd! Imeant the Marine's aviation wing.
I was doing a research on all the navies and most of the prominent navies in the world has its own army and air force. I just dont get it in US the navy's army has its own air wing too. Wierd! Imeant the Marine's aviation wing.


MARCOS and shore based maritime strike platforms ...........and later aircraft carriers and landing ships of its own....

I think Yo need to realize that first a navy need ships ...once yo got the ships then try asking for planes...and handing over planes means a complete new establishment , infrastructure, so let them get their chips first

yes u r very right we lack too much in ships
12 Mirages are Already Dedicated to Navy By PAF. They are Reserved for Naval Operations and Navy Can call them anytime if they need them But PAF pilots Fly those Mirages and are operated/Maintained by PAF. Adding few More Mirages to Navy will Enhance their Capabilities.

I think its a Good idea to Dedicate more mirages to Navy, Until there is some Life Left in those mirages and then later on PAF can Dedicate 2 or 3 Squadrons of JF-17 Thunder for Pakistan Navy.

Navy Uses Mirages For Anti Ship Missions and these Mirages are Armed with Chinese and American Anti Ship Missiles.

12 mirages are not enough

i think 25 mirages and 30 JF 17 for navy would do a very good job i hope they will carry RAAD cruise missile to hit indian ships and long range C 302 cruise misssile which we bought from china
12 mirages are not enough

i think 25 mirages and 30 JF 17 for navy would do a very good job i hope they will carry RAAD cruise missile to hit indian ships and long range C 302 cruise misssile which we bought from china

One of the things that a senior poster on our sister froum pointed out is that Mirages are very prone to corrosion in the salty sea environment.we may have them in that role but only because we do not have a better option.
What are the members thoughts on dedicating 2 squadrens of either F16s Block30s or Block 15OCU bought as EDAs
The advantages are longer range and loiter time, less prone to corrosion, more weapons pylons, better load carrying capability,and because of existing infrastructure, less cost than any other platform. The other option may well be J10s,which have all the above advantages and are also sanction prone.
Please feel free to discuss.However, i dont know how corrosion prone they would be.
well i think setting up a NAVAL AIR ARM with fighters will be costly and will take alot of trainning and resources and we are already a cashed strapped military....we can't do it....it is better 2 operate 2 squardons of PAF in specific naval escort role. Naval Air Arm is necessary for big nations that have to defend more than 500 or 600 nautical miles of sea area...pakistan's offical sea area under its control is just 200 nautical miles that is a short area to defend...we don't need a proper naval air arm for it.
I said after replacing wth JF-17 n u knw very well that only 8 JF-17 r in service so i m nt saying that they must be replaced at once

So its better that read the post carefully
I read you post carefully, still.....i have all my doubts that maintaining a fleet of mirages that to after being phased out would be viable....they are already having a good amount of support from PAF and thats all they need...wat they need is a bunch of High tech destroyers...
12 Mirages are Already Dedicated to Navy By PAF. They are Reserved for Naval Operations and Navy Can call them anytime if they need them But PAF pilots Fly those Mirages and are operated/Maintained by PAF. Adding few More Mirages to Navy will Enhance their Capabilities.

I think its a Good idea to Dedicate more mirages to Navy, Until there is some Life Left in those mirages and then later on PAF can Dedicate 2 or 3 Squadrons of JF-17 Thunder for Pakistan Navy.

Navy Uses Mirages For Anti Ship Missions and these Mirages are Armed with Chinese and American Anti Ship Missiles.

Which budget does the money come from for these planes? Navy or Airforce?
...wat they need is a bunch of High tech destroyers...
Our surface fleet is very vulnerable, thanks to Mig-29Ks. Untill we have an aircraft carrier or some long range J-10s or J-11s or air-refueling probe equipped JF-17s + Air Refuelers, I would put my bet on more sophisticated Subs, and ASW aircrafts.
Which budget does the money come from for these planes? Navy or Airforce?

Its not an Important Issue. Their Expenses are Paid by the Govt of Pakistan for Defence spending. If you want to Know they are Operated by PAF and PAF is Responsible for their Maintenance and all the issues including Finance.
Its not a bad idea to have anindependent air arm with Navy but that all depends upon the doctrine of Pakistan Navy. I think first thing first i.e., subs, surface ships and surveillance aircrafts, since we dont have to defend a long sea shore we can maintain couple of squadrons of Mirages alongwith J 10s.

It does not matter what enemy has its only matters what we have.
Its not a bad idea to have anindependent air arm with Navy but that all depends upon the doctrine of Pakistan Navy. I think first thing first i.e., subs, surface ships and surveillance aircrafts, since we dont have to defend a long sea shore we can maintain couple of squadrons of Mirages alongwith J 10s.

It does not matter what enemy has its only matters what we have.

Why do you think the only job of the Navy is to defend your coastline? The navy can do much more than that. It can project power, it can be used for chest thumping, instills pride, act as an elongation to your diplomatic effort. There are lots more a navy can do which the army and air-force can only dream of doing. The Pakistani navy must have its own independent airwing and its own LPDs if not aircraft carrier.
Presently the navy shall continue to rely on PAF for the fixed wing fighters. Perhaps after their present modernization is over they shall evaluate the possibility of having a dedicated fixed wing force.
Why do you think the only job of the Navy is to defend your coastline? The navy can do much more than that. It can project power, it can be used for chest thumping, instills pride, act as an elongation to your diplomatic effort. There are lots more a navy can do which the army and air-force can only dream of doing. The Pakistani navy must have its own independent airwing and its own LPDs if not aircraft carrier.

Every country's navy has his own doctrine, Pakistan Navy is a defensive force plus we have a limited budget. we cant afford luxuries like aircraft carrier, whatever we are maintaining or buying I believe its already beyond our limits.

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