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Mirage should be hand over to navy


Jan 23, 2009
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I think PAF should replace the mirages with Thunder n Mirages should be hand over to navy after some needed upgradations
It will enhance the navy's strike capabilities
I think PAF should replace the mirages with Thunder n Mirages should be hand over to navy after some needed upgradations
It will enhance the navy's strike capabilities

I think you should give us the range of anti-ship weapons it can carry , combat radius, etc and tell us why you think the Mirage is well suited for the Navy rather than the JF-17.
I think Yo need to realize that first a navy need ships ...once yo got the ships then try asking for planes...and handing over planes means a complete new establishment , infrastructure, so let them get their chips first
Folks, PAF operates a squadron of Mirage Vs on behalf of PN for anti-ship attack purposes.
LRMPAs and choppers are operated by navy...NOT PAF...PAF supports through fighters
The pilots are trained and provided by the airforce... So why naming it Navy. They could hire a few squadrons from PAF but leave the maintenance etc to PAF.
The pilots are trained and provided by the airforce... So why naming it Navy. They could hire a few squadrons from PAF but leave the maintenance etc to PAF.

Very True,but I think it's a good idea,the Navy should have it's own air arm,the Mirage was very succesful during the Falklands war with the potent
I think Yo need to realize that first a navy need ships ...once yo got the ships then try asking for planes...and handing over planes means a complete new establishment , infrastructure, so let them get their chips first

I said after replacing wth JF-17 n u knw very well that only 8 JF-17 r in service so i m nt saying that they must be replaced at once

So its better that read the post carefully

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